Omega Summoner

Chapter 1199 Fallen Knights

Chapter 1199 Fallen Knights

The auction ended with Adrian not getting something useful, but he already expected this scenario. In any case, it is his friends that got something for themselves, and they are happy with it. Adrian is about to live the auction venue when a group of people suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Greetings Equinox! I hope that you enjoyed the auction." A female guild master stated which made Adrian raise his eyebrows.

Adrian does not know who she was or have any idea of knowing which is why he is rather shocked that another person acted like they know each other. What Adrian does not like the most is people acting like they know him just because they want something from him. People that act like these are the type of people that only want to benefit from others and not the other way around.

"Excuse me but I do not know you. If there is nothing else that you need then I shall be on my way. I have other things that need to be done." Adrian stated as he tried to get away from this sudden scenario.

"I believe that the guild master wants to talk to you. Please show some respect." A rather plain looking man stated with a passive aggressive tone.

"I believe I already said that I do not know her. So, if you would excuse me." Adrian stated.

When Adrian is about to look for the exit, the plain looking man stopped him in his tracks. The plain looking man seems to be the vice guild leader or a high-ranking guild member of the woman, but Adrian could care less. The plain looking man tried to stop Adrian by holding his shoulders to which the latter did not receive well.

The sudden commotion in the front row made all the players look to see what is happening. They could easily see that Adrian was being bothered by another guild. A top guild that rose just a few months ago called the Fallen Knights.

The Fallen Knights are a guild that is led by the guild master with the name of Dame. She seems to have a reputation of getting what she wants and is also rather ruthless about it. A lot of the guild masters also tend to avoid her due to her rather unscrupulous behavior.

"I suggest that you take your hand off my shoulder if you know what is best for you." Adrian warned as he looked at the hand of the man.

People would often say that is this development not cliché, but this happens in real life. There is really a special breed of people that cannot read the room or just wants their ides to be always followed. People like these will only learn their lesson when they have been slapped with the harshness of reality.

"Are they actually serious about antagonizing the Demon?" One of the players that saw what is happening stated.

"I know right? Have they not seen how he cleaned up Hou Yiwei and Eldritch?" Another stated.

"Is that player not the infamous Mord?" One player asked as she recognized the face of the man holding Adrian's shoulder.

"That rude bastard that goes around bullying other people while flaunting his guild. If he was not part of the Fallen Knights, then many players would have already retaliated against him." Another player whispered.

"Hey! Do not act like that. Our guild leader just wants a chat with you. It would not even take much of your time anyway." Mord stated as he acted 'friendly' towards Adrian, but the latter looked at him with a blank expression.

"Speak! What do you want?" Adrian stated.

"See! I know that you will see it our way." Mord stated as he released his grip against Adrian.action

"I…" Dame stated just one word when Adrian suddenly cut him off.

"I have given you much of my time. Bye." Adrian stated as he suddenly teleported to the exit of the stadium with his friends.

Adrian suddenly vanished in front of them which made the Fallen Knights guild look like a pack of clowns. Dame could be seen red in embarrassment while Mord no longer hid his rage. Adrian, on the other hand, could not care less and just proceeded to exit with his friends.

When the players saw this, some burst out into laughter while others were laughing inside and mocking the Fallen Knights guild. The Demon, Equinox, has always been regarded as a no-nonsense player that does thing in his own pace. His attitude of hating overly friendly unknown people is already well known in the circle which is why some guilds just introduce themselves to him and not push further.

He was the type of person that will talk to you if he interests you. A few of the top guilds already know that information but some are just dense or only want their agenda. As a result, they were put to a shameful situation just like what is happening with the Fallen Knights guild.

The players actually thought that Adrian would give them time when the Fallen Knights guild forcefully introduced themselves to him. To their amusement, Adrian would actually also use such an underhanded way of dealing with them. He basically used their shameless attitude against them which people of the same nature do not like.

"Stop right there!" Mord shouted as he suddenly took out his weapon which is a jousting spear.

Adrian did not care what the other party shouted as it went inside his ear then out the other. This really angered the Fallen Knights guild which made them surround the exit. It seems that some of the members of the Fallen Knights guild were placed near the exit for such a situation.

Just like their guild, the members of the Fallen Knights guild seem to have the knight class but in different variety. Adrian looked at the other people that were also blocked from leaving and could see that they were getting harassed as well. Adrian wanted to see the reaction of the other guilds, but it was only the other top ranked guilds that spoke as those lower ranked guilds feared getting retaliated on.

"We tried to talk with you peacefully, but it seems that you are far too arrogant to listen." Mord stated.

When the people around them heard what Mord said, they wanted to slap him in the mouth. If anyone was being arrogant, then it would be them. They were already lucky enough that they were even replied with enough courtesy when they acted like that.

"Should I actually pummel them to the ground?" Lycan asked.

"Can we actually do that here?" Solstice added as she also found them incredibly irritating.

The Fallen Knights Guild Leader Dame then took out a Challenge Scroll which shocked all the players. A Challenge Scroll meant one thing and that is war against another territory. The top guilds that were supposed to stop the Fallen Knights behavior suddenly became curious of what will happen and backed down.

"I think that you know what this is. Do you believe that your guild can handle our guild?" Dame stated with a proud expression.

A Challenge Scroll is a special item that can directly issue a direct challenge on a rival guild of their choosing. It is a very rare and expensive item that cannot be easily obtained through normal means. It might be the only Challenge Scroll that the Fallen Knights guild have, and they are using it to threaten Adrian.

Many powerful top guilds used the Challenge Scroll to get territories of other guilds. When used, the two guilds will immediately be slotted in a guild war in thirty days. To make matters worse, the one that issued the challenge gets to dictate the compensation or reward for the fight. This made the Challenge Scroll a coveted item amongst guilds to the point that they will fight each other just to get one.

"Do it then." Adrian stated as he suddenly looked at Dame with an expression of confidence.

Dame could feel that there is something wrong with Adrian as she did not expect such confidence. She actually felt something prick the back of her mind that she should not push through with what she is planning.

"What am I afraid of? My guild vastly outnumbers his guild. We will surely win and get his territory." Dame thought to herself, but she was actually quite scared.

"Guild Master, are you okay? They are clearly antagonizing us and believe that we will not use it. Little do they know that this is already in the plan." Mord stated.

"You are right." Dame replied as she suddenly ripped the Challenge Scroll.

"I, Dame of the Fallen Knights guild, challenge Equinox' guild in a Guild War. We shall wager a quarter of our territory for his territory." Dame announced as she waited for the mediator to appear.

"Insufficient wager from the Challenger." A voice of a cute child suddenly echoed in the room.

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