Omega Summoner

Chapter 1137

Chapter 1137

"Burning Souls!" Adrian stated as he released a black mass of shadows towards the Horseman of Death and stunned it in place.

The Horseman of Death did not find being stunned troublesome as it would soon be released but Adrian smiled wickedly. When the Horseman of Death saw Adrian's wicked smile that could be trademarked for super villains, a chill is sent all through its body. Adrian's smile is usually reserved when his plans all fall into place.

The northern lights suddenly manifested in the sky which made the Horseman of Death want to break the stun with all his might. Frey is now covered in these rainbow-colored lights as her armor glowed in it with wings manifesting as well. She looked like the Goddess Freyja has come in person instead of just a part of her descending to empower Frey.

"Die Valkyrie!" Frey shouted as her whole being became a sharp spear made of northern light and descended towards the Horseman of Death.

The Horseman of Death tried fighting the status ailment, but shadow tendrils once again sprouted from his shadows to bind him. The shadow tendrils did not seem to be enough as four arrows made of the elements are fired towards the Horseman of Death.

The flame arrow exploded and created a flaming net that held the steed's neck of the Horseman of Death. The ice arrow exploded as well but froze the steed's legs in place. The wood arrow landed on the ground and sprouted vines that assisted the shadow tendrils in locking the Horseman of Death in place. The lightning arrow created a paralyzing net that shocked the steed.

Three of the four arrows that Alder released is of a higher element which means he pushed himself to the limit just firing that. One could see that he could barely pull on his bowstring as the elements that covered him fizzled out as well since he could no longer draw power from them.

The Horseman of Death looked at the descending northern lights spear and thought to abandon its steed. If the Horseman of Death were to abandon its steed, then it can avert the disaster awaiting it. A disaster known as death despite it being the Horseman of Death. The Horseman of Death did not abandon its steed as that would mean it would no longer be a proud rider.

The Horseman of Death held his scythe with all his strength as he would sacrifice the scythe to be alive. The Horseman of Death pushed all of its reserved energy towards the scythe as he wanted to use it to block the northern lights spear. When the Horseman of Death is about to raise its scythe, Vayu and Siegfried suddenly appeared on each of its sides.

A giant axe slammed towards the Horseman of Death's right while a lightning sword is pointing to his left. The Horseman of Death is then presented with a choice to either block those on his sides or the strike above him. When the Horseman of Death is about to choose, its own steed chose for him as it tried to shake him away.

The steed of the Horseman of Death would have been shaken away, but Adrian suddenly increased the gravity on the both the Horseman of Death and its steed. Not only did he do that, but he also used Chrono Shift on Frey to make sure that she lands even faster. The Horsman of Death seemed to have accepted reality as he could be seen just losing strength on holding his weapon.

A thunderous boom that is the result of three attacks connecting simultaneously connecting happened. When the smoke of the aftermath concluded, the body of the Horseman of Death could be seen becoming particles of light as Adrian collected the soul of the deceased rider. Adrian is slowly collecting the soul of the Horseman of Death when several warnings got issued towards him.

[You have defeated the Horseman of Death.]

"Master! Watch out!" Several warnings from his soulbounds echoed as Adrian suddenly went on the defensive.

A giant dragon head is about to devour Adrian as the Dragon of Revelation actually used the chaos that ensued to kill one of the troublesome beings preventing its seal being lifted. Alder is the quickest to react as he drew an arrow filled with fire and water elements as he just wanted a steam explosion to push Adrian away.

The arrow got released but it was too late as the mouth of the Dragon of revelation closed up and devoured the ten-meter-tall Adrian. The arrow later hit the Dragon of Revelation's head, but it did not even create a scratch on its body. The others are shocked, and they looked at the soulbounds to see if they would disappear, but they did not seem to be vanishing.

"That was close." Adrian stated as he suddenly appeared behind Frey, Siegfried and Vayu.

"We thought that you were a goner!" Frey stated as she suddenly went to check Adrian's body if he was injured.

"Ahem. Sorry if we are bothering the young lady but we still need to help the other team." Siegfried stated which made Frey blush.

"It seems that they are also in the process of finishing up as well." Adrian stated as he could see that the Horseman of Pestilence is also in the verge of death.


"How were you able to evade the attack earlier?" Alder suddenly asked as he rushed towards their location.

Adrian then remembered how he instinctively used Time Stop the moment his soulbounds sent him the warning. Thankfully, there was still two seconds left for Time Stop before it goes into cooldown which is why he used it. He also received a notification that his time for using his True Form is also up which is why he also proceeded to use Nether Blast.

Not only did he evade becoming the Dragon of Revelation's food, but he also managed to fill its mouth with nether energy.

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