Omega Summoner

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

A formation suddenly covered the sky, and it enveloped a large area. It seems that this is not planned by the Young Miss Ying because she was also struck down by her bodyguard. She could be seen dropping to the ground with an expression of disbelief in her face.

Even Peridot did not expect this sudden change as she thought that the bodyguard is loyal to Ying. The fact that he struck her down without any repercussion meant that his soul was not tied to her. Powerful families often ties either the cultivation or lives of their personal guards to ensue loyalty. '

In return, the bodyguard is extremely compensated to the point that they become high class citizens. This is one of the reasons why poor powerful people would choose to serve under the powerful families. They get strong with the support, and they become rich as well.

"Finally, my ears are no longer ringing because of that insufferable spoiled brat." The guard stated as he had a look of satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Peridot is rather perplexed as she could not activate any of her elemental magic. The formation is blocking her attempt to use it. To make matters worse, she could feel that she could not gather the mana around her. Even using her own mana is troublesome to the point that the spell collapses if she does not pour at least twice the amount.

[You are trapped inside the Chaotic Elemental Prison.]

[You cannot use elemental mana from the surroundings.]

[Spells that use mana will have a 10% chance to fail.]

[Spells that use mana will need twice the amount of mana in order to activate.]

"Who are you? Rather, what organization do you come from?" Peridot asked as she knew that their organization should not be simple.

"I would tell you, but I have been told to not tell you anything. We are also told to capture you alive as killing you would also be equivalent to you escaping. We cannot have that happening now." The head guard stated as he swung his sword to create a flurry of sword slashes.

Kabrakan blocked the attack, but it has penetrating capabilities. He became heavily injured as a result, but he healed himself by drinking a potion. Lycan immediately knew that he cannot be useful on the air which is why he jumped down to kill off the ones that created the formation.

With the chat being restored, Peridot told Lycan to hunt down the one that created the barrier. She will be able to cast her spells easily once again if that happens. They also already informed Adrian of what is happening to them and also sent them their coordinates. They just hope that he gets here in time as opening a gate takes a bit of time.

Lycan searched for the Formation Master capable of creating huge array, but he felt his senses being distorted. He ran forward at a great speed, but he always returned back to his starting point which is above Peridot and Kabrakan. He knew that he cannot trust his eyes which is why he made use of his nose.

Lycan suddenly heard something forming around him which made him evade by kicking his feet on the ground. A box barrier suddenly appeared at the location that Lycan was. The box barrier then caved in on itself as it destroyed anything that was inside. He was extremely close to dying but his senses and reflexes saved him.

"Hoh! To think that you could sense something invisible. Are you an evil spirit masquerading as a human?" A bald monk stated.

Lycan tried attacking him, but the bald monk raised a barrier in front of him that blocked his advance. Lycan felt that the barrier is extremely solid to the point that he got goosebumps just trying to scratch it. He knew that this bald monk in front of him is dangerous and that he will not be able to win.

Just as they thought that they will get captured, a gate suddenly appeared on top of the formation. From the gate, a demon riding a giant golden dragon appeared with two other powerful beasts beside him. The golden dragon released a fierce dragon breath while the two beasts attacked the barrier.

The barrier did not shatter immediately but the demon suddenly called out a demonic sword. A giant sword suddenly showed up in the sky and crashed down on the barrier which destroyed the formation. Once the formation was destroyed, Adrian immediately pulled all his friends using Quantum Cascade.

He then told Sirius to fetch all of them as the gate will not linger for too long. The trio escaped with Adrian with such a grand spell that it left the guard and the bald monk dumbfounded on what happened. Before the guard could follow them through the gate, Adrian immediately closed it with a dragon breath surprise to hit the guard in the face.

"What happened back there?" Adrian asked as they returned back to Avalon.

"Even we do not know. We were going to return by boat, but we suddenly got trapped in a formation. I think they wanted to capture Peridot alive for something." Kabrakan stated.

"I have heard rumors but there is a hidden organization in the eastern continent that do not like the Ryujin or the followers of the divine beasts. I just did not think that I would be targeted by such an organization when I have not offended them.

They wanted to capture me to probably look for the weaknesses in my body. They might be planning to torture me to spill the secrets of the Ryujin or something like that." Peridot stated with a calm face which made the others shudder.

"I am more afraid of what is going inside her mind." Kabrakan thought but he did not voice his opinion out.

"Anyways, we should focus on the important things. Let us tell you about what we found." Peridot said as they have more important things to focus on.


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