Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 903 - After Being Rescued

Chapter 903 - After Being Rescued

Chapter 903: After Being Rescued

Meng Chao had a slight toothache.

To stop a group of fanatical warmongers from starting an unavoidable war was an extremely difficult task in itself.

Unlike back in his previous life, there was now an additional distraction factor.

It was “Lu Siya,” who had been hijacked by the monster mastermind.

“This is bad.

“The advanced orcs themselves are already very troublesome.

“If Lu Siya escapes into Picturesque Orchid Lake, won’t the weasel fall into the henhouse?

“Who knows if it will cause more trouble than in my previous life!

“No, when I’m rescued, I have to seize every second and ask Lei Zongchao for help. I have to stop LU Siya before she passes through Guillotine!”

Meng Chao looked at the towering cliffs on both sides of the river and made up his mind.

Wait a minute…

“Why are there such high mountains and cliffs on both sides of the Red Dragon River?”

Meng Chao’s pupils constricted.

He remembered that the terrain on both sides of the Red Dragon River from the Hidden Mist Domain to Dragon City was relatively smooth. At most, there were only a few small hills, and they did not pass through any magnificent and steep mountains.

Moreover, after decades of human construction, both sides of the Red Dragon River had been planned as new economic development zones along the river, with factories and docks everywhere.

Fishing boats, ferries, patrol boats, and armored airships on the river also came in an endless stream.

He had clearly drifted for more than half a day, so he should have seen people long ago.

Why did the mountains on both sides of the river become more and more steep, and also more and more desolate?

Meng Chao’s eyes grew bigger and bigger. He desperately struggled and finally drank a mouthful of river water.

He immediately realized that this was not red dragon river water!

Since it contained a special mineral substance, Red Dragon River water was slightly red. It tasted slightly rusty.

The river water there was slightly yellow. When he drank it, it tasted fishy and sweet.

“This is…”

Meng Chao’s mind raced, and he instantly reacted.

In the fierce battle with the aquatic monsters, he was heavily injured, and his consciousness was blurry. He missed the intersection of the two rivers, the most crucial fork.

This was not the Red Dragon River that led directly to Dragon City.

Instead, it was the Raging Tiger River that cut through the monster mountain range and charged straight into the advanced orc territory, Picturesque Orchid Lake!

Before he could recover from this lightning-like reality.

The canyon ahead suddenly contracted like a funnel and became extremely narrow.

The river water also suddenly accelerated without warning.

Meng Chao heard a deafening roar and saw a mist rising from the end of the canyon, blotting out the sky and the Sun.

This was Dragon City’s gateway to the outside world, Killing Tiger Gorge.

In front of him was the super waterfall, Guillotine!

At first, Meng Chao and Lu Siya’s disappearance didn’t attract anyone’s attention.

Everyone knew that the two of them were inseparable cultivation partners. In the past, they often went to the wilderness to cultivate in torrential rains and thunderstorms.

They were all adults. As long as they paid attention to their safety, what was wrong with cultivating for three days and three nights?

Therefore, even Lu Siya’s father, Lu fanghui, only frowned slightly and snorted coldly when he learned that the two of them had disappeared early in the morning.

It was not until after noon, when the rain stopped and the sky cleared, that someone gradually realized that something was wrong.

At this time, the extreme weather had passed, and the spirit magnetic interference around the Hidden Mist Domain had gradually dissipated.

As the entire spirit magnetic environment became more and more stable, wireless communication was restored. Even the communication base station located in the depths of the sinkhole could instantly transmit a large amount of information with the outside of the Hidden Mist Domain.

However, Meng Chao and Lu Siya’s portable communication devices disappeared without a trace.

No matter how many times they were called, there was no response.

This was extremely abnormal.

Since Lu Siya knew that the Deity Realm Conference had ended and Sky Pillar Corporation had benefited a lot. Her father was also the CEO of Sky Pillar Minerals. He would definitely rush to the Hidden Mist Domain to inspect the crystal ore veins.

Lu Siya, who was born as a prospector, had no reason to disappear for an entire day at such a critical moment.

Lu Fanghui immediately became nervous.

On Meng Chao’s side, Long Feijun, the “Railway Gun,” and the other young officers of the Red Dragon Army who were familiar with him, also felt that something was wrong.

They had made an agreement with Meng Chao to study the mechanical martial arts together today.

Meng Chao had always been punctual. Even if his plans changed at the last minute, he would still leave a message in advance.

He realized that something might happen to the two of them.

The two sides immediately sent out a joint search and rescue team.

However, the progress of the search and rescue work was very slow.

Nearly a month of extreme weather, flash floods, and mudslides had completely changed the topography of the Hidden Mist Domain, rendering most of the maps that humans had previously mapped useless.

The gullies marked on countless maps had become swamps filled with mud.

A thin layer of moss quickly grew on the swamps.

At first glance, it looked like a green flat ground.

The slightest carelessness would cause one’s foot to miss, but they would completely sink into the mud.

In addition, the extreme weather had just passed, and the manpower stationed in the Hidden Mist Domain was limited.

To rely on a search and rescue team of only a few dozen people to find two people in the vast sea of forest was no different from looking for a needle in a haystack.

The search and rescue work continued for seven days.

Until a large number of superhumans, including Deity Realm experts, joined the search and rescue team, Sky Pillar Corporation and the Red Dragon Army did not hesitate to mobilize more than 10,000 drones and thinking tanks.

Only then did they find the unconscious Lu Siya in a crevice filled with mud deep in a mountain col.

At this moment, Lu Siya was as thin as a stick. Her body was covered in wounds and her body was burning hot.

It was as if she had experienced an extremely tough and bloody battle. Due to overexertion, she had gone crazy and was in a state of near death.

The shocked rescue team hurriedly sent her to a private hospital under Sky Pillar Corporation.

The results of the comprehensive examination were all over her body. The densely packed wounds that were as chapped as a baby’s lips were still a small matter.

Lu Siya was also infected with dozens of otherworld viruses, including the extremely dangerous super zombie virus and several brand-new archaic viruses found in ruin number two.

It was all thanks to her strong immune system that the virus did not break out and turned her into a deformed monster.

In addition, her brain was severely concussed and swollen to the point that her head almost split open. josei

According to the best brain surgeon in Dragon City, it was “I’ve never seen such a serious concussion. It was as if someone pressed against her brain and fired a railway gun.”

Even if it was cured, there was a high probability that it would leave behind all kinds of sequelae.

Fortunately, after receiving the legacy of the monster civilization, Dragon City’s gene modulation technology and virus interference technology had made great progress.

The zombie virus interference, which was once considered incurable, now had a special medicine — of course, it was a priceless special medicine.

Lu Fanghui, who loved his daughter dearly, wanted to cure Lu Siya’s injuries at all costs.

Lu Zhongqi, the head of the Lu family and a Deity Realm powerhouse, did not care about the heavy injuries he suffered during the fierce battle with the main brain of the monster. He wanted to protect the third generation of the Lu family. He wanted to protect the Lu family’s hope of becoming the leader of the nine families.

The Red Dragon Army continued to search for Lu Siya for three days and three nights. However, they still could not find any traces of Meng Chao.

Instead, they found a large number of traces of fierce battles around Mist Mountain, as well as blood-patterned flower spores and the charred remains of the strange green tide.

They could only devote a large amount of medical resources to Lu Siya, hoping that she would regain consciousness soon and tell everyone what happened that night on Mist Mountain.

After half a month of intensive treatment, Lu Siya finally opened her eyes miraculously.

At the beginning, she was still in an extremely weak state.

The high fever of more than 40 degrees never subsided. Other than rolling her eyes slightly, she could not make any movements. She could not even chew or swallow. She could only use intravenous injection and high-pressure osmosis to directly inject the genetic medicine and high-energy nutrition agents into her body.

However, she was, after all, one of the best among the younger generation in Dragon City. She was a powerful existence who could climb to the peak of the Heaven Realm before the age of 30. Her cell activity was more than ten times stronger than that of superhumans of the same age.

She relied on the meticulous treatment of a divine state expert and the crazy infusion of a huge amount of cultivation resources, in addition to her own incomparably strong desire to survive.

Bit by bit, she filled up her withered cells and dried up spirit meridians.

Bit by bit, she repaired the cracked wounds, causing the ugly crusts to peel off.

Bit by bit, she burned up all the bacteria and viruses that had invaded her body with the shining spirit flame.

Her skin was shining like jade again.

Her hair, which was as yellow as weeds, fell off and was replaced by her beautiful black hair.

When she had just been dug out of the mud, her face, which was as white as snow, had gradually returned to its former plumpness and a touching blush.

However, she didn’t know if she had realized the mystery of life and death when she was unconscious, but her eyes seemed to have become different from the past.

They were like a pair of crystal-clear, unfathomable black crystals.

Sometimes, she could lie on the bed without moving for an entire day, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Her gaze was exceptionally deep, as if she could pierce through the sky and see the stars beyond the sealed atmosphere.

Sometimes, a layer of faint mist appeared in her eyes.

Her consciousness seemed to have fallen into a complicated maze with no exit.

Although she had regained the ability to speak and write,.

She had lost all her memories of that night.

She did not remember what had happened to Meng Chao and herself.

She also did not know where Meng Chao had gone.

It was not strange for a superhuman who had once suffered from spirit energy deviation and severe brain damage to have any sequelae.

Short-term memory loss was only one of the lightest symptoms.

After more than half a month of treatment, the most authoritative medical expert and virologist in Dragon City conducted the last round of tests.

It was confirmed that Lu Siya had a negative reaction to dozens of alien viruses.

Under the condition that her brain was stimulated by electric current, the most extreme mental test was conducted, and her mental index remained between 90 and 110.

This indicated that she had recovered from her mental state to her physical state.

She could end the isolation treatment and return to normal society because Meng Chao’s whereabouts was very important to all forces and her.

With the consent of herself, Lu Fanghui, and Lu Zhongqi, before she was discharged from the hospital, she practiced the secret method of the mind. The top psychiatrist in Dragon City performed a “hypnotic treatment” on Lu Siya.

She gently touched the cortex of her brain with her spirit power to relax her tensed nerves. Under the unconscious hypnosis, she told Lu Siya everything that had happened on Mist Mountain the night before the storm subsided.

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