Omega Summoner

Chapter 1103

Chapter 1103

Ascalor's aura exploded inside the Prison of Light which made it shook a little bit. Ascalor did not expect that the Prison of Light will immediately get destroyed as he only poked it a little bit. Honestly, Ascalor would have been disappointed if the Prison of Light is destroyed with just a bit of poking as it would mean they got trapped in something weak.

Ascalor used half of his power this time and the Prison of Light started to tremble greatly. Normal people that would be inside such a shaking prison would have lost their mind or told the one making it shake to stop but the Daemos Elders are all calm. They know that this is just a reaction of a spell that is specifically made to trap them.

The Prison of Light's space started shaking and the angels that used their mana and concentration keeping it maintained started to throw up blood. This would have been impossible if the angels are actually just purely spiritual beings, but they are inhabiting a mortal body which means they are also weak against what humans are against.

The angels that were at least a bit more powerful only had a bloody nose like Mikayla. When Mikayla's nose started to bleed, Pristina immediately told her to stop what she is doing if she can no longer hold on. If she tells this thing to her brother, then Pristina might actually get punished instead of rewarded when Michael gets out.

Mikayla did not heed Pristinia's suggestion though as her pride is also on the line. Mikayla tried to increase the mana supplied to the Prison of Light by continuously circulating light elemental energy to it, but Ascalor just increased the intensity. Ascalor knew that he had started to damage the creator of the Prison of Light, but he did not stop.

In fact, the Prison of Light is actually made using the stable mana of numerous people and is linked to them which is why it is powerful. Any magic that is linked to a being means they are sacrificing a part of themselves to keep it running. Magic like this is often only used in specific situations or when one can spread the burden and the Prison of Light falls to the latter.

Ascalor is impressed by the fighting spirit of the ones that linked themselves to the Prison of Light because the damage he is doing is not soft. If it was ordinary human mages, then they would have passed out from the shock or have a heart attack as they often have their mana created from their heart.


"I am impressed that they managed to hold out this long when Ascalor is destroying everything. I guess it is inevitable that he is already using a spell." Koronn stated.

"It only means that the angels we are facing might be quite powerful." Bronx stated as the mana used to create the Prison of Light is definitely the same as an angel's mana.

"Spatial Cleave!" Ascalor stated as the black holes that make up his wings suddenly released waves of crescent slashes.

If anyone saw the crescent slashes, then one would think that they are harmless because of how weak looking they look but that is not the case with this one. The weak looking crescent energy waves do not hit any type of physical body but the material plane near the user. One crescent energy wave is enough to cut through the current space to create a huge rift.

A Daemos that only has small mastery of space dares do this because it could destroy reality or the dimensional barrier that keeps the gods away. Ascalor is not just any type of Daemos but one that has been given the title of Master of Space. Ascalor know when or where to use this ability, and this is the perfect time to use it.

Ascalor only uses this ability when he knows that the space is made artificially or a pocket dimension that can be discarded. The spell Spatial Cleave is incredibly powerful but incredibly risky as well because it could also harm one's team members. Fortunately for Ascalor, Koronn and Bronx are two people that can withstand the effects of a dimension crashing.

The moment the Prison of Light's artificial dimension got almost completely destroyed, numerous angels fainted from shock and the mana that keeps the spell running got cut off. Even Mikayla needed to stop the spell entirely as she has started to cough out blood as well. Fortunately for her, the space that she used for the spell is not near them which is why she thought that it would be traceless.

Unfortunately for Mikayla though, the enemies that they have trapped this time are the Daemos. Ascalor has already traced the area where the artificial space was constructed and is impressed because they were hiding in some sort of special pocket dimension. Before the Prison of Light entirely caved in on itself, Ascalor already transported them out and to this special pocket dimension.

Just as the aides of Mikayla helped her to stand came, the three Daemos Elders are transported to the current pocket dimension that the angels are hiding inside of. They are transported right in the middle of the pocket dimension which only the high ranking angels reside. Weapons made of light are immediately pointed at them when they materialized but spells using light attribute magic are fired at them without even a warning.

When the initial light show that the spells created has died down, the Force Barrier that Bronx created is shown. The angels did not expect that all their magical spells be rendered useless by such a powerful barrier. This type of barrier is not easy to maintain though as it needs horrendous amounts of mana to protect against numerous spells like that.

"So, we are correct in assuming that it was these glowing birds that are the cause of this trouble. Tell me glowing birds, why did you trap us in some sort of pocket dimension when we were aiding the people in destroying the Horsemen of the Apocalypse?" Koronn stated as his harsh tongue started to lash upon the angels.

"Just like always, you demons try to say that we are scheming once again. We only transported you away because we wanted to kill you here! Everyone, attack once more!" Sephalia shouted as she commanded everyone as she also brandished her light swords.

Numerous angels suddenly came around the Daemos elders and brandished their weapons as well. Those that did not have weapons used spells instead as they have been informed that the Force Barrier could not defend from two types of damage at the same time. Bronx did not look worried though as his fist suddenly enlarged to swat any angel that comes flying next to him.

"Chrono Lag!" Koronn stated as he used the spell that Adrian uses to slow down any incoming enemies.

Adrian's Chrono Lag only affects a single individual or a small group if he uses it, but Koronn's is different. When Koronn used Chrono Lag, the whole area around him became slow as if time itself in that location became slowed down. The beams of light that are from the spells of the angels are also slowed down as well.

The angels visibly noticed this as Koronn made sure that they can see him dominate time like he owns the place. The attacks and spells that are aimed at the three Daemos Elders are then swept away by Koronn's next spell.

"Chrono Crash." Koronn stated as he clenched his fists.

The time that is slowed is returning back to normal, but an unknown wave of power started to sweep across the pocket dimension. This unknown wave of power swept away all of the attacks that the angels made. When they got hit by this unknown wave of power, the angels could be seen frozen in place as if time has been stolen from them.

"Impudent!" A female voice sounded from above the golden clouds as the angels that were frozen in place got freed.

The Daemos Elders looked at the source of this voice and knew that it came from one person. Pristina slowly descended from the golden clouds above. She made sure to hide Mikayla as she wants to make her the secret weapon that the angels can use as her other power is very valuable and cannot be exposed right now.

"Just as I expected, it is the ugliest of all angels that dared to create this mess." Koronn stated as he never did like Pristina.

The Daemos might have never liked Pristina, but they cannot easily deal with her as well. She pulls power from the faith of people, but she also has numerous powerful subordinates. She might not be able to match the Three Daemos elders, but the three Daemos Elders cannot overpower a legion of angels that is ready to heed the instructions of Pristina.

"Why did you awaken the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?" Ascalor asked as he released his powerful aura.

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