Omega Summoner

Chapter 1529 Betrayal Of The Followers Of Apophis

Chapter 1529 Betrayal Of The Followers Of Apophis

Eldritch reached the harbor where he met with Seam and Porom. The ship that will be used for traversing the seas was prepared by the Followers of Apophis. All the seafarers that are in the ship are all mind controlled by the Distorted God Apophis.

"Eldritch, do you think that there is something wrong?" Seam asked as she could feel that something is not right.

"I also feel something, but I cannot put my finger onto it. It feels like they are watching us." Porom whispered.

"Just make sure that we arrive at the western continent to get what we need. Since your master has already died, Porom will be the one that will get the reward intended for her." Eldritch stated but he did feel the tense atmosphere at the boat.

Eldritch did not want to say that even he finds the situation precarious. The leader of the Followers of Apophis was actually shocked to see Eldritch arrive. The leader of the Followers of Apophis looked and acted like she did not want Eldritch to be there.

Eldritch and the other followers of the dark gods were at the help of the boat as instructed by the leader of the Followers of Apophis. When the anchor was hoisted up, all the Followers of the Dark Gods were suddenly blown away from the deck of the boat. Some died from the explosion of the spell, some were blasted overboard and there were some that managed to block in time.

"As expected of Eldritch, you were not killed nor blown away." The leader of the Followers of Apophis stated.

"What do you think that you are doing?! Your god took an oath." Eldritch stated as he knew that the Distorted God Apophis took an oath to not betray them.

"Did you really think that our god would be tied down by the universes' measly rules!?" The leader of the Followers of Apophis stated as she gathered energy unto her palms to blast Eldritch away.

"Do you really think that I cannot kill all of you here!?" Eldritch stated but he suddenly heard Porom's scream as his head rolled down on the deck of the ship.

The one who cut off Porom's head is none other than Seam. She did not make Eldritch prepare anything as she immediately created large needles and shot it towards Eldritch. The leader of the Followers of Apophis then released a powerful attack that created a torrent of darkness. She shot it towards Eldritch as his back was turned around.

Eldritch has already used some of his more powerful skill which is why he could only rely on skills that can deal adequate damage. He created a barrier to block the attacks from two direction, but Seam has already penetrated it with her soul weapon. Seam's large scissors could be seen plunged towards Eldritch' stomach.

"I always thought that you would betray me. I just did not know when, but do you think that I did not prepare for this!" Eldritch stated as he immediately transformed into a lesser star spawn.

Eldritch swung his arm which sent Seam flying away and turned towards the leader of the Followers of Apophis. Eldritch wanted to make quick work of the enemy leader but he did not expect that the dark energy she released took the form of a black snake. The black energy snake then bit Eldritch and carried him towards the shore.

Eldritch managed to destroy the black energy snake but the boat was already far away. The boat also disappeared from view as if an invisibility spell was cast upon it. Eldritch could only rampage in the area until his anger died down and thought to follow the boat when Toggua suddenly called.

"The Followers of Apophis! They betrayed us. We were attacked at the harbor when we were about to depart. I am going after them! Seam and her Distorted Goddess has also betrayed us as well." Eldritch stated as he cut communication and followed after the boat.


Toggua heard what Eldritch stated and suddenly burst out in anger. He not only destroyed the communication tablet that he has but his head transformed into a monstrous being. His head transformed into the face of a frog and dragon hybrid.

"It seems that you are in a bad mood." Adrian stated but his statement only made Toggua's anger greater.

Toggua did not control the pressure he exerted and used full power. All the others except for Adrian were now kissing the ground due to the unbearable pressure that the demigod unleashed. Toggua wanted to kill them, but he knew that wasting time here meant that the Followers of Apophis would escape into the area of the Western Continent.

"Consider yourself lucky as your words rung true." Toggua stated as he suddenly rushed towards the port and left Adrian and the others.

"Huah! I can finally breathe!" Levin Cloud and the others stated as they took a deep breath.

"How did you know that they will betray each other?" Frey asked.

"I did not. I just took a guess, but I honestly hoped that what I said was not true." Adrian stated.

"Since we are now at the worst-case scenario, we should head to the western continent immediately. Teleport us there." Levin Cloud stated as he collected himself.

"You are correct." Adrian stated as he started to create the portal when a notification suddenly popped up.

[You cannot Teleport directly to the Western Continent.]

"What the heck?!" Adrian stated as the others could see that his portal suddenly fizzled out.

"Why?" Solstice asked.

"I cannot teleport directly to the Western Continent." Adrian exclaimed.

"Let us ask Cairo what is going on." Peridot stated as she messaged Cairo in the guild chat. A reply immediately registered, and it was not something that they are happy about.

[An intense mana storm is currently enveloping the entire Western Continent. The Followers of Apophis are actually making their god descend.] Cairo informed the guild.


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