Omega Summoner

Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088

[You have named you seventh soulbound, Wisteria.]

A cute coo suddenly echoed in the area and a fragrant floral smell flowed in the area. The floral smell riled up the monsters in the area but the six soulbounds protected their youngest like great monsters. Adrian patted the head of Wisteria and she liked it even more making a cuter expression.

"As expected of you, even the monster you planted became something else entirely. This is the first time I have seen a turtle dragon with a plant growing from its back. You really are a special case brat. I guess that blood is not wasted on you." Pann stated as he looked at Wisteria.

Adrian looked at the skills that are available to Wisteria and there are currently only three. It is only three but a skill like that should be almost impossible to get as a baby. She really has the best defense in the world and also the ability to float albeit slowly.action

Skill Name: Floral Therapy

Tier: Legendary

Type: Buff and Cleanse


-Spreads a floral scent that can cleanse the abnormalities of all affected allies in the party.

-Can also captivate herbivorous creatures so make sure to be safe.

-It also gives a 10% attack damage and a 15 defensive buff to all allies.

-This skill cannot be used repeatedly after ten times as it will lower the stamina of the user.

Duration: 10 minutes

Cooldown: 10 minutes

Cast Time: Instant

Mana Cost: None

Skill Name: Absolute Defense

Tier: Mythical

Type: Defensive Passive skill


- Gives the skill holder 90% magic defense

- Gives the skill holder 90% physical defense

Duration: None

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: None

Mana Cost: None

Skill Name: Flower Mystery

Tier: Unknown

Type: Random skill


-Create a random attack or defensive skill depending on the circumstances

-This skill will be available for a given duration.

-The effect, cooldown, and cast time will be dependent on the skill that will be acquired.

Duration: 24 Hours


Cast Time: None

Mana Cost: None

"She is basically a support tank. Saena is the healer support while she will be the buffing support. It does not hurt also that she has a defensive skill that can nullify 90% of both physical and magical damage. The only problem would be her low health pool. Any penetrating attack could easily kill her as long as she gets hit but that would be a problem for another time." Adrian thought as he looked carefully at Wisteria.

She has a cute head of a little dragon that is just like Kanlaon, but she has smoother features. She is currently one foot tall if the bud is also taken into consideration. The most important part is her green shell with a budding blue purple flower. She also exudes two different energies, but Adrian cannot pinpoint it as she is still a newborn.

The other soulbounds took their turns playing with Wisteria as they look like they are spoiling their youngest. Sirius looked like the older brother that is quietly observing them while Kimat and Kanlaon are the playful ones. Saena looked like the doting elder sister and will glare at anyone if Wisteria gets hurt.

Charon looked like that quiet older brother that gives her special care. Dodu is also the quiet but playful one that keeps up with the youngest. It seems that Wisteria prefers Saena though as she views her as a cool elder sister.

Adrian suddenly received a call that they needed to gather now as the information has been given. The three guilds that have agreed with him are already gathered below Avalon. He gathered up his team and descended to the ground with Kanlaon.

"Why are they taking their time? We were the ones that found out the location of the Horseman of Death and yet they are still late." One of the guild members below stated but Adrian and the others could clearly hear it when they descended.

The three guilds then witnessed the descent of Adrian's group and could only talk to themselves. They were mumbling about how cool the entrance was and that they even rode a giant golden dragon down the floating island. Others were clearly not keen on the fact that Adrian is showing off since they could have just teleported there.

"It seems that you have finally arrived. I thought that you have forgotten about our agreement." Ain stated in a teasing voice.

"Sorry about that. We were caught up in something and had to do something else. We are now here in this. So, do you have the coordinates?" Adrian asked.

"We have it and I will now send it to you." Anastacia stated as she gave the coordinates to Adrian.

"Make sure that we land on the ground this time though." Levin Cloud stated.

"What does he mean by that?" Siegfried asked but the others could be seen forcefully shutting Levin Cloud's mouth. They were radiating the aura of 'we should let them suffer as well'.

"The Horseman of Death is indeed in the north, but he is terrorizing the eastern part where the Glacial Barbarians live." Adrian stated as he already knew the places in the north from getting to talk with the Ice Queen herself.

"What or who are the Glacial Barbarians?" Anastacia asked as she does not know much of the north. Even the scouts that they have sent are keeping their distance from the Horseman of Death due to the influence of his power.

"The Glacial Barbarians are what you can call as warmongers of the north that thrive in battle. They do not have great farming skill, but they can raze the north if there were no other powers there. You could say that they are the absolute wildcard there and would even pillage helpless villages. They have been declining but they are safe because of their great warlord." Adrian stated.

"So, are you saying that we also have to fight them?" Siegfried asked as he suddenly got fired up.

"Why not we observe first before charging out recklessly?!" Adrian stated.

"I am in favor of what he said as I also want a plan in action. We only prepared the elites this time because we are facing the horseman of death. Numerous numbers will be detrimental for us like these after all." Anastacia stated.

"I am fine with anything as my guild members are ready for anything." Ain stated.

"You are clearly overstating a fact. My guild members are better than yours anyway." Siegfried stated.

"Maybe do not egg him as much, guild leader." Faust stated as he knew that his guild leader will fight with Ain if he does not put a stop to it. They may not seem like it but the three of them have a healthy competition against one another and are in good relationships.

"Anyways, I think we should observe first. Maybe their great warlord is already in a fight with the Horseman of Death? Let us check first then." Adrian stated.

"I agree." Anastacia stated.

"I agree as well." Siegfried stated

"Me too." Ain stated.

"Great then. We shall now proceed with the teleportation." Adrian stated.

"Where are the other demons that will create the dimensional gate though?" Siegfried asked as he knew that transporting large number of people is not easy.

"What others? I will do it myself." Adrian replied as he did not think that they would question that.

"Do not tell me that you guys thought that he will need to have the strength of other demons? I guess you guys are in for the ride of your life then." Creepysoo stated as he giggled.

All of Adrian's friends are all thinking the same thing and are waiting for the members of the other guilds for the ride of their lives. They will experience hell as if their inside is twisting because that is what they face when they first used teleportation.

"Are you sure that you can do it by yourself?" Anastacia asked as she has yet to see mass teleportation.

"I can create a door between points after all. We can also teleport to a nearby area that I have already been at. We might encounter some obstacles on the way but that is something that we can conquer. I shall now start. Paradox, start the operations on the gate." Adrian stated as the gate will be more stable with Paradox creating it using his body.

The Cube of Paradox glowed in a powerful light as it broke into a thousand small cubes out of a sudden. The thousand small cubes are then formed into a circle that ripped out the dimension itself. Adrian gestured the three guilds to enter.

"Make sure to just head straight. You might also need to prepare yourself as it could be nauseating on the first try." Adrian stated.

"You might also need to fly." Levin Cloud stated as he entered the portal with his other friends.

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