Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 15

Book 15: Chapter 48

A week went by very quickly. I experienced a different lifestyle while living at Ling Yue’s place for a week. I used to be surrounded by people. I had Lucia, Freya, Nier and so forth around me all the time. I was always surrounded by people I loved. It was sweet, no doubt, but I was busy from morning till night. However, during my time here with Ling Yue, I was allowed to enjoy the bliss of a life that didn’t require me to be busy all the time.

It was a gentle life of peace. Ling Yue basically didn’t have any guests. We met Evelyn and Leah, but the two of them needed to have their own time together, as well. Ling Yue’s estate used to house a dozen people, but there was only the five of us then. It was usually so quiet that it was slightly scary. Nevertheless, because Ling Yue and Liu Yue were by my side, I felt at peace. It was as though we were a very ordinary but blissful family of three. After dinner every day, Ling Yue would wrap her arm around me, and we’d go on a very blissful stroll with Liu Yue. Strolls there were different to strolls in the palace. I didn’t have Luna or guards with me. It was just Ling Yue, who had her arms around mine and Liu Yue, who’d run back and forth, giggling. Occasionally, Ling Yue would tease me by slapping my ass with her tail, or she’d turn her head, allowing me to see her bright and tender smile.

Days where I could live a cosy, blissful family life of three were very rare. It was the first time I experienced that sort of life since coming to this world. One of them was my wife, who loved me, and the other was my cute daughter. I slept with Ling Yue in my embrace at night. In fact, I didn’t even want to wake up. I finally understood why we were taught to have a career before building a family. There are no ambitions to speak of once you have a wife you love. I would’ve forgotten about dragons if I didn’t read stories to Liu Yue every night.

I was pretty much useless at Ling Yue’s place. She handled the daily finances, so there was basically nothing for me to be concerned with. Ling Yue dealt directly with the Imperial Palace. Knowing that Ling Yue was my mistress, the Imperial Palace didn’t dare to delay her work or rip her off. Otherwise, they could forget even fleeing if she wrote me a letter.

Most of my time was spent with Liu Yue. After breakfast, I read books with her, or I’d teach her literacy and basic mathematics. After lunch, I’d nap with Ling Yue. After waking up from our nap, I’d have afternoon tea with her while Liu Yue played around next to us. At night, our family would go for a stroll together. To end the day, we’d sneakily put Liu Yue to sleep, and then Ling Yue and I would engage in intimate relationship research.

A week went by very quickly. I ended up feeling that I should’ve left after two days. I got use to life at Ling Yue’s place over the week. Additionally, Ling Yue, who usually wouldn’t say anything, had her head down in silence when she saw me to the door. I really wanted to cry inside. Liu Yue ran over and adamantly clung to my leg. She cried until she virtually lost her voice. I couldn’t do anything besides crouch down and give her a hug.

I honestly couldn’t continue stalling. If I stayed for a month, Nier and Lucia would be angry. Moreover, there was a lot to sort out with regards to the alliance. I felt bad for dumping it all on Freya. I, too, want to spend time with Ling Yue and Liu Yue, but my main life was in the Imperial Palace. The sort of ordinary family-of-three life wasn’t my prerogative, because I was the King of the North, not a commoner.

“Daddy… Daddy… Please… Please stay… I will be a good girl… Please stay, okay…? Please don’t go… Please…” Liu Yue leaned on my shoulder and loudly wailed. She clung to me with all her might using her two tiny hands.

Ling Yue crouched down to gently grab her daughter’s shoulders. In a soft tone, she said, “Don’t do this, Liu Yue… Didn’t we make an agreement before…? Daddy can only stay at home for one week. Daddy has fulfilled his promise, so don’t make things hard for Daddy… Don’t… cling to Daddy…” I noticed Ling Yue cautiously wiping the corner of her eyes despite saying that to her daughter.

My heart throbbed, but I steeled myself and let go of Liu Yue’s hand. I clasped Ling Yue’s face. She desperately resisted to prevent me from raising her head. She even tried to bite me, but I still caught the sight of her face smothered tears during her struggling.

“Sorry… Ling Yue…”

Perhaps she realised that I had already seen her tears, and therefore stopped resisting. She weakly sat down onto the ground and allowed me to caress her face. She didn’t say a word. She just sat there, biting down on her lips and shedding tears. I gently stroked her face. In a soft voice, she softly replied, “It’s not your fault. This is my decision.”

Ling Yue shook her head. I whimpered. I just couldn’t get the words to come out. Ling Yue was so sorrowful, yet still so determined. She had always been a strong girl. She was so strong that I wanted to cry. I wanted to tightly embrace her.josei

“Ling Yue… Liu Yue… Don’t cry… Don’t cry… I’ll definitely be back… I’ll definitely be back. If you miss me, just come to the Imperial Palace. You can come whenever you like.”

“I will, I will.”

I looked at Ling Yue. She nodded, then vigorously wiped her eyes. She then looked up at me. Her eyes were red, but she had regained her usual determined gaze, nonetheless. She forcefully yanked Liu Yue off me. Liu Yue’s cries almost brought me to tears, too. I watched at her desperately trying to reach out to grab me from her mom’s embrace. Her tiny face was covered in tears. It hurt so much that I virtually couldn’t bear to turn around.

Ling Yue held Liu Yue tightly and shouted at me, “Go. Hurry. Liu Yue will stop crying once you leave. Now hurry.”

My heart throbbed so much that I literally wanted to cry out. My gaze was stuck on my daughter. My feet could barely move. I knew I should leave. Just looking at her wouldn’t allow me to magically stay. I told myself, “I have to go. I can’t stay here forever. I have to leave.”

“Turn around; don’t think and don’t look. Aren’t you going to be back? Don’t stay here, then. Hurry and go; else, you really won’t be able to leave. Don’t make Liu Yue any sadder. You shouldn’t have given her a chance from the start. Hurry. Go.”

I nodded, but my feet felt as though they were rooted in the ground and couldn’t budge. My mind kept telling me to leave, but for some reason, my feet wouldn’t move. In fact, I couldn’t even turn my head. I just looked at Liu Yue. I wanted to go over and wipe her tears.

“Go! Go! Go!!” Ling Yue jumped up, forced my head around, and then shoved me toward the door. From behind, she shouted, “Hurry! Go!”

I heard Liu Yue’s voice from behind, nevertheless. Ling Yue hugged Liu Yue tightly. She softly comforted her daughter. I slowly left.  I walked up to the White Deer King without any goal in mind. My legs felt so heavy that I couldn’t lift them. It was as if I had to drag them over.

The White Deer King was ready. She appeared to be a little frustrated over being left to wait at the door. When she saw me, she peered behind me. She wanted to see if Liu Yue was with me. Noticing her absence, she let out a disappointed sigh. I lingered for a moment before continuing over to her and stroking her neck: “Do you really like Liu Yue?”

The White Deer King nodded. It was the first time she was honest. I smiled helplessly, and then mounted her: “Let’s head back, White Deer King. Let’s go home. Daisy, Nona and Vera are still back at the Imperial Palace. They’re very cute, as well. I’m sure they’ll be the same as Liu Yue in the future; if we have time, I’ll definitely come back here. After all, Liu Yue is my daughter, too.”

The White Deer King snorted, and then turned around to begin heading out. I let out a long sigh: “I truly don’t want to leave. Perhaps I’ve grown used to life here. I really want to live here forever, not concerning myself with anything. I’d be fine just staying here with my family even if it meant I couldn’t keep everything I currently have…”

However, I then helplessly laughed. I left home to go home. Then, I left home to go home. Both places were my home. I was with my family no matter which place I stayed at. I had too many family members. In saying that, I really couldn’t abandon any of them, be it my moms, wives or daughters. All four of my children were my daughters. They were all so cute, so cute that I didn’t want to let go.

I promised myself to be a dutiful father, not just ensuring that I provided them with good lives, but also spending time by their sides. Needless to say, I couldn’t imagine when they got married. I most definitely didn’t want some dimwits next to my cute daughters. I had yet to see a man worth entrusting my daughters with. In fact, I didn’t even want to marry Freya off. I was probably thinking too far ahead, though.

Once I was back, I had something to do. I learnt what I wanted to know most from Ling Yue. It was a fact that dragons had appeared in the North. Dragon Mom gave me a chance at a third life, but I had yet to help her with anything. As her son, I should give my Dragon Mom some attention. I should alleviate her loneliness. I should respect her decision even if she opted to live with her own dragon kin. Until then, everything was fine. Things would start coming together once I located the villagers. It should’ve been a simple task, since I presumed it wasn’t easy for creatures as enormous as dragons to conceal themselves.

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