Omega Summoner

Chapter 1049

Chapter 1049

Upon identifying the reactions to each of their bodies, Levin Cloud proceeded to cast a spell called Life Shield first. It is basically a spell that will act as another layer of health towards the group casted upon. It is also a shield that is easily destroyed but it acts as a powerful layer of life energy towards those that have it.

Skill Name: Life Shield

Tier: Rarejosei

Type: Active Defense


-Create another layer of defense using life energy to your targets.

-This shield will have the same health as the target's maximum health, but it will not have any defensive reinforcement.

-This skill can only be cast towards the target once per day and will receive twice the damage from attacks and spells.

Duration: It persists as long as the Life Shield is not shattered.

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Mana Cost: 100 Mana Points

Cast Time: Instant

This is one of the spells that he received when he became the Envoy of the Twin Gods, but it is also one that he forgot. This spell might look good on paper, but it is actually very useless in battle. It might seem like another life because it is the same maximum health as the target, but it does not copy the defenses of its target.

The Life Shield usually shatters after ten normal attacks or one powerful spell damage. It is just something like a clutch skill that may save someone from death. He thought it was really useless until this time where he needed to counteract the strong death energy that the mist is spewing out.

Levin Cloud immediately cast Life Shield on Creepysoo first and asked him to reach his hand out towards the mist. The moment Creepysoo got covered by a green aura, he naturally did as Levin Cloud has told him. To his great shock, the mist no longer hurts him or restricts his regeneration.

Even the Mist Elves that has seen this interaction have their mouths agape. They also knew some spells that utilize life energy, but this is the first time that they have seen a spell that could produce that powerful radiance of life energy. Levin Cloud did warn them though that the spell cannot be casted on the same target per day.

"I thought that it would not work but my test has proven useful. With Life Shield active on you, the damage from the mist is almost nonexistent. It is imperative that you do not get hurt by anything inside the mist. We shall focus on traversing the middle region to arrive at the ruined settlement." Levin Cloud warned them as it takes a day for him to cast it again on their bodies.

After Levin Cloud explained to them the details and casted the Life Shield on them which included their mounts, they proceeded with caution. The Life Shield is holding out pretty well, but it is still losing health points per second. The loss of health points for the Life Shield is around one per second which is doable as long as they do not encounter anyone in battle.

The others asked Levin Cloud why he could not just part the mist as he once shown earlier, and he answered honesty that it was difficult. It is not that it was impossible, but it is difficult as he needed more concentration to do so. He also needed to familiarize himself with the mist at the middle region which is why he told them to give him some time.

Levin Cloud is currently riding the Mist Panther while he is familiarizing himself with the mist. He asked them to protect him for as long as they can so that he could control the mist in the middle region. One might say that it is not a heavy task, but it is the most difficult task in a forbidden zone where one needs healers the most.

Due to this, Creepysoo summoned all of his undead knights that protect him. The Mist Elves are actually quite surprised when they learned that Creepysoo is the Prince of the Undead. They knew that Wights were special types of undead, but they did not know that he was even more amazing than their neighbor.

Solstice is a bit more relaxed this time around as she can walk on her real form. She usually struts in her golden armor that protects her from sunlight, but she is her full Princess of Darkness form inside the Misty Forest. One could say that this forbidden zone is perfect for her as even sunlight does not dare to peer inside the mist.

The group proceeded slowly but carefully with the guidance of Elder Ceo. She and the two other mist elves are the ones leading while the others followed closely. They are wary of the monsters that are similar to the Misty Panthers in the middle region. Some monsters in the middle region could become invisible inside the mist by standing perfectly still which are the ones that they avoid.

The monsters that are commonly found in the middle region that have this ability are the Mist Hoppers. The Mist Hoppers are basically variants of large grasshopper monsters that have the ability to become undetected one they stay still for a few seconds. They just camouflage themselves in the mist and not assimilate into it so one can crash onto them if they are not careful.

The Mist Hoppers are afraid of fire which is why the mist elves would often cast a small fireball in front of them. They would hurl this fireball in a distance of ten meters as they are afraid to provoke other monsters if they hurl it even further.

Fighting in the Misty Forest is also quite difficult as the vision is obscured in a twenty-meter radius. Levin Cloud could detect monsters in a larger area if, but he is currently focusing on giving them a safer way of transport. Just as they thought they become lucky, Creepysoo suddenly stopped them.

Creepysoo might not be able to detect life forms like Levin Cloud, but he can detect death. He developed this sense since he spent a vast majority of his time at the presence of the gods and goddesses of death. One could say that he is blessed by death itself because of how they treasure him even though they treat him like a helper sometimes.

"There is one dying being in front of us about less than a hundred meters. It could be a dying animal or a hunted prey." Creepysoo stated in a serious tone as his usual playful side has vanished.

"I also smell the scent of fresh blood in the direction he is pointing at. It seems that we will have guests if we are to proceed in that direction. Can we take a detour?" Solstice stated after she focused her senses to smell the scent of blood.

"Unfortunately, we cannot because the other paths are all protected by more vicious monsters. Another detour could also land us to the place where the Blood Sucking Mist Trees are. This is the safest path that we can traverse. Maybe we could wait it out and see if those predators will leave upon eating their prey." Elder Ceo stated as they could just wait it out.

"That is also a valid option but one of us should at least check to see if it is just predators hunting prey. If the ones that killed that being is actually living in the ruined village, then that is another story." Creepysoo stated.

"If that is the case then I will go check as I am the stealthiest amongst all of us." Solstice stated as she volunteered.

"We cannot let the companions of the esteemed guardians be the ones to check. One of my riders should be able to check." Elder Ceo stated but even she is not confident about that decision.

"Are the Mist Rams good for covert missions?" Solstice asked but Elder Ceo slightly hesitated in answering.

"How about this…Big Sister Solstice will go accompanied by one of the mist elves without the aid of the mount. Both of you should be able to conceal yourselves easily if it is just both of you." Creepysoo suggested and they agreed with that in the end.

Solstice and one of the mist elves went to check on the direction where Creepysoo felt the reaction. Since it was only a few meters away, they did not take too long to reach it, but Solstice immediately noticed the dire expression of the mist elf that accompanied her.

The two concealed themselves on top of the trees that spread out around the entrance of the ruined settlement in order to avoid being seen by the predator. A large bison like monster could be seen gorge out near the entrance as a large three-meter-tall pale gray lion is eating its flesh. The mist elf that accompanied Solstice could not believe his eyes as this was one of the fierce beasts located at the deepest parts of the Misty Forest called the Mist Mane Lion.

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