Omega Summoner

Chapter 1158

Chapter 1158

From what Adrian saw, the blessing that the Goddess Bastet has bestowed on the Sand Guardians is not some small blessing. He is sure that they will be able to live through a deadly attack if something hits them. It seems that the Goddess Bastet really likes them for them to be given such a powerful blessing.

"I got to say but your temple really screams feline." Adrian stated as he pointed out the numerous cat statues all over the temple.

"It is necessary as I can give my protection if there is an image of me that is created. Not every god is as powerful as the Twin Gods that can just give their blessings as they please. Most of the gods needs to have their sigils near their followers to aid them. You should also release your feline soulbound here as he will definitely be pleased." The Goddess Bastet stated.josei

"Greater Summon: Kimat!" Adrian stated as Kimat's magic circle appeared on the ground and the great Thunderlight Tigris appeared.

Kimat did not know why he is suddenly summoned as he was lazing away inside the Soul Chamber. He did not know why he was summoned but he found the atmosphere of this place very alluring for him.

[Your soulbound Kimat is near the Temple of Bastet.]

[Your soulbound Kimat will have increased 10% stats when near the Temple of Bastet.]

[Your soulbound Kimat will receive twice as much experience points when near the Temple of Bastet.

Adrian found the information about sigils quite new as he thought that the priests are just really devoted which is why they need the sigils of their respective temples. He then realized that only the Church of the Twin Gods members are people that do not carry a sigil when they are fighting. He also liked the buff that the Goddess Bastet's temple has on feline monsters.

"I see. I did not know that. I thought that it was just all part of the devotion." Adrian stated.

"It is not absolute though as the followers could still call for the aid of their respective gods but the time it takes will be delayed. Faith is also like magic as it needs a conduit in order to be cast. The sigil just helps up better to focus on where we should divert that faith." The Goddess Bastet stated as they encountered a person with a flying mount descending towards them.

Adrian could feel that the presence of the person that is sitting on the flying mount is almost parallel to that of the Goddess Bastet. The Goddess Bastet seems to be expecting this person as she could be seen having a motherly smile plastered on her face. If Adrian's guess is correct, then this person should be the Avatar of the Goddess Bastet.

The female priestess descended in front of Adrian and the Goddess Bastet. She went down from her flying lioness mount that has a fierce temper. The fierce lioness is about to growl towards Adrian but Kimat's very presence actually made her clamp up. She could be seen being visibly scared of Kimat as the latter is of a higher species than her.

"What kind of monster is that?" Adrian asked as he wanted to know the flying lioness monster.

"That is a monster that is given to any high-ranking members of the Temple of Bastet. They are called Sphinxlets as they can actually become a Sphinx if the opportunity arises. They have my blessings as they are actually monsters that I have created in order to provide protection to the people that needs my blessings." The Goddess Bastet stated which made Adrian a bit interested of these monsters.

"Goddess! I was so afraid when you no longer answered my call. You managed to answer my prayers but the next thing I learned is that you have descended to the mortal realm. Are you fine, my goddess?" The female priestess of the Temple of Bastet stated as she went towards the Goddess Bastet and cuddled the latter.

"Calm yourself, Estet. You are no longer a small child but a mother. You should not act like a spoiled child in front of others especially in front of a champion of two gods." The Goddess Bastet stated as she patted Estet's back as she looked pitiful.

"I am sorry, Goddess. I am just overwhelmed as you usually enter my body, but this is the first time that I am actually touching you. Forgive me as I savor this moment as this might not again." Estet stated as she hugged the Goddess Bastet tighter.

"Ok…Should I maybe leave you guys for a few moments?" Adrian reflexively muttered as his brain could not assess what he needs to do in this situation.

"No need for that, Champion Equinox. Estet, greet our guest as he is the Champion of the Twin Gods and an Arch Demon." The Goddess Bastet stated as she softly pinched Estet's side to make sure that she lets go of her.

"Ouch! Ahem! It might be too late for the introduction, but I am Estet. I am the current Avatar of the Goddess Bastet. Pleased to meet you, Champion Equinox." Estet stated as she greeted Adrian with an open palm.

"The pleasure is all mine." Adrian replied as he placed his palm on top of Estet's palm.

The Western continent has a unique style of greeting and that is to extend one's palm towards another person. It is derived from the saying that they do not hide anything and lay everything in front of them as their hands are clear. Adrian learned of this practice when he went to the western continent to fetch Creepysoo.

Estet is extremely delighted upon seeing that Adrian knows the basic courtesy of the western continent, but she is a bit jealous that he was able to travel with her beloved goddess. She is a bit salty about that, but that emotion will not overtake her as she needs to show that she is a great mother figure. Estet also liked Adrian because he has a feline monster and anyone who owns a feline monster in her eyes is a person with taste.

"Please follow me, Goddess. I have already informed the others of your arrival and they have prepared a feast for you. They will definitely cry of joy once they see you in the flesh." Estet stated as she suddenly looked around.

"Is there something else?" Adrian asked.

"Actually, I felt the presence of a priest from the Temple of the Storm just now and wondered if they are still here. It seems that they may have already left. I thought that they are here to cause a ruckus as those people are a bunch of mischievous troublemakers." Estet stated as she gestured the Goddess Bastet to ride on her Sphinxlet.

The Goddess Bastet accepted the offer as she knows that Estet will definitely push her to sit on it if she does not comply. She also told her about the reason why she felt the presence of a priest from the Temple of the Storm. She also chatted about things about the current state of the temple.

While the two are chatting, Adrian expanded his field of sense to make sure that no one followed them. The monsters that Sirius killed earlier in their travel are far too numerous to just be coincidence. They also moved in an organized fashion like someone was commanding them. He can only guess that the culprit is actually a Beast Master.

Beast Masters are different from Summoners because the former does not share their soul with their monsters. It also means that their monsters can die if they are killed in combat. The upside of this profession is that they can control numerous monsters which means they can create a literal monster army. Adrian then remembered what Pann told him when he was told to escort the Goddess Bastet.

"Protect the Goddess Bastet with all you have as her life will definitely be in danger should people know that she fully descended. Her body will be a perfect ingredient in creating a pill that can turn a demigod into a god." Pann told Adrian via telepathy as he knows that some greedy people will definitely want to capture her.

Just like Pann said, there have been attempts but they are merely attempts. Actually, Adrian does not know if the arrival of Sadiki and the God Seth was luck or great coincidence but that also help deter those that wanted to get the Goddess Bastet.

"It seems that they are currently located outside the small town below. The Goddess Bastet might have also noticed which is why she called upon her avatar as extra insurance should a demigod come to us. She might look tender and loving but she is definitely a feline goddess. Her claws are just hidden as she is ready to kill anyone that threatens her." Adrian thought as he told Sirius to hide in the shadows outside the temple.

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