Omega Summoner

Chapter 1167 The Angels Begin To Move I

Chapter 1167 The Angels Begin To Move I

Adrian knew that he cannot change the minds of the three riders unless he finds the soul of the last one. It seems that they are very connected with each other as they are literally foregoing the chance of resurrection unless all of them are present. He does not know where the confidence of the three are based on, but he does not want all this expectation presented to him.

Sometimes heavy expectations become immense burdens for people as they cannot fulfill such an easy promise or do what they said they would do. You can also let a lot of people down if you do not exceed it and plunge yourself in agony and despair.

"I shall do my best to find his soul but do not expect to much as a soul that wanders the mortal realm slowly loses their sense of self much faster. It would not be farfetched to say that there is nothing left of his original self when you meet him. You can just be looking at an empty husk when I bring his soul here." Adrian stated as he did not promise them that he will retrieve the soul with memories intact.

"You just listening and doing our request is already a great blessing to us. You are the only being in this world that can easily traverse the land of the living and the dead. No other being can do this unlike you." The Northern Rider stated.

"Technically, the other death gods can pass to the mortal realm but that would mean tainting the very soil with death energy which they do not want. The Aspect of Death can also freely traverse the land of the living and the dead though he just likes to ferry the dead souls to Limbo. He is not much of a talker, but he is incredibly nice." Adrian stated.

"We do not know of this Aspect of Death as you were the ones that sent us to Limbo. From the stories of other diseased, he seems to just stare blankly at you when he comes for your soul." The Eastern Rider stated as she has talked to other souls in Limbo.

"You must have only seen a part of him as gods and goddesses of death tend to do that. They cannot all welcome their followers or get a soul at the same time. If you see Thanatos, then he is definitely the definition of a hot guy. Such a shame that he can only be seen in death though.

A lot of people who managed to see the real face of the Aspect of Death never wanted to leave this place at one point. Anyways, I am off to the eastern continent to search for the soul of the eastern rider. Wish me luck as I will really need it." Adrian stated as he remembered the situation when Thanatos came in his real form. He then proceeded to teleport to the eastern continent.


"How is the search for the being that we asked for?" A beautiful male voice stated as he could be seen sitting on a golden throne atop the highest tower located in the Silver City.

"Lord Mikhail, I am afraid that we have yet to find the being that you have asked for. Is there a possibility that this being has yet to be born?" One of the angels stated but that was not the answer that Mikhail wanted.

The brightly lit room that they are currently in started to shudder as if light itself trembled before him. The angels in the room suddenly became afraid that their leader might throw a tantrum as he is known for his uptight behavior. They suddenly started to pity the angel that reported to him as he might end up dead.josei

"Brother, you are making the area suffocating. Remember that I am also here." Mikayla stated as she pitied the angel that did their best.

The angels that were trapped for countless years in the Silver City would have lost their minds if they did not make themselves fall asleep. All of them made sure that they will fall in an eternal slumber that will only be broken once the gate has been opened. This is the only solution that they could do or else the proud and gracious angels would have become mad.

In fact, some angels became mad due to the extreme isolation, and they had to be erased from existence due to it. Thankfully for them, the gate to the Silver City opened before they all deteriorated from sleep. Even the strongest of them all, the First Seraphim Mikhail, has his powers deteriorate to make sure that he does not fade into existence.

Angels that were not that strong to begin with perished in under a thousand years of sleep and only a few have remained alive. The First Seraphim Mikhail would have started a destruction spree if his sister was no longer alive. His anger also subsided when a newly born angel by the name of White presented him with the Holy Grail.

The angel player White managed to obtain the Holy Grail with the help of her guild which is led by Hou Yiwei. She managed to get great recognition due to this feat as the Holy Grail can birth new angels as they are outside the reincarnation cycle of the Twin Gods. Beings that are outside the reincarnation cycle of the Twin Gods are those that do not acknowledge them as creators.

Angels are beings that avoid procreating using the traditional way because they have been told that it was useless as they could be birth using the Holy Grail. The Goddess of Light Luminaria also made sure to cast out any of her creations that procreate with other beings as she deems other beings as lesser than her perfect creations.

In the end, the angels that stuck to their beliefs slowly withered away as the Holy Grail could no longer give birth to stronger angels.

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