Omega Summoner

Chapter 1180 The Ten Thousand Sword Mound I

Chapter 1180 The Ten Thousand Sword Mound I

The Ten Thousand Sword Mound is located just outside of the northern region. Just as the people describe it, it is a tall mountain that has thousands of swords plunged into it. One might even say that it looks like an old battlefield where a lot of swordsmen have died.josei

Adrian bid farewell to Xiaohei and Xiaoyan as he already reached his destination. The two still has something to do in the northern city which is why this is where they part ways. Kondo also bid farewell t Adrian as it is not bad to stay in friendly terms.

With the snow falling down on the Ten Thousand Sword Mound, it added to the eeriness of the mountain. Even Adrian could feel the intense negative emotion in this mountain, but he did see an interesting thing. Adrian managed to see a person get ownership of a sword.

The sword seemed to resonate with the person and pulled it. When the individual pulled out the sword, a monster called a Yaksha suddenly appeared to challenge the one that pulled the sword. When that individual defeated the Yaksha, the spirit or resentment that stayed on the sword suddenly got purified.

The Yakshas seem to be monsters that are created due to the resentment of the original owners of the blade. Once the blade finds a new and respectable owner, the grudges and resentment that are held in the blade have vanished. The spirit attached to the blade then transcends to the afterlife without negative emotions.

Adrian watched this happen and saw that the heavy atmosphere in the Ten Thousand Sword Mound got reduced by a small amount. What he did not like is that the Yakshas have already materialized in the higher parts of the mountain. The Yakshas have already manifested out of their sword despite no one their swords out.

"If this continues then it might not be wrong to say that the prediction of the Vermillion Bird will come true." Adrian stated.

The Vermillion Bird predicted that the Yakshas in the Ten Thousand Sword Mound might overflow into the outside world if the area is not purified. Adrian thought of this as well, but he could feel a very negative energy on to of the mountain. He wants to check it out, but he must find the soul of the eastern rider first.

Adrian released Sirius, Charon and Saena to look for the soul of the eastern rider. Adrian picked those three because they are the most sensitive when it comes to detecting spiritual entities. Adrian also joined in on the search as he summoned his scythe primordial armament.

Adrian's existence started to fade in and out of reality as the passive of the armament kicked in. He would become intangible and invisible as long as he does not enter battle. If one were to look at Adrian, then they might actually mistake him for the grim reaper coming to collect their souls.

Adrian searched the lower part of the Ten Thousand Sword Mound for a few hours yet yielded no results. He would need to actually climb to the middle part and search there but is reluctant to do so. In the middle part of the Ten Thousand Sword Mound, the Yakshas have already manifested and attack anyone they meet.

Adrian could not rely on the invisibility that is given to him by the armament there as the Yakshas could see through it. Alas, he has no choice but to do so as that is the only place that he has yet to search. With his three soulbounds in tow, he climbed to the middle area of the Ten Thousand Sword Mound.


The city governed by the Black Tortoise could be described as out of this world. The northern region of the eastern continent is a land filled with snow except for the area governed by the Black Tortoise. One would see a mystical city floating on the clouds as the lake beneath it is connected to four rivers passing through the city in the sky.

One would say that the rivers are actually pouring out water but that is the opposite. The rivers are actually flowing up towards the floating city. The lake below the city is its greatest water source and a great defensive landmark for invaders.

The city could be accessed via flying but those that cannot use the large flight of stairs that the residents of the city have built. It is said that the stairs are actually powered by mystical energy as it was pulled from the ground. Rumor has it that the Black Tortoise itself did such a feat so that the ladder can crumble should the residents need to protect themselves from invasions.

Kondo entered the city in a humane way as he walked the large steps. He already knows that the Black Tortoise is keeping an eye on him because he feels a presence on the back of his neck. This lingering feeling of being watched is also the same feeling he gets when the Azure Dragon peers into him.

He is the head guard of the Yamamoto Family that is protected by the Azure Dragon. It is also one of the few families that have the divine beast's blessing. It also means that he himself has the blessing of the Azure Dragon although smaller in comparison to the one in the main family.

Kondo felt that he was waling on the stairs when he suddenly saw himself in an area filed with nothingness. He noticed that he was standing on top of a lake and a giant being greeted him when he looked up. Kondo immediately knew who or what this being is and proceeded to show respect by kneeling.

"Stand up child...I have already been aware of your presence since you have step foot in my city. Tell me, what does a child with the blessing of the Azure Dragon want of an old tortoise like me." The Black Tortoise stated.

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