Omega Summoner

Chapter 1148

Chapter 1148

As Adrian is scrolling the changes in the world via the Pandemonium Forums, he suddenly got an alert from his gaming pod.

[Your death counter has finished. You can now log back into Pandemonium. Best of luck in your journey!]

"Finally! The wait is over." Adrian stated as he can now jump back in the game.action

He is still a bit bitter of not getting any of the rewards from killing the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. He did get lots of experience points though which he liked. The titles that he received are also good in a sense, but the Divine Enemy title made him irk a bit as even the Twin Gods warned him of having that title.

"A title that even the Twin Gods, who are the most powerful of all the gods, are warning me about it. The request that the God of Death Abaddon gave me is also weird. From the tone that he gave me, there must be dark gods that want to coexist or do not want to harm this universe." Adrian thought as he logged back into the game.

The whole day Adrian is receiving messages from his friends to pick them up. They are currently in the northern continent doing relief work. The Daemos Corps that were left in the northern continent could not teleport all of the summoned individuals. Even Ascalor and Bronx need at least a day to recover their powers.

The Two Daemos Elders also needed to return back to Avalon immediately as they needed to attend to more pressing matters. They left the safe return of the people in the north to the Daemos Corps. Adrian's respawn point is Avalon which is why he will go there once he logs back in.

"I will just fetch them later as the north needs to be recovered as well. The northern people will need their labor anyway." Adrian stated with a hearty laugh as he received bragging messages of what they got from the drops.

Adrian appeared in Avalon and immediately got swept up in a portal beneath his feet. Adrian wanted to get away as he knows that things like this will only lead to great burdens. He wanted to counteract the portal spell by flying away but he could not because an even greater force sucked him in.

When Adrian no longer fought the force, he just let his body get dragged. He thought that it should not be Koronn as that old man is still lost in the River of Time. He then thought of the other elders, but he has already become an Arch Demon so he should be able to at least put-up resistance.

"Took you long enough." Pann stated as Adrian is transported next to him.

"You could have at least notified me though. I am still in Avalon and one of your beasts could have done it." Adrian stated but he then noticed that Pann is not in his usual old man form.

"Is he the one that you have been talking to me about?" A beautiful voice of a woman stated as she showed herself.

Adrian looked extremely shocked as the woman that is accompanying Pann is drop dead gorgeous. She was like a goddess has descended into the world. Adrian then looked at Pann with judging eyes and then gave a thumbs up. He might be an old man, but he still has game.

Pann immediately knew what Adrian was thinking which is why he got hit. Adrian did not feel pain in a sense physically, but he did get pain in a spiritual sense. Pann's hit shook Adrian's soul a bit, but he recovered immediately. The beautiful woman laughed at the interaction between Pann and Adrian which made them stop.

"So, can you tell me the guest that you have brought to my territory? She does not seem to be normal as I can feel great power oozing from her." Adrian stated as he turned on his serious mode and flexed his aura.

"It might be a bit late, but I will introduce myself. I am the Goddess of Protection Bastet. Pleasure to meet the Champion of the Twin Gods." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated as she gave an elegant curtsy befitting of a humble goddess.

Adrian's brains almost exploded when he learned of the identity of the Goddess of Protection Bastet. He thought that it was just a demigod acquaintance of Pann that visited him, but it was actually a goddess. He then remembered that a Goddess of Protection descended unto the world to cast the World Barrier.

"Are you the one that descended?" Adrian asked as she had the form of a human woman. The Goddess of Protection Bastet that he saw in videos had the head of a cat which is why he is a bit confused.

"She is currently in a weakened state and is currently trapped in the mortal realm. I need you to send her to the western continent to where her followers are." Pann stated.

"What Pann said is true as I actually did not think that I would fully descend unto the world but that also meant I am currently trapped in this demigod body as a result. In order for me to get back my power, I need to get back to the divine realm. I implore your kindness in sending me to my followers." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated.

"Why not just remain in the mortal world with your followers?" Adrian stated as he knows that many gods would want that kind of thing.

"I cannot do so. If I remain in the mortal realm, I will not be able to guide my followers and give them blessings. As of now, they are probably wondering why my blessing has weakened. I can feel the faith that they are sending me, but I cannot use it for their benefit because I am trapped in a demigod's body. My followers need me." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated.

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