Omega Summoner

Chapter 1107

Chapter 1107

The Requiem of the Dragon of Revelation started playing and the ears of the people of the whole world could hear it. The whole world could hear the song and all the elders of the long-lived races started to move. All players even got a mission that will determine the fate of the world.

Quest Name: Prevent the Dragon of Revelation from Taking Flight

Quest Description: The Horsemen of the Apocalypse have succeeded in summoning the being that can end the world itself. The Dragon of Revelation is a being that could even kill the gods as it is a dark god fused with an ancient dragon. It is currently trapped in madness as it cannot differentiate friend from foe.

Difficulty: World Quest

Clear Condition: Kill all the Horsemen of the Apocalypse as they are the anchors of the Dragon of Revelation while it has yet to take flight (0 / 3) or greatly wound the Dragon of Revelation and force it to retreat back into the depths it was sealed.

Quest Reward: Based on Contribution (Expand)

Failure Condition: The Dragon of Revelation takes flight.

Failure: The quest Prevent the Dragon of Revelation from Taking Flight will be cancelled, and a new emergency quest will be produced.


A loud powerful roar echoed in the surroundings which shook space itself. Space begun to weaken as numerous rifts suddenly appeared in the surroundings. Demons that were keeping an eye on the stability of the realm could only strain themselves as others immediately operated the emergency tactics.

The source of the roar is none other than the Dragon of Revelation that has half of its body still under the summoning magic circle. The reason why it cannot be summoned fully is due to the fact that the Horseman of War being dead. If the Horseman of War is still alive then the Dragon of Revelation would have emerged easily.

A powerful looking dragon head could be seen emerging first, but six other heads soon followed. The dragon heads have a total of ten horns and each horn is adorned with a crown with the names of fiends engraved on them. Even just being in the presence of the Dragon of Revelation could kill them if they are not strong enough.

[You have been affected by the roar of the Dragon of Revelation.]

[You have lost majority of your health due to the effect of Dragon Pressure and Dragon Fear.]

All the raid party members that were powerless as they are still affected by the Chains of Light could only lament on their fate. The vanguard got decimated as they are the closest to the Dragon of Revelation. In just one roar, the Dragon of Revelation turned them into pixels as they could not bear the power.

The raid party guild leaders could only bite their lips and endure what is happening to them. They are blaming themselves that they are not good leaders because they were betrayed by people they trust. They knew that they are relatively new to being guild leaders, but they thought that they have made close bonds with the upper echelon of their respective guilds.

Sirius and Kanlaon broke free from the restraints of the Chains of Light but are utterly defeated by the combined force of the three Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It seems that the three are attempting to protect the Dragon of Revelation until it could take flight. The two most powerful soulbounds in the game are recalled back to Adrian's Soul Chamber.

The three Horsemen of the Apocalypse are not the only problem though as the Dragon of Revelation is also spewing its breath attacks nonsensically. Its breath attack looks like a giant black flaming ball when spit out, but it explodes like a nuclear bomb when it lands. The players could see a mountain turning to dust with just one attack.


Players from all over the main world that have gotten the quest given by the gods started to prepare. The gods themselves have started to move and tried to exert their powers directly onto the world. With the veil that separates the realms weakening, the gods could somewhat exert pressure on the world as they will forcefully teleport the players to the northern continent just to kill the three Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Some people that are powerless prayed to their gods while those that keep power to themselves hid. Some decided to protect their own kingdoms instead of answering the call of the gods and some choose to not respond at all. The dragons moved faster than ever contrary to their lazy selves as it is a dragon wreaking havoc.

It is not only the dragons that came as members of each race hurried to the northern continent. The gnomes rode in their massive mechanical airships, the elves made use of the roots of the world tree to transport themselves, the dwarves used a flying boat made of magic and forged steel, the orcs proudly marched and the humans got aid from the gods they serve.

The Daemos Elders appeared with their spells enforcing the space around them so that the northern continent will not be destroyed. The Daemos Corps even arrived as well as the demons are now ready to fight with their lives on the line. The only ones left in Avalon are those that are maintaining the realm and Pann, who is protecting the demon children.

A giant battle is about to happen in the north that might erase the whole continent while a certain demon is still locked in his subconscious. He has also been struck with the Chains of Light but that is already redundant as he could not move anyway. Adrian is currently locked in his subconscious and is preparing to risk it all just to awaken.

[Your body is being corroded by a strange miasma. Turn this power into your own or else your body will perish forever.]

Adrian could be seen observing his soul being destroyed from the inside as a black eerie flame is encroaching upon him.

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