Omega Summoner

Chapter 1178 The Aloof Ronin II

Chapter 1178 The Aloof Ronin II

The first stop came to them, and the escorts could be seen rather tired due to the fact that monsters littered the way. Thankfully, no field bosses wandered their way as that does not happen often. One could say that they were unlucky as that happened to them.

Adrian checked the major city that they arrived at, and it seems to be under the supervision of Kunlun. It seems that the areas managed by Kunlun do not have any problem in the surface. Adrian does not know what is happening under the shadows of this city as it might be rotten as well.

"Hey kid, tell meā€¦can you really create such high-level talismans?" The ronin stated as he looked at Adrian with great interest or is rather interested in his ability to create powerful talismans.

Adrian looked at the ronin and smiled as he knows that he must be in deep need of something for him to talk to him first. Adrian wanted to reply but Xiaohei and Xiaoyan are a bit defensive of him as they are also there as his guards. The two looked at the ronin and the latter just stared back at them without blinking.

Xiaohei and Xiaoyan could then be seen losing a bit of strength as the staring contest with the ronin is not simple. It seems that they fought using their own minds with the way they engaged each other. Adrian has heard about this as the eastern continent has things such as cultivation and such as a hidden mechanic.

"Please do not bully them too much." Adrian stated as he suddenly cut the staring which made the ronin a bit surprised.

"I was only teaching them a lesson to be respectful to their elders as I was talking to you. I guess I should introduce myself first. My name is Kondo Isao, and I am currently a wandering ronin." Kondo stated with a smile.

"I am Equinox. I am a scribe that is currently traveling the eastern continent. The answer to your previous question would be that I can create talismans. If they are high level, then that is also left to chance as I am not a master at that yet." Adrian stated.

Kondo is a bit shocked that Adrian could easily cut off the stand off that he did with both Xiaohei and Xiaoyan. If one actually does that then they have to face off against the force of the three of them. This made him certain that the Scribe in front of him is not a normal person or weak.

Even the two are surprised by this interaction but they attributed it to Adrian being stronger than them. For Adrian, he did feel that something was trying to penetrate his mind, but he only felt a bit of a shake. His brain did feel a bit shaken earlier but he immediately brushed it off as he is used to those.

In terms of mental fortitude, Adrian is one of the best because he has already talked with various gods. He also faces off against his inner demons which makes any Daemos almost impenetrable when it comes to mind attacks. In short, mental attacks are basically child's play for Adrian unless it came from a god itself.

"From the way your name is said, it seems that you are not from the eastern continent. Regardless, I wish to ask for your help in solving this." Kondo stated as he knelt in front of Adrian causing a scene.

"If it is within my ability then I shall help you but please do not suddenly kneel. There are a lot of people looking at us right now and it is making me a bit uncomfortable." Adrian stated and Kondo immediately stood up.

"Then we should move to a bit more secluded place." Kondo stated as Adrian with Xiaohei and Xiaoyan in tow.

Although the concern is not relating the two, they said that they need to be with Adrian as they are his escorts. Kondo also heard this and wants to know what Adrian's real identity is for a Charm Sword and a Charm Master to be his guards. The strength of the two are not by any means weak because they are able to withstand the pressure that Kondo emitted.

They went inside one of the empty caravans where Kondo usually sleeps. Kondo told them that they need to prevent whatever they will speak about which is why Xiaoyan took out a charm and created a soundproof barrier. Adrian could have done it as well, but he has to warp space to actually do that which might expose that a demon is in the eastern continent.

"The thing that I need your help with is here." Kondo stated as he took out a scroll.

Kondo then opened up the scroll and they all looked at the contents. When Xiaohei and Xiaoyan looked at the content of the scroll, all they see is a blank page. They touched the scroll to see if there are traces of ink in it, but they found nothing.

"It is empty, old man." Xiaohei stated.

"I am not that old yet. If I am old them, you still need your mother's milk. This is the scroll of the Shinto Divine Monk. It holds the recipe of the Elixir of Calling." Kondo stated even though he himself is unsure of it is true because he cannot see the contents itself.

"What is it calling? Will it call the gods for them to bless the person that drinks it?" Xiaoyan asked.

"No. It calls upon the souls of the dead that have wondered into the afterlife." Adrian stated as he could read the hidden letters in the scroll.

When Adrian said the function of the Elixir of Calling, Kondo shuddered as he has yet to say it. If Adrian actually saw the functions of the elixir, then that means that it is real. The ingredients listed in the scroll might have told him which suddenly made Kondo elated.

"Does the great scribe have the ability to see the letters?" Kondo asked.

"I can see it clearly and I have been reading it the moment I laid my eyes on it. Why do you need the Elixir of Calling?" Adrian asked as a sudden notification popped up before him.


Sudden Quest Notification!

Quest Name: Recover the Scroll from Yomijosei

Quest Description: You have found a scroll that should not belong to the living world. As the Shephard of Lost Souls and Intermediator of Limbo, you must retrieve the scroll and present it back to the ruler of Yomi.

Quest Difficulty: A

Clear Condition: Return the scroll from Yomi to its real owner

Clear Reward: A Favor from one of the Gods of Yomi

Failure: None

Duration: None

Restrictions: Only those that can read the writings of the Afterlife can get this quest.

Note: Should you accept this quest and forcefully get the scroll from Kondo, he will brand you as an enemy for life and the Imperial Family of Yamato will want your head.


"Why do you have this scroll?" Adrian asked Kondo as items from the afterlife should never be touched by mortal hands. Should mortals touch items such as this then they will be shown scenes of the afterlife that can plague their minds.

"This scroll was given to me by important people as I am in search of people that can read its contents. It is needed because someone important needs the medicine written here." Kondo stated.

"I shall help you read its components." Adrian stated.

"Thank you very much!" Kondo stated with great energy, but it did not last long.

"In exchange for my help, I want you to give me the scroll." Adrian stated which made Kondo hesitate.

Kondo was given explicit instructions to return the scroll to the Imperial Family of Yamato as it is a prized heirloom. It was already difficult enough that the imperial family had to hold his own daughter as hostage should he not return the scroll. Although his own daughter is a handmaiden of the princess.

"Unfortunately, I cannot give the scroll to you as I need to exchange it for my heart, but I can compensate you with anything." Kondo stated.

"I should also say this to you then. There is an incredibly limited number of people that can read the words written in this scroll. You could say that you are already extremely lucky to encounter me as you will also need me in order to craft the elixir." Adrian stated.

"I am sorry, but I cannot give you the scroll as it is extremely important. More important than my own life. I am sorry to have bothered you." Kondo stated as he stood up.

"The largest amount of time for a soul to be permanently stuck into the afterlife would be four hundred days. Should it exceed that time then they will no longer be able to return. I shall give you that advice since I admire your dedication." Adrian stated as Kondo exited the caravan to get some air.

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