Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Drunk

Chapter 20: Drunk

Understanding the question Emir answered seconds later:


The manager nodded in agreement.

"Yes, reputation is a crucial factor. In addition to knowledge, experience, and ability, although the elite students themselves don't need any of that, anyone trying to become one however, must be trusted and known to be reliable in the field. And of course, they need to have accepted a mission to the front lines, at least once. So I'm counting on you to make the most of the next two years and build a strong foundation for yourself."

He leaned forward in his chair, looking at Emir expectantly.

"I will have a further discussion with the academy personnel, and if you survive the front lines and become something special by then, do expect good news."

"Now, regarding your payment, we have increased it compared to the other hunters, considering your excellent effort in protecting the convoy. However, we have deducted the medical fees that amounted to 10,000,000 UC, and the cost of the extra energy pack you received, resulting in a total of 1,300,000 UC. It's a good amount for your first day as a hunter, isn't it?"

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate it," Emir said, checking his current balance on his terminal.

The manager smiled.

"I'm glad to hear that. And I must say, Emir, it's rare to find a hunter who is as skilled and responsible as you are at such a young age. You have a bright future ahead of you," he said, extending his hand for a handshake.

Emir shook his hand firmly, feeling grateful for his kind words.

"Thank you, sir. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations," he said confidently.

"Head down to the reception area, I've already requested that they prepare a hunter's license for you. It's a rank one license, but I'm confident you'll rank up in no time." The manager instructed.

He thanked him again and left the office, feeling satisfied with his earnings.

Descending the stairs to the reception area, Emir noticed a group of hunters huddled around a large screen.

Curiosity got the best of him, and he walked over to see what all the fuss was about.

The screen was filled with various job postings, each with its own reward and difficulty level.

Many of the missions caught his eye, as some were about protecting an outpost in a ruin, while others were about hunting down dangerous monsters that blocked supply routes, and there were also a few about exploring new territories and retrieving lost valuables.

Curiosity satisfied, Emir went up to the receptionist and asked her for his hunter ID.

A few seconds later, a small metallic card weighed in his pocket.

With his hunter ID in hand, he was officially a licensed hunter, which meant more job opportunities and more chances to make a name for himself in the hunter world.

He was about to leave the building when he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

It was Emma, waving over to him to join the rest of the group.

"Hey, Emir, we were thinking of celebrating our success with a drink. Care to join us?" She asked, grinning.

"You seem to be forgetting that I'm only thirteen." Emir replied with an exacerbated voice.

"Oh, I totally forgot you're still a teenager. But seriously, how are you so tall at such a young age? It's not fair!" Emma joked while laughing.

"It is what it is." He quipped.

"Well, I guess it's just us grown-ups then," she said, giving him a playful wink.

"You seem to be misunderstanding something, I only reminded you of my age, I didn't say that I wouldn't drink." Emir winked back.

Emma and the group burst out laughing at his remark, and he couldn't help but join in.

He felt good to let loose and have some fun after the intense situation that they had just gone through.

They headed to a nearby bar, a popular spot among hunters, where they could celebrate their success and relax.

The atmosphere was lively, with hunters of all ages drinking, laughing, and swapping stories about their adventures in the field.

As they settled into their seats and ordered drinks, Emir looked around the room and saw experienced hunters sitting at the bar, exchanging tips and tricks with each other, and new hunters like him, eager to make a name for themselves in the field.

The night wore on, the conversation flowed freely, and he found himself feeling more and more at home in this world of hunters.

It was a tough and dangerous profession, but it was also exciting and rewarding.

Later in the night, as his group began to disperse and head home, Emma pulled Emir aside and gave him a serious look.

"Hey, Emir, I know we were joking earlier, but seriously, be careful with drinking. You're still young, and alcohol can be dangerous if you're not careful."

He nodded, appreciating her concern.

"Thanks, Em, I'll be careful."

"Take care, Emir," she said, giving Emir a warm hug.

"We'll see each other soon."

With that, he said his goodbyes to Emma and Jake.

As Emir walked through the dimly lit city streets, the distant hum of traffic melded with the echo of his footsteps.

Flickering street lamps cast long shadows along the deserted alleys, heightening the sense of isolation, quite the contrast to what he felt some time ago.

Shortly after, even while a bit drunk, his senses picked up footsteps.

It sounded as if someone was following him.

He looked around, but the streets were empty, and there was no one in sight.

Emir quickly got his knife out, feeling a sense of unease growing in his gut.

[You are in a disadvantageous position.] Lyra reminded him.

He remembered his training and rushed towards the nearest wall, waiting for them to approach.

Seconds turned into minutes, and no one has yet stepped out.

When he finally began thinking that he might have been hallucinating, someone jumped in front of him.

And then he heard the sound of a knife waving through the air as it lunged towards him.

Turning towards the sound, he activated his TDS ability and deflected the knife to the ground.

He then picked up the knife and threw it back at his opponent.

The figure dodged the knife, in turn revealing themselves, and Emir saw that it was a tall, muscular man wearing a hooded cloak that obscured his face.

"Who are you?" Emir demanded, readying himself for a fight.

The hooded man grinned menacingly, his response dripping with malice:

"Can't say, a trick of the trade you see, though what I can say, is that... You must die tonight."

His voice echoed against the silent backdrop of the streets like metal scraping against another.

Emir chuckled as they began to circle each other, both fighters eyeing their opponent, anticipating the next clash.

"Then what do I call you?"


"Well... Fuck you Assassin!"


'No reaction? Sad. Let's try again.'

"...You want to kill me? You? I don't know who sent you but they should've brought someone better."

The man just grinned and instead of replying, instantly lunged at Emir with another knife.

'Well, that riled him up.' josei

Emir inwardly snickered as he swiftly dodged to the side, narrowly evading the blade as it whizzed past him.

He countered with a sharp swing of his knife, but his opponent skillfully blocked the attack with his weapon.

He then sent a powerful kick to Emir's stomach sending him tumbling backward.

As Emir struggled to regain his footing amidst the shadows, he looked around for the man but he was nowhere to be seen.

He quickly scrambled to his feet and prepared himself for the next attack, trying to anticipate where his opponent would come from next.

Suddenly, he heard a sound behind him, and with slowed time, he whirled around just in time to witness the man charging at him with a knife equipped with a menacing laser blade.

Emir's body instinctively reacted, narrowly avoiding the searing laser that grazed his arm.

Gritting his teeth, he countered with a swift swing of his knife, yet the man effortlessly blocked the attack, his skill evident.

The man then kicked Emir in the chest again, a move that he anticipated, as he attempted to block it, moving his arms in front of his body.

However, Emir was too weak, so the attack went through, knocking the wind out of him.

Gasping for breath, he struggled to stand back up, as his adversary was already upon him.

The man's blade descended with deadly force, but Emir's agile roll narrowly evaded the strike.

Springing back up, Emir lunged forward, unleashing a powerful thrust of his blade towards his opponent.

The blade caught the man in the shoulder, causing him to stagger backwards and his weapon to clatter to the ground.

Emir seized the moment, capitalizing on the chance he was presented, as he closed in on his opponent with incredible speed.

In one fluid motion, he lunged forward, his blade arched towards his opponent's chest.

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