Omega Summoner

Chapter 1533 Twenty Minutes III

Chapter 1533 Twenty Minutes III

"The dead of the sea! Rise and help me to defend it from the corrupted beings! Undead Rise!" Creepysoo stated as the Tree of Life and Death passively amplified the range of his spell.

A large magic circle suddenly encompassed the area in front of him as numerous undead monsters started to rise from the depths of the ocean. Skeletal fish monsters, undead sea monsters, undead sailors and even undead corals came to answer Creepysoo's call.

One could even see an undead ship starting to manifest itself as the undead sailors needed a vessel to sail the seas. Creepysoo was even able to create an undead captain to man the vessel which is an Epic Tier undead. His power was also amplified as he is standing on top of the Tree of Life and Death.

[You have created an undead naval fleet and summoned an epic tier Undead Captain.]

[You will have 10% more stats to all your naval undead.]

"Stop the ones that are coming from the shore!" Creepysoo commanded as he also used his buffs to empower the undead that he summoned.

Creepysoo is not alone in his endeavor at keeping the other Followers of Apophis at bay as Solstice and Soleil did so as well. Solstice landed directly unto the shores and started her own bloodbath of the enemies. The enemies are not only composed of Followers of Apophis but also the beasts that are under the control of the Shadow of Apophis.

Soleil did not descend on the ground as she provided aerial bombardment. She created numerous fireballs and released it upon the enemy boats. Some of the boats immediately started to go up in flames while others defended against her magic using defensive barriers.

Soleil knew that she would have little effect on a large body of water but that does not mean she cannot influence the surroundings. Soleil created an extremely hot flame and shot it onto the water itself. A powerful steam explosion would occur which actually is powerful enough to roll the boat over.

Solstice and Soleil were able to greatly deter those that are attempting to leave the shore and support the main ship, but they cannot perfectly handle everything. Some of the Followers of Apophis could be seen to have tamed amphibian or reptile monsters. These tamers were the first to slip out of the encampment that Solstice and Soleil did, but they were the first ones to feel the wrath of the undead.


[A sinister energy has caused parts of the roots of the Tree of Life and Death to get destroyed.]

Levin Cloud immediately let go of the serpent, but its body is no longer coated with this sinister energy as he did so. He thought that the being that he grasped was the Shadow of Apophis, but it was in fact the physical manifestation of the Venom Gland of Apophis. The purple scales of the snake became visible as the sinister aura around it vanished due to the reaction with Levin Cloud's holy energy.

The purple serpent could be seen having a few people on its back. The people on its back are none other than Seam, a follower of Apophis, and a flesh cocoon. Levin Cloud immediately knew that the flesh cocoon is none other than the captured Vessel of Apophis.

"It's the Vessel of Apophis! It is on the purple snake!" Levin Cloud stated as all of his party members heard him.

"I shall intercept. Follow me when you can." Adrian stated as he immediately vanished from his current location.

Adrian's soulbound followed their master as well as the boat is no longer needed to be damaged. Kanlaon rose to the sky and followed Saena to the location of the purple serpent. Dodu hopped onto Sirius as they vanished from the area as well. Charon, Wisteria and Kimat are left so that the other followers of Apophis do not follow their master.

Frey cannot immediately hop onto her mount and just fly away as there were still numerous Followers of Apophis in the sinking ship. She knew that they could follow into the water if left alone as they transformed into snake like humanoid monsters. Peridot did not leave Frey as well as she knew that she cannot stop every enemy and knew that Adrian would be supported by Levin Cloud instead.

"Primordial Armament: Bow!" Adrian stated as his appearance changed, and a bow appeared on his hands.

The bow on his hands feels much more different than before as he could feel that its power is strengthened. Adrian pulled the bowstring that appeared when he did the pulling motion, and a mana arrow is immediately created. The mana arrow is much more powerful than before as he needed greater strength to pull it compared to before.

Adrian let go of the bowstring and a larger mana arrow is released which is aimed towards at the purple serpent. Something at the back of Adrian's mind is telling him that something is not right but he cannot dawdle because only ten minutes are left. He sent a barrage of mana arrows onto the purple serpent as he wanted to kill it as fast as possible.

The arrows landed and even pierced the scales of the purple serpent but did not damage the real targets. Adrian wanted to target the beings being protected by the purple serpent, but it seems that a barrier is casted on them. The one casting the barrier is none other than the leader of the Followers of Apophis as she could be seen slowly using her life force.

"Envoy of Manika! If you want our great god to hold our end of the deal, then you should protect us!" The leader of the Followers of Apophis stated as she used the energy of the purple serpent to rejuvenate some of her life force.

"Very well. My goddess has already betrayed the Dark Gods that sheltered her for a few thousand years for this. Our gods used the Vow of Existence which is why betrayal is not going to happen. My goddess does want to have her end of the deal completed." Seam stated as she seemed much different than before.

Seam seemed to smile genuinely as she remembered the thrill that she got when she betrayed the Followers of the Dark Gods. It was not only her goddess that betrayed the Followers of the Dark Gods but also other distorted gods as well. It was a well thought execution as each of the Distorted Gods had different things, they wanted that the Dark Gods could no longer give them.

"I could still see the face of that loser Porom. His confused then angry face was the most entertaining! I even got a bonus look at Eldritch' face! He thought that I was a doll dancing at the palm of his hands, but he never thought that I actually got scissors and cut the strings." Seam muttered as she could be seen having a face full of extreme euphoria.

"I, the Envoy of Manika, the Distorted Goddess of Life welcome the beautiful goddess into my body!" Seam stated as she actually threw her gigantic scissors into the air.

A large rift suddenly opened from the sky as the pale hand of a woman suddenly came out. The hand was extremely pale, but it was bursting of life energy. Adrian was familiar with life energy but this one is not something that is pure compared to what he has.

The life energy that pulses out from this being was twisted as one would feel nauseous just feeling it. This hand extended towards Seam as one of the fingers touched her forehead. A powerful shockwave then ravaged the area as part of the Distorted Goddess Manika descended unto her envoy.josei

Seam's clothes started to change as even her hair that was only up to her back reached unto her knees. The stitches that she has on every connecting joint also changed to be more like runes instead of strings. A pale golden glow could be seen surrounding her as well with her entire demeanor changing.

"Imperfect children… let this mother make you perfect." Seam stated as there was now an echo to her voice that is like a motherly voice.

The souls of the dead Followers of Apophis gathered towards her and even their dead bodies did as well. The bodies that were hacked to pieces are sewn together with the power of the Distorted Goddess Manika as she created her twisted version of living beings. After sewing the bodies back together, she placed the souls of the Followers of Apophis back into their bodies.

[The Distorted Goddess Manika has created her domain called the Twisted Wonderland.]

[All living marionettes will have increased stats when inside the domain.]

"Go my perfect children! Defeat your mother's enemy so that her wish will be granted." Seam, who is possessed by the Distorted Goddess Manika, stated and all the enemies that she reconstructed charged towards her enemies.

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