Omega Summoner

Chapter 1160

Chapter 1160

Nakia could not say no to the Goddess Bastet which is why he escorted them to the viewing point of the Ceaseless Desert. The High Priests were surprised that their beloved goddess came to such a place, but they were also greatly energized by her presence alone. Estet looked at Nakia with a glare, but she already knew the tendencies of the goddess she serves which is why she did not berate him.

"Goddess, you did not need to come here as you should be resting in your room. The journey to the temple must have been quite far and you must be tired due to your current condition." Estet whispered as she seems to know the state of the Goddess Bastet.

"I want to see the glory of my children and also aid them. Our guest is also very pumped for a fight, and I am only indulging his request." The Goddess Bastet stated as he now pinned the blame on Adrian.

Adrian has this expression of disbelief written on his face as he heard what the goddess said. Then again, he did want to fight as he has been itching for a fight. He might go crazy just watching the warriors on top of the gorge fighting against the approaching horde of monsters.

"Charon, your new task will be to protect the Goddess Bastet. Immediately pull her inside the coffin the moment danger befalls on her." Adrian commanded Charon via their soul link and he could feel that the latter has heard the command completely.

"Champion Equinox, I am not underestimating your power, but you are a guest of the temple. If you can only fight near the temple grounds, then I can easily support both you and the goddess." Nakia stated with eyes begging Adrian to not stray too far from the actual temple and the Goddess Bastet.

"No worries. I shall only be here and shoot at them." Adrian stated as he summoned his Primordial Armament: Bow.

The others also saw Adrian's form changing and his human looking shell disappearing. They already knew from their high priestess that the Champion of the Twin Gods is actually an Arch Demon. They can finally see the real demon form of an actual Daemos but they did not expect that he looked so benevolent.

Adrian is not in his Netheros form as he is still in his Aetheros form. Aether Dust has this special property that makes anyone feel calm and protected. With the actual Goddess of Protection there as well, the effect of this is intensified. One can even say that they will be addicted to these special protections.

The monsters that are trying to climb the Great Gorge look like giant lizards that are covered with spikes. They are the most common monsters in the Ceaseless Desert as they are called the Spike Armored Lizards. One would even think that they are of a lesser dragon species because they are huge and could eat a grown man in one gulp.

These lizard monsters are actually in the level range of 180 which is the lowest level in the Ceaseless Desert. They might be low in level, but their huge numbers make up for it. The most dangerous thing is that they have the ability to climb walls which is why they are always in the watchlist of the Temple of Bastet.action

What Adrian is interested about is the fact that there are numerous other hunters present. Even players that are in the 200-level range are present in the battlefield. It seems that this occurs quite frequently as an emergency quest to the people in this region. It also means that Adrian must remain vigilant as there might be someone mixed in that will endanger the Goddess Bastet.

"This should be a good time to show some force." Adrian thought as he pulled the bowstring and started to release a large barrage of arrows.

Adrian managed to hit all the Spike Armored Lizards that get pass the first line of defense. He also eased up the tension of the vanguard as they are not overrun by the horde. Since Adrian's arrow are not made of physical things, his attacks deal great damage to the Spike Armored Lizards.

Spike Armored Lizards tends to have a hard spike exoskeleton that makes it almost impossible for them to be damaged by normal weapons. Almost all monsters in the western continent have hard exoskeletons which is why magic is incredibly valued in this continent as it could easily pierce the defenses of monsters such as this.

The people battling the horde could feel that they are also getting some kind of buff from the Temple of Bastet. They always get buffs when they are in battle against hordes, but the buff seems quite different today. Not only is the protection buff more powerful, but they also receive this buff that eases their stamina as they feel that they can fight longer than before.

"It seems that the people that are under my observation have yet to move but those outside the temple are actually using the chaotic situation to sneak inside. One even managed to get inside the temple already." Adrian thought as he is also making sure that he is aware of his surroundings.

Adrian then commanded Sirius to take that person to the Shadow Realm and interrogate whoever they are. They are already suspicious that they snuck inside an actual temple of a god. If they are not thieves, then they are here to kill someone.

Sirius understood the assignment and waited patiently in the shadows to catch the culprit that he saw. He waited for the culprit to step in a place filled with shadows like a great predator. The culprit thought that he managed to avoid the gaze of all the temple guards as most of them are focused on the monster horde.

Just as the culprit thought that they will be able to sneak near the Goddess Bastet, he stepped in a dark corner of the temple. Sirius deviously smiled like his master and used the shadows to pull the culprit. The intruder dropped to the shadow realm as if he got sucked in by a sinkhole.

The next thing that the intruder saw is pure darkness and in that darkness is a figure of a great wolf. The intruder tried to escape the shadow realm, but he cannot get out of this realm. The muffled screams of intruder could not be heard because his agony is trapped inside the shadow realm.

Charon is quietly observing the movement of people near the Goddess Bastet as it wants to become a dependable being to its master. Charon like Dodu is starting to feel and awaken even more of its intellect. Charon actually spread-out invisible chains near the Goddess Bastet to immediately trap anyone that may pose a danger to the goddess.

Kimat is still playing with the Sphinxlets but he is still guarding the entrance while posing as playing. He knows his duty but that does not mean that he cannot have fun on the side. Kimat has already been observing some suspicious movement below the temple, but he will not move unless they get to the temple directly.

Adrian felt a bit bored because no one is doing anything suspicious. It might be a bit of the overconfidence on his part, but he knows that the Goddess Bastet can also take care of herself. Even she knows that there are people waiting for her to be vulnerable.

"The people here in the battle against the horde are not showing any signs of suspicious movement but it seems that the people gazing at us at a distance from before have started to move." Adrian thought as Sirius has now caught two people yet none of them speak.

Just as Adrian is thinking of the ways to root out those that want to endanger the goddess, the next horde of monsters started to flow. Unlike the first horde, the monsters that appeared are only a small number. About ten monsters that are actually Desert Sun Beetles came scurrying towards the walls of the gorge.

The Desert Sun Beetles are somewhat rare monsters in the western continent as they are said to have been created by another sun god that is now forgotten. The fact that then of them gathered is already odd which is why the people are a bit put off in fighting them as they are called holy beasts.

"Champion Equinox, please make sure to not harm them. They are not really hostile creatures, but it seems something has agitated them. When one encounters the Desert Sun Beetles, we mostly just drive them away as killing them is considered bad luck." Nakia stated as he saw Adrian pulling his bowstring and about to launch an attack on them.

"I am not aiming at them though." Adrian stated as he released his arrow towards one of the people below the gorge.

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