Omega Summoner

Chapter 1150

Chapter 1150

"So, you mean to say that some of the current gods in Pandemonium are actually previous dark gods that have joined them?" Adrian asked.

"Although there are only a minority of us that switched sides, there were also gods from Pandemonium that switched sides in the Great War of the Gods. Gods are not that different from people as they will go to where their hearts desire when push comes to shove. Also, not all gods that came from outside Pandemonium are hostile. Some gods did not even know they were gods until it was pointed out to them." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated.

The statement that the goddess told Adrian made him incredibly sure why the God of Death Abaddon gave him that condition on killing demigods. Some gods might not be hostile and are just defending themselves from attackers because they are in an unfamiliar place. It is not farfetched to say that some gods are like children that have yet to develop or are beings just driven by instinct.

"I believe that is enough stories about us gods for now. I do not want to take up too much of your time since you are very busy now more than ever." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated with a smile.

"Agreed. The faster you get back then the faster that you will be able to regain your lost powers." Adrian stated as he opened the Dimensional Gate towards the western continent.

Both Adrian and the Goddess of Protection Bastet entered the dimensional gate and disappeared from Avalon. On the other side of the gate is a place filled with great dunes of sand. They have definitely been transported to the western continent, but it was nighttime since it was daytime in Avalon which is located in the central continent.

"The great dunes at night are a sight to behold. It takes me back when we first arrived here in this world. Back then, it was not called Nebulon or the main world because this planet was such a huge place. If I remember, this planet was once called Pangea as it was a world that had many peculiarities as there was dangers." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated.

"You guys arrived before the Great War of the Gods?" Adrian asked.

"We did. We actually thought of making people submit back then through force, but this part of the world lacked a lot. Even the other gods dared not to venture to the part of Pangea where the great sands shift. In the end, the poor people that saw us arrived all bowed to us to guide them and make them prosper. It was a funny turn of events, but we eventually became part of this universe because of the devotion given to us." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated as she reminisced of those times.

Adrian could already more or less guess that the faction where the Goddess of Protection Bastet must come from should have been dark gods that were accepted by the people. They did not go against Providence and instead helped the inhabitants. They must have been rid of their status as outsider gods when they freely helped the suffering people.josei

Unlike some of the dark gods now that want to change the very nature of the people so that they only serve them, the Goddess Bastet's faction had compassion and understanding. If that is the case, then the dark gods would have easily been added to the Gods of Pandemonium should they have done that. It should be easy in a sense, but he then remembered that gods tend to lean more to their desires.

Dark Gods that do not want to show compassion or unable to will never be able to fit in in this universe. What Adrian wants to know if the dark gods all know each other. He decided to ask the Goddess of Protection to find out more info about the gods since this is the best opportunity he could get. He is already face to face with an actual god.

"Can I ask if all dark gods know each other?" Adrian asked without a hint of malice which the Goddess of Protection Bastet could sense.

"A rather straightforward question but we do not. Other gods can come from other universes that just happen to have noticed the brightest universe out there. This universe is full of intelligent life unlike my own universe." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated.

"What was your previous universe like? Did you have any beings there as well?" Adrian asked.

"My previous universe was only small, and it was only my family of gods that lived there. There was life in our universe, but they were not intelligent. They were just pitiful creatures born to have life. In the end, they all died because no one became intelligent enough to even lead them or enhance their living conditions.

We might have been gods, but we cannot do everything for them as that would just make them puppets. As if fate was against the life in our universe, they went extinct, and we became gods of an empty universe. Since we can no longer do any duties as gods, we decided to wander off in the vast cosmos and ended up here in Pandemonium.

We were greatly amazed by the intelligent life here that we instantly decided that we should reside here. I cannot remember how we managed to find this universe for some reason though as if something is blocking my memory." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated as she pondered on how they found out about Pandemonium when it was hidden in a corner of the universe.

"I see. That is a very informative story. One last question from me though as I want to know more about this place. Do you know what the Void is?" Adrian asked as he cannot find any record of that place. Even the records of the Daemos hold nothing of the Void except it is a place of no escape.

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