Omega Summoner

Chapter 1113

Chapter 1113

"Is he going to be alright?" Levin Cloud asked.

"He will be fine for now. You all have done great in making sure that the brat is alive. You also held out well against the Horseman of Death. You would have won if nothing happened but that is how those angel's work." Ascalor stated.

"They look beautiful to the conventional sense of humans because of the indoctrination but their real attitudes are despicable. I would rather believe a devil than them." Koronn stated.

"We shall guard the young one in your stead. Please rejoin the battle as your strength will be needed to win this time. We shall also rejoin the battle once we get enough energy." Bronx stated.

"We cannot heal ourselves because of what the Horseman of Death did to us. We will just become a burden in this battle." Solstice stated.

"We shall help you this time. It is such a shame that those that died have already transported to Limbo or else we might have been able to do something." Ascalor stated.

"All of you group up." Koronn stated as Bronx guided the others as well.

The three Daemos Elders suddenly shifted to their true forms for a slight second as all those that were still alive from the first battle got marked. The marked that they receive is similar to a small clock on their chests. The clock did not move at first, but it suddenly started to when the Daemos Elders transferred some of their mana.

The clock did not move forward but reversed instead as the injured bodies of the group suddenly started to heal quickly. To accurately describe what is happening to them then the time on their bodies is getting rewound. All the damage that they have accumulated vanished as if it never happened because that is what happened.

"Cool! Even my skills got their cooldowns revoked." Creepysoo shouted as his body and even his skills got rewound.

"It is cool as you brats say it, but it also comes at a cost. All the experience and mastery that you have accumulated also got rewound as we interfered with time to bring your bodies back to a time before the battle." Koronn explained as they did not simply heal them.

"That much is understandable if all our skills and abilities are refreshed." Peridot stated.

"If you can rewind time then why not do so for Equinox?" Levin Cloud asked.

"Equinox' body is already filled with that strange miasma. Even if we revert time, he will still have that strange miasma as it is already bonded to his body. All we can do now is pray that he will overcome this predicament." Ascalor stated.

"Also, temporal magic is slightly ineffective against fellow demons. If Equinox himself used Rewind on himself then he might have a chance, but an outside factor will be dangerous for him. The best chance that he has now is to kill off the one that infected him with that strange miasma." Bronx stated.

"If that is the case then our first target will be the Horseman of Death." Levin Cloud stated.

"We shall aid you as well." Anastacia stated and Siegfried and Ain joined in.

"You guys do not need to do that as you need to recuperate the loss you got earlier by killing off as much of those lizardmen. We can deal with the Horseman of Death." Levin Cloud stated as this event turned into a different one when the Dragon of Revelation got summoned.

"That would leave a sour taste in or mouth. We must take revenge against the Horseman of Death as well. It has taken much of our comrades. We must do it for them." Siegfried stated.

"I thought you were just a muscle head, but it seems that you also know how to say things that could inspire others." Ain stated with a slight chuckle.

"It seems that we are all in agreement. We shall kill off the Horseman of Death to unlock our secret weapon." Anastacia stated as she suddenly thought of Adrian as a secret weapon.

"It seems that I cannot say anything else to persuade you guys. Good luck to us. We shall need it." Levin Cloud stated as they started to plan what their next course of action are.

"I think we made a good decision." Ascalor stated as he looked at the invigorated energy of Adrian's friends.

"They are the friends of the brat so they also like children to us. We only spent a couple mana on them, and they are already this happy." Koronn stated.

"I guess you two really are secretly friends." Bronx stated which made Koronn and Ascalor argue that the former's statement is not true.

In fact, the mana that they used is not little because they reverted time for numerous individuals. They also needed to protect themselves from the backlash of the Providence as they messed with the natural time of others. The Daemos Elders cannot return to their peak as of now because of the deployed spell.

If they are to regain their powers, then they will only be able to get back to about 50%. The Divine tier spell that they cast also dealt a backlash on them because only gods should be able to cast things like that. Even if they got aid from the sigils, a divine tier spell should not be cast so easily.

Some lizardmen are getting defeated while some are in a stalemate. In terms of saying who is the winning side then the united army that the demons summoned is stronger. This is only possible because each race knows what they must focus on.

It would have been easy if this is the only thing that they need to do but they also must pay attention to what is happening in their surroundings. The lizardmen that only moved in one group suddenly started to mix with each other. The battle suddenly became chaotic due to this incident which created chaos.

The battlefield is already chaotic but the new group that entered will make it even more chaotic. Creepysoo is extremely excited as all his skills got reverted back and he even got back to full health and mana. Creepysoo chanted silently as a top hat suddenly dropped down from the sky.

The top hat is decorated in an eerie fashion with skulls and bones, but he found it quite fashionable. Creepysoo took off his hood and wore the top hat that dropped towards his location. His body started to illuminate in a pale light as if he is ascending.

"God of Death's Descent: Baron Samedi!" Creepysoo stated as a casket suddenly appeared behind him and sucked his body inside.

The people fighting suddenly felt their ears tingle as they could hear party music. They thought that they were only hearing things, but the Dragon of Revelation took notice of this. The Dragon of Revelation could feel the energy of a god descending and immediately released a powerful breath attack.

The casket that sucked Creepysoo did not move at all and would seem to get hit but a golden pillar of light descended on it. The breath attack that is on the level of a nuclear attack did not do any damage to the casket as Levin Cloud already activated Holy Sanctuary to keep the casket safe.

"Are you ready to PARTY!" A boyish voice sounded from inside the casket as the lid burst open.

As if time stopped for all those in the battle as they waited what is inside that casket. A loud laugh and merry band music started to play. Creepysoo that is now in a gentleman's suit appeared, but the suit has the motif of skeletons. His eyes also glowed green, but his aura changed as a divine presence could be felt from him.

"THE PARTY IS THIS WAY!" Creepysoo shouted as numerous undead started to flow out of the casket.

The undead that flowed out from the casket are none other than the undead players that were not transported to the battle area as they were not part of the pact. The undead players thought that they were seeing things when a casket suddenly appeared in front of them but the notification to attend the party of the God of Death Baron Samedi is very enticing.

The party that they thought would be fun and games is actually the battle against the Dragon of Revelation. This raid party is definitely more enticing than the party that they thought of. Only powerful undead players were asked to come though as weaker ones would just be fodder.

"Now that the party has started, we should spice it up a bit more since we have many new friends scattered about. The more the merrier I suppose." Creepysoo stated as a powerful aura rushed out of him that appears as a pale mist.

"RISE!" Creepysoo stated one word but all attention focused on him because all those that died in the battlefield became undead.


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