Omega Summoner

Chapter 1122

Chapter 1122

Adrian started to cry, and his parents started to come get him. It seems that he could not see the image of the faces of his parents, but he could feel the love they have. The way his mother carried him and cooed him to calm down before gently placing him on the bed to change his soiled diapers.

The immediate satisfaction that he received when he is now clean. But what stuck through Adrian the most is the fact that he felt the love that his mother projected. He also could feel the love that the mother received when her son smiled happily and laughed.

Adrian felt something tug into his heart by feeling that scene, but he did not cry. The impact of the touching scene is building up though his emotions started to swell. When he started to feel like tearing up, Adrian is suddenly pulled back to his subconscious where the inner arch demon resides.

"Touching, isn't it? I can see that you almost cried. Can you answer my question now?" Adrian's inner arch demons asked.

"What is the question?" Adrian asked.

"What is the meaning of life?" Adrian's inner arch demon asked.

Adrian is supposed to answer but his inner arch demon suddenly held up his hand motioning him to stop. Adrian is a bit confused why he is suddenly stopped but it seems that his inner arch demon needs to say something to him.

"We still have three scenarios left. Do you want to answer now or when you see all of them?" Adrian's inner demon stated.

"Do I also have tries to answer the questions?" Adrian asked.

"You have three attempts to answer. Will you use your first attempt?" Adrian's inner demon asked.

"Let me see the next scenario first." Adrian stated as his inner arch demon once again wrapped his wings around him.

Adrian managed to see once more and this time he is a teenager. He does not have control over his body once more as he can only experience the predetermined scenario. As a teenager, he wanted to become independent and not be supervised by his parents. He tried hard being independent to the point that he would often rebel and ignore his parent's warning.josei

The warnings that the parents said was not restricting though as he could see that they were all made from love. His teenage self did not see it that way though as he can only find it restricting. This time, the warm love he felt earlier is not directly seen but can only be vocally heard. Warm love turned into scolding as many mistakes were made during this time.

Adrian's vision burred after that and is returned back to the realm of his inner arch demon. Adrian's inner arch demon once again asked the same question. This time Adrian answered to try and see what the reaction of his inner arch demon amount to.

"Life is about challenges and growing up." Adrian answered but his inner arch demon shook its head and covered him with the wings once more.

The scene that is shown this time is different as Adrian is now an adult working. He is that kind of office worker that works the whole day and exhausted after. He does not have time for social interaction with others as much but finds time to do so.

He does not want to say it, but life is difficult as the pressure of succeeding is bearing its weight on him. It came to the point that he would just blank out and suddenly time would pass by suddenly. This continued on until a call from his parents asking him if he was fine.

Not wanting them to worry, Adrian answered that he is fine but tired. He did not want to burden his parents that are already old. He was already a handful to raise which is why he does not want to burden them any longer. Something did change when he received that call as he suddenly felt lighter and looked forward to the next day.

Some events also happened along the way such as meeting the love of his life, getting married, and having children. There were also sad ones such as the death of his parents, but it was mostly filled with great happy memories. His vision faded again, and he returned to the chair he is sitting on with his inner arch demon across him.

"Tell me, what is the meaning of life?" Adrian's inner arch demon asked.

"Life is about looking forward to the future." Adrian answered based on the things he has previously seen but his inner arch demon shook his head. He once again got covered by the wings as his answer is not satisfactory.

This time, the feeling is familiar as Adrian is once again looking at a ceiling like the first time. The only thing different is that he is now wrinkly all over, but the heaviness of his body is still the same. Beside him are what seems to be his children crying as they seemed to have heard of the heavy news. The children were crying but Adrian is surprisingly happy.

He does not know how to describe this happiness because there is also a trace of sadness hidden in it. All of the children said their last goodbyes as they also hugged him. Adrian felt that warm embrace once more before his eyes faded into darkness. Adrian returned back to the spot where his inner arch demon is located and could be seen tears running down his eyes.

"How am I crying when I am inside a game?" Adrian stated as he wiped the tears away.

"What is the meaning of life?" Adrian's inner demon once again asked for the final time.

Adrian paused for a moment and internalized all that he saw before answering.

"Life is a cycle, and that cycle is completed because of love." Adrian stated and his inner demon smiled proudly at him as the realm started to turn into fragments.

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