Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 17

Book 17: Chapter 42

The descending red orb extended the sharp shawl and corpse’s shadows. The scarlet lights made the writhing corpse even more hideous. When he was killed, half of the city’s population surrounded the area as they looked forward to the cry of pain that gave them an instant of shot of joy. Afterwards, nobody was willing to step on even the shadow cast on the ground. The black birds circled the sky and surrounded the corpse.

The crows looked forward to their feasting hour, but they were afraid of the sharp shawl and human crowd. Nobody was fond of the crows that feasted on rotten things, yet didn’t mind humanity killing their own kind via such an excruciatingly cruel method. Only the crows were going to tolerate the human corpse.

Humanity was an interesting race. Religion was supposed to be used to give themselves hope, kindness and nice things, yet it create countless insane men and triggered slaughters. God was supposed to be a symbol of holiness and beauty for humans, yet under the guidance of their god, they never picked up flowers. Instead, they picked up blades and guns. There was never any harmony or beauty; there was only slaughter and the sinister ambitions humans hid deep within their hearts.

Humanity would never see God. Humanity would never be God’s children. Humanity’s god would never be the elves’ god. Mommy Vyvyan was right. Humanity’s god was just a concept they fabricated. Humanity’s god served humanity, but the true God would never budge for humanity. Gods were just gods. They had no purpose, and they had no obligation to serve humanity. Nevertheless, humanity invented their own god to serve them.

Humanity’s so-called god was the same as the houses and machines that they built. They were things that served humanity. They were merely a concept humans came up with to serve their own purposes. That applied to both the old and new church. They carried out crazy things in the name of their creed. That was so-called religion. That was the so-called human race.


Present time inside a hotel at a street near the church’s street.

The room interior was dark. The sunset was still emitting its weak light; however, the room’s windows and door were sealed shut. The room definitely wasn’t empty, though. It was actually full of seated individuals. Everybody in the building held a golden holy hoary emblem in their hand. All of them were wrapped in black robes. Despite the room packing hot air due to there being no oxygen, not one person dared to stand up, and not one person budged. There were several wooden chests placed to the side in the blazing and dry room.

The sunset didn’t surrender, but the hotel’s lower floor was already packed with humanity’s laughter and the sound of cups clinking. The people and birds on the streets headed toward their respective nests. The day was over. It was another ordinary day for Hilles City despite the little event during the day. But that was all it was, a small event. That was Hilles City, the Phoenix’s Nest. Regardless of how turbulent it was outside, the turbulence would never reach the city. All of the inhabitants believed in their Empress; they believed in the empire. The city was the heart of the empire. Nothing would ever happen there.

“Gentlemen, as we stand here, you must remember our Goddess of Justice’s sword. Our member was killed for no rhyme or reason. We can’t just let it go. The new church has prepared weapons, but they would never have imagined that we’ve stolen the weapons they prepared. Gentlemen, for our friend and for our God, we must now pick up our weapons! Kill all the heretics! The Phoenix’s Nest should be a pure place! Spare no one!”

The sunset’s final ray finally vanished below Hilles City’s walls. The city was going to welcome its own darkness. Everyone had returned to their homes. The others went off to get themselves drunk on alcohol as they waited for the sun to come up again tomorrow.

The Goddess of Justice didn’t just hold a symbolic scale in her hand, as she also held a sword that could maintain the balance. The vow to gather the gunpowder and powder was established in the dark room. Said powder could drive one to madness. When they went on their mad killing spree, they needed the insane drug to erase their humility.


At the inner court of Hilles City’s Royal Palace.

“Your Majesty…” Nier carefully placed dinner down in front of me and then stepped aside.

Nier was afraid that I’d throw the dinner onto the maid as I did before. Still, regardless of how angry I was, I wouldn’t ever do that to my wife. I would never hurt my wife.josei

Nier came back to my side feeling relieved upon seeing me pick up my fork and knife. She gave me a light hug. I cut a piece of meat and put it in my mouth. I muttered, “Did Mom say anything?”

“Her Majesty… wants you to stay in the inner court and calm down before heading to Troy City. Even if you went back now, you wouldn’t be able to sort out the matter in a fair and calm manner. If you head back now, you would only turn Troy City into a river of blood, isn’t that right…? As such, Her Majesty wants for you to calm down here. Then, you can go to Try City to sort out the new church’s matter.”

“My rage will never be appeased. Nier, they are trying to sow discord between Mommy Elizabeth and I. I absolutely cannot forgive people when they bring my family into it. What I want isn’t to ensure this won’t happen. I want to forbid anyone from even thinking about bringing my family into it.”

Nier gave me a gentle nudge. Her expression was unusual. There was a hint of sorrow but also determination. She had resolutely made up her mind on something. Finally, she softly spoke up: “Your Majesty, what I am about to say is what I am thinking. Your Majesty, I am not saying this from the perspective of a Valkyrie, alone, but also as your wife.”

“Speak your mind.”

“Your Majesty, do you feel that as long as we, your family, are involved, you turn awfully hysterical? You said you wanted to become a fair King, but when you handle affairs that involve us, you are never fair. You will kill without a thought for us, which is why lots of people now fear us. They fear you will kill them if they displease us… We all respect Her Majesty, but everyone is fearful of you and us. Fear may be a weapon… however… however, fear can also be a weapon used against you. With respect comes loyalty, but that does not hold true for fear.”

“It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. I instil fear into others to protect you all! That’s how I can protect you.”

“But is it really a good idea for you to shoulder everything for the sake of protecting us?”

“It doesn’t matter. As long as I can protect you all, none of it matters!”

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