Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 675 - One-Year Plan

Chapter 675 - One-Year Plan

Chapter 675: One-Year Plan

As for Meng Chao, his situation was a little special.

First of all, his basic thoughts belonged to the Home Party.

He was born from a poor family, and just like the other members of the Home Party, he grew up seeing too many of the internal problems in Dragon City.

The harm and suppression between humans brought forth a conflict that was just as great as the conflict between humans and monsters as well as between Earthlings and the Other World races.

In his previous life, due to the conflict between Meng Chao and his rich class rep, he was set up by his class rep, causing him to fail his national college examination and losing in life.

His father was also exploited until he had nothing left by a major industry. He could not get any good labor and medical insurance, and despite the fact that he had suffered an injury during work, the case was dragged on, and in the end, the case was never settled.

What they experienced was just something plenty of the other families living at the bottom of Dragon City experienced.

With so many internal conflicts, even if its fighting strength increased by ten times, would Dragon City really be able to conquer the Other World?

Besides, Meng Chao also got to know a few hundred thousand broken-star superhumans through Broken Star Club.

Most of them were from poor families and had the same frustrations and lives as Meng Chao did in his previous life. While they were fighting against the mega corporations and the rich, they ran into similar setbacks and suffocating pressure.

Compared with how Dragon City was going to make the pie bigger, they were more concerned over how to split the pie.

That was why most of the Broken Star Club members belonged to the Home Party.

It was also one of the reasons why Blue Home, which was the Home Party’s core organization, did its best to invite Meng Chao to be one of Blue Home’s directors. He was the club leader of Broken Star Club.

The other major reason was that Meng Chao saved a lot of Blue Home higher-ups and core members during the Noble Descent Hotel ambush.

Plus, after Meng Chao became a director of Blue Home, he had indeed managed to promote cooperation between Broken Star Club and Blue Home, causing the advantages the former had at the bottom level of society to fuse with the latter’s power in the Survival Committee, and this allowed the politicians in the Home Party to have a louder voice in parliament.

Meanwhile, during the upgrading of defense systems in old residential areas, which was mainly carried out by the Home Party, aside from having Superstar invest a large amount of funds into it, Meng Chao had also proactively encouraged the other medium-sized and small industries in Broken Star Club to invest in this project so that hundreds of old residential areas could be renewed.

Therefore, Meng Chao’s interests were bound tightly together with the Home Party.

Besides, he was now the leader of the Lair Reconstruction Committee, and he could share this pie together with the Home Party.

It was no wonder why his ranking was becoming higher among the thirteen directors in Blue Home.

Quite a number of Home Party politicians had high hopes for him and believed that he was the flag bearer of the youths in the Home Party, and they used their influence in the Survival Committee to green light multiple projects and funds for Superstar.

The problem was, no one knew that Meng Chao’s soul under his Home Party shell was someone who supported the Colonization Party far more than the nine mega corporations’ owners!

No one knew more than Meng Chao just how turbulent the storm of war would rage in the Other World in the next few decades.

Dragon City did not have ten to twenty years to leisurely digest all the spoils left behind by the monster civilization.

In fact, they did not even have three years for it.

The ultimate war that would rage in the Other World would soon start.

Humans, dragons, elves, dwarves, orcs, giant demons, abyssfolk... and countless other Other World races were polishing their weapons and scheming against each other. They divided themselves into different camps and continuously betrayed, as well as allied themselves with one another. During these schemes, they eyed the weaknesses of the enemy camps and were prepared to launch fatal strikes at them at any moment.

That was just like how Earth was before World War III broke out.

It was calm on the surface, and everything was peaceful, but in truth, turmoil stirred under the surface, and war was about to break out at any moment. josei

The conflicts between quite a number of races were so bad that things were already on the verge of an explosion, and a spark could create a blast so great that everything would be destroyed.

In fact, some of the puppet armies belonging to the stronger races were already at war against other races for their spokesperson.

If Dragon City only rushed out when the war in the Other World had broken out entirely, it would already be too late.

There would no longer be any room for them to maneuver between two political groups after the two main camps were formed, with distinct lines between them.

Meanwhile, Earthlings were the Extraordinary Disaster that was clearly different from the other people in the Other World, so it was impossible for them to get the full trust of any camp. No matter which side they joined, they would only end up as pawns and cannon fodder.

That’s why...

‘We only have half a year, at most one year, to completely get rid of and digest the monster civilization. Then, we must rush out of Monster Mountain Range and seize the window of opportunity before the two main camps finish their final war preparations so that we can get our footing in the Other World!’

Meng Chao gritted his teeth and thought to himself. But this was not going to be easy.

Besides, Meng Chao did not think that the nine mega corporations had the strength to overturn their fate of being destroyed.

It was not just a problem in their fighting strength.

He could remember it vaguely now. In his previous life, once the nine mega corporations enjoyed the glory of being the Extraordinary Disaster for a while, they gradually started to place the interests of their corporations above Dragon City’s. When the main market of a certain corporation shifted to the prosperous civilizations that were far from Dragon City, when worker and consumer numbers for a corporation were gradually comprised of more Other World intelligent life forms than Earthlings, when a large number of high-end magicians and even abyssfolk served as the investors of these corporations, when the controllers of the corporations started practicing the secret arts of the Other World or even secretly worshipped the deities of the Other World to obtain longevity, would these mega corporations still be a trustworthy force that Earth’s civilization could rely on to be an unstoppable force before their enemies?

Plus, since the internal, structural problems in Dragon City were not solved, even when their civilization expanded to its limit, the normal citizens still did not get too many benefits.

Instead, they had to withstand the occasional infiltration of the powerful fighters from the enemy camps into the city, and they also had to withstand the pain of these powerful fighters murdering the people in the city while causing general mayhem.

The methods these magicians, blood elves, and abyssfolk used were much more sinister and brutal than the monsters’.

As a result, as the Dragon City’s civilization spread their sphere of influence further, their unity became weaker. Internal conflict was rife, and the citizens grumbled nonstop, but they could do nothing about it.

When the beautiful bubble of fantasy finally burst, Dragon City’s civilization also collapsed at an astonishing speed.

When the people finally came to a realization that they had to be united and be as strong as a fort, just like they did during the Monster War, it was already too late.

The nine mega corporations did not trust each other and were engaged in a malicious competition.

The rift between the powerful fighters and the third-class fighters, between the superhumans and normal people, and between the rich and the poor had already existed for decades. It was no longer something that could be fixed just because it was a crucial problem.

In the end, it was only natural that they ended up falling to ruin just as quickly as they rose to power.

With this precedent, Meng Chao did not think that the mega corporations could become the main force in expanding their civilization.

At the very least, they must not be the only main force doing so.

‘Dragon City needs balance. It needs a power that can keep the mega corporations in check, and that’s the only way we can walk on steady feet.’ With that thought in mind, Meng Chao began combing through the things he had to do over the next six months to one year.

He hoped that he could continue expanding and become stronger during this crucial one year. He did not need to become something that could keep the mega corporations in check, but at the very least, he needed more authority to let his voice be heard by even the ones sitting high up above him, and perhaps even speak in the Survival Committee himself.

If he wanted to make this dream come true, the most crucial thing was to have unparalleled power.

This was a world ruled by the law of the jungle. Personal strength was the foundation for all power.

Fortunately, Superstar had been growing stronger, and it also received a lot of help from the abnormal beast research department. He also had the great legacy left behind by the Underground Emperor, so he did not lack any cultivation resources.

With the resources beside him, he could join the lair reconstruction project and even the project to upgrade Dragon City, which would then earn him a lot of contribution points.

With resources and cultivation points, time was the only problem standing in his way to blend Divine Nine Dragon Seals together with Celestial Tyrant’s Star Shattering Slash as well as reach higher heights.

Meng Chao was confident that someday in the future, he could become a five-star superhuman and see the secrets of reaching the peak of Heaven Realm.

Next was Superstar.

The industry under his family’s name was definitely the most trustworthy.

After a few years of continuously merging with other companies and developing at lightning speed, Superstar was no longer a small business that was only for low-grade harvesters to fool around.

Now, it had thousands of employees, an independent biochemical research center, and a food processing and canning factory. It could carry out a lot of high-tech industrial work from municipal engineering to providing supplies to the military.

And with Meng Chao’s great foresight, he predicted that the Monster War would end within a short period of time, and at that time, after fiercely harvesting the wild monsters, the harvesting industry would end up as a dying industry overnight.

Instead, taming monsters, modifying monsters, and turning monsters into biochemical technology that would work for humans was the rising industry that would shine brightly in the future. It would also attract countless investments and talented people into it.

After all, if they wanted to take down the Other World, the ten million or so Earthlings were definitely not enough.

On top of that, having the valuable lives of Earthlings wasted in the elves’ forests, the merfolk’s swamps, and the dwarves’ caves was also a loss that caused their hearts to ache.

A monster horde that filled the world and was controlled by Earthlings was the best puppet army for Earth’s civilization.

Hence, Meng Chao had long since been contacting people to bring in the relevant technology and talents from Agricultural University into the company.

Before Spirit Creation Creatures was bought by Superstar, it was one of the leading high-tech industries in Dragon City’s biochemical modification circle.

After buying it, Superstar also bought Spirit Creation Creatures’ president, who was outstanding when it came to administrative work, and he was one of the creators of Spirit Creation Creatures—Xie Xiaofeng.

With Xie Xiaofeng’s managerial abilities and Gao Ye’s technology, Spirit Creation Creatures was able to become the business legend in the past.

Before Spirit Creation Creatures was bought by Superstar, Xie Xiaofeng had been worried to a certain extent.

After all, while Superstar had managed to buy over Prosperous, it was still just a resource recovery industry, and it did not seem to have any abilities to venture deep into the biochemical modification field.

However, Meng Chao’s connections, the deals he brought over, and the investment he managed to land soon let Xie Xiaofeng operate like fish in water, and he could pour his heart and soul into managing Superstar’s affairs.

Meng Chao knew nothing about biochemical modification.

Based on his previous life’s memories, though, he could see the direction where biochemical modification would develop in the future.

Experts like Xia Xiaofeng usually only needed the correct direction and a train of thought for potential development to be able to bring forth explosive energy.

Meng Chao believed that as long as they continued turning the company into something majoring in biochemical modifications, Superstar’s future would definitely exceed everyone’s expectations.

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