Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 713 - Freshmen Reporting for Duty

Chapter 713 - Freshmen Reporting for Duty

Chapter 713: Freshmen Reporting for Duty

Of course, Meng Yishan, Bai Suxin, and Bai Jiacao did not believe him.

However, they did not want to refute Meng Chao’s words. Instead, they treated it as a kind of blessing.

They all narrowed their eyes and thought about the future Dragon City that Meng Chao had been talking about. Even the anti-gravity maglev car could not make it there.

Anti-gravity technology had just been put into commercial use, and it was not easy to apply for the corresponding driving license.

The air traffic was not congested.

The family chatted and laughed, and soon arrived in the airspace where Dragon City University was located.

It was in the traditional cultural and educational district, west of Dragon City.

It was opposite Nine Sands University City in the east of the city where the alliance of five universities was located.

Dragon City University was an old and famous university with two hundred years of history. It was a gathering of elites and had a deep heritage to which the alliance of five universities could not compare.

On that point, there were rows and rows of towering teaching buildings, experimental buildings, and cultivation centers, not to mention the students and staff flying in the sky, as well as the colorful spirit energy that was erupting everywhere.

One could clearly see it just by looking at the three super armored airships hovering in the sky above Dragon City’s main playground.

“Are those also armored airships?”

Bai Jiacao exclaimed, “The scale is too huge. They are like three metal hills floating in the air!”

That was right. They were different from the traditional armored airships that were driven by airbags and crystal engines.

The armored airships hovering above Dragon City University were more than three hundred meters long and fifty meters wide. There were no giant airbags above them. Instead, countless turrets, command towers, and runways that could be used for the takeoff and landing of extraordinary individuals and drones were stacked on top of each other.

The propeller had also been changed from its previous design, which had been exposed and easy to be damaged by enemy attacks. It was embedded in eight metal brackets and could rotate 360 degrees in all directions, greatly increasing the armored airship’s flexibility.

In addition to the propeller, there were four rows of sixteen engine nozzles at the back of this new armored airship.

It seemed that the propeller was used for small-scale maneuvers, while the jet engines with surging spirit energy were the source of its power.

Rather than saying that they were still armored airships, it was more appropriate to say that there was an extraordinary power that lifted the Earth-era aircraft carriers to the clouds.

“Of course, they are armored airships. The new generation of super armored airships jointly developed by the nine mega corporations and Dragon City University is... the future of Dragon City!”

With great emotion, Meng Chao said, “The traditional armored airships adopt a lot of black technologies unique to the Other World, including the crystal engines, which greatly surpass the airships of the Earth era in terms of performance parameters. Despite that, the traditional armored airships are still similar.

“The core technologies are essentially the same. They all rely on the different gas densities to provide buoyancy, drag the pods, and rely on the propellers to fly slowly. josei

“The new generation of super-armored airships use magnetic levitation and anti-gravity technology to break away from gravity. They also use jet engines to replace the propellers as the main source of power.

“With this, regardless of size, firepower, mobility, defense, maximum load, maximum range, the maximum duration of combat, and the changeability, as well as stackability of the tactical modules... all of them have made a qualitative leap.

“Believe me, the traditional armored airship can only help us defeat the monster civilization. This super armored airship can help us dominate the entire Other World!”

Meng Chao remembered that in his previous life, the Dragon City civilization had used the super armored airship as the main long-range attack unit.

At that time, it also had another name that was even more awe-inspiring: the Sky Fortress, or as the natives of the Other World had called it, the Catastrophe Fortress.

It was the symbol of Dragon City.

Countless superhumans had ridden on the Sky Fortress and spread the light of Earth’s civilization to all directions of the Other World.

However, the Sky Fortress was also expensive to build and complicated to operate. Its structure was too precise, so it could be easily damaged in the unstable combat environment of the Other World. Once the super-high-power crystal thrusters were overloaded, they were easy to explode... There were many flaws.

As a result, when the natives of the Other World fought the human army, they would often send out suicide squads made up of dwarves, mages, vampires, or asian dragons to sneak into the Sky Fortress. They would use a great explosion to destroy the ultimate weapons of war that had been built with tens of billions of human capital.

In the end, the Sky Fortress and railway gun had both obvious advantages and disadvantages. They were so obvious that they were like lice on a bald man’s head.

Meng Chao had once thought that it was a mistake to build such an “ultimate weapon of war”.

With so many resources, it would be better to train more Heaven Realm experts or help the peak of Heaven Realm to break through to Deity Realm!

But now, he had changed his view.

In the end, any weapon needed the cooperation of the system in order to exert its greatest power.

The seemingly clumsy railway gun could also kill an Apocalyptic Beast with one shot through clever tactical cooperation.

Today, Dragon City had short-distance transmigration technology on the planet’s surface, which could effectively make up for the shortcomings of the Sky Fortress.

The transmigration device could instantly transport an elite special combat team to the enemy’s rear and turn the world upside down.

Following closely behind would be the Sky Fortress, which could pour out the largest amount of firepower in the shortest amount of time and completely destroy the enemy’s defense.

Moreover, it would send the modules that were assembling more teleportation devices to the frontlines, using firepower as cover to buy more cooling time for the transmigration devices, allowing tens of thousands of human soldiers armed to the teeth to appear, they would appear in front of the natives of the Other World who were confused and overwhelmed.

These two types of technical equipment were simply a match made in heaven.

Meng Chao was looking forward to how powerful the Sky Fortress would be after it was equipped with the teleportation device.

This was the complete version of the “Catastrophe Fortress”!

Bypassing the “no-fly zone” for testing the Sky Fortress, the family found the parking lot for reporting freshmen.

The layout there was very characteristic of Dragon City.

Fresh flowers, balloons, streamers, banners, and smiling seniors... They were all meant to be.

Around them were hundreds of large stereoscopic projection screens, rolling and playing the glorious military exploits of the students of Dragon University in the past half-year, as well as the profiles of the alumni of past years, as well as the items they used and even the medal exhibition.

It was gloriously called to let the new students understand the history and heritage of Dragon University.

The feeling of being rich and powerful was beyond words.

“Look, Wang Dao!”

Bai Jiacao suddenly pointed at the young man on the large screen who was in the middle of a bloody battle in the wilderness and had killed a ferocious Hell Beast cleanly.

Stars of worship appeared in the eyes of the young girl.

Wang Dao was the most powerful newcomer of the Martial Arts Department of Dragon University in the past ten years.

Other than being slightly inferior to Meng Chao in the inter-school tournament, he had never lost to his peers.

He was also one of the young powerhouses of the golden generation who had broken through to the Heaven Realm after Meng Chao.

Furthermore, he was different from Meng Chao, who had disappeared in seclusion in the Supernatural Tower in the past half a year.

Wang Dao had been triggered by his loss to Meng Chao. He had been cultivating like a demon for the past few years, and he was unwilling to let go of the great opportunity to defeat the beast horde. He had nearly fought in the depths of Monster Mountain Range for half a year.

During the half a year, he had fought against every second, day and night. Every second, he danced on the edge of the razor, peering into the mysteries of life and death between the fangs and sharp claws of the monsters.

He had single-handedly killed nearly a hundred Hell Beasts, over a thousand Nightmarish Beasts, and countless ordinary monsters.

Not only had he advanced rapidly on the Hunting Leaderboard, Combat Power Leaderboard, Battle Video Click-Through leaderboard, Social Media Popularity Leaderboard... and other leaderboards, he had surpassed Meng Chao by a large margin. He had also become the new favorite of the media and the idol of countless youths.

There were even many people who believed that Wang Dao was the strongest among the golden generation.

That’s right, he had once lost to Meng Chao in the inter-school competition.

But that was a long time ago.

After all, they were still young and their realms were not stable. There were endless exciting possibilities in the future, and everyone had a chance to soar to the sky.

Now it looked like Wang Dao had learned his lesson and became brave. He had used failure to hone himself into a cold, shiny, and indestructible sword.

Meng Chao did not have any outstanding battle results after the Lair battle.

Besides, many details of the Lair battle were kept secret. It was said that he did not win purely by combat strength, but by strategy and luck.

Perhaps Meng Chao was seriously injured in the battle and paid an extremely tragic price, which was why he was able to obtain the legendary blood medal.

In that case, if the two of them fought again, it was more likely that Wang Dao would defeat Meng Chao.

Influence by these serious online comments and analyses, Bai Jiacao naturally regarded Wang Dao as her idol.

She did not think that Meng Chao would lose to Wang Dao.

However, her brother cultivated the Ultimate Style, but she preferred the Overkill Style, and Wang Dao was the future star of the Overkill Style. If she wanted to imitate him, of course, she could only imitate the latter!

Besides, which sister would idolize her brother? Bah, just thinking about it was so disgusting!

“Brother, Wang Dao is so powerful!”

Thinking of this, Bai Jiacao’s big eyes rolled around and poked Meng Chao’s ribs, saying that the world was in chaos, “In the past half a year, Wang Dao’s battle results have been very eye-catching. Many people say that he is the strongest in the golden generation, and even stole many of your fans. Brother, are you interested in fighting him again?”


Meng Chao yawned and said drowsily.

What a joke. He was a powerful existence who had been ravaged by Battle God Lei Zongchao during the day, and by the ancient black technology at night. He had been ravaged for half a year.

He was used to high-intensity training and unpredictable battles, so he had to participate in the inter-school competition and play house with Wang Dao under the fixed venue and fixed rules.

It was a waste of time.


Bai Jiacao was full of confidence in her big brother, so she was only joking when she asked him.

However, when she heard Meng Chao’s weak answer, she could not help but feel worried, “Big Brother, I feel that every time I see you in the past six months, you look exhausted, dispirited, and on the verge of collapsing. I asked you what you were doing, but you didn’t tell me. Did something happen?”

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