Omega Summoner

Chapter 1201 Catching The Sun I

Chapter 1201 Catching The Sun I

Adrian has exactly thirty days in order to do what he needs to do and that is evolving Saena. Saena is currently in her second stage and has passed the level limit of evolving. The only thing missing is the thing that is needed to make her evolve.action

Adrian knows that Saena's evolution path is that of a Simurgh. The requirements are also completed except for one. A requirement even Adrian does not know what to get as it is rather vague.

Simurgh Evolution Requirements:

1. Level 180 (Completed)

2. Heal 1, 000, 000 damage (Completed)

3. Master more than 10 types of Status Ailments (Completed)

4. Obtain the Power of a Sun ( 0 / 1 )

"The last requirement is to obtain the power of a sun. I cannot go and fly towards the sun." Adrian muttered to himself as he then looked towards the sky above.

"Maybe I can." Adrian thought as he suddenly unfurled his wings.

Adrian literally flew towards the sun at an extreme speed to the point that he broke the atmosphere in about an hour. When he was already out in the atmosphere, he could feel a force pulling him back to the ground, but he easily brushed that off using his ability to affect gravity.


When Adrian broke through the atmosphere, an alarm rang in the observation center of the main headquarters of Atlas Inc. The alarm stated Code: Sol as it is used to signify that a player has successfully attempted to break free from the main world's gravitational pull. All hands are on deck when it comes to this scenario as it would signify an abrupt turn of events should a player successfully enters the cosmos.

"Who was it that broke through the atmosphere? Was it the Arcane Mechanic player in the Gnome Kingdom? Or has someone unlocked the power of the Star Protectors?" The development director asked as he hurried to the viewing deck to see who triggered the alarm.

"Director, it was Equinox that broke through the atmosphere!" One of the observers stated.

(Authors Note: The observers are those that can monitor the game and wear the futuristic visors. I thought it would be good to have them get a title instead of worker.)

"What is that curious brat doing now? Give me an update on why he broke though the atmosphere. Do not tell me that it is just due to his curiosity or else I will fire you." The director stated but he really did not mean to fire the observer tasked with observing Adrian.

"Here to report Sir! It seems that he is attempting to make his soulbound called Saena evolve as I saw him view the evolution requirements earlier. It seems that one of the requirements to evolve his soulbound would be to obtain the power of a sun." The observer stated.

"That is one way to obtain the power of sun. He is a Daemos as well so he can harness energy directly from a source as long as he focuses. He is like Icarus that flew to the sun but unlike him, Equinox will not burn from being too close from it." The secretary of the development director stated as she assessed the situation.

Just like the secretary said, the Daemos are somewhat immune to the effects of heavenly bodies and Arch Demons will not burn if they get close to the sun. A greater demon might have burned upon getting close, but an Arch Demon can tolerate the heat to a great degree. Adrian also has Asmodian blood running in his veins then it would make him able to stand close to it.

"Will he succeed? If he succeeds, then Project Code: Sol will trigger and that would make all of you work overtime for three days straight." The development director stated as even he would work that much in a short amount of time.

"Do not worry director. There are still some guards left before he can reach the sun. They are the guardians made to ensure that no one gets close to the sun easily." One of the developers stated.

"You are correct! There is still that. Why did I not remember." The development director stated as he breathes a sigh of relief. He knows that Adrian will not be able to defeat that guardian with his current level.


"I already passed through the atmosphere and the pull of gravity no longer affects me. I should do this more often as it is quite pretty here in space." Adrian stated as he enjoyed the view of the stars and planets in the distance.

He could also see the main world, Nebulon, in its entirety and even he admits that it is incredibly huge. When he thinks that the main world is just a fragmented part of the old world, he can only see how small he really is as the current main world is the same size as Jupiter when compared. This information was even verified by Atlas Inc to be true which made the main world incredibly huge.

There are also smaller worlds where one could travel via portals hidden in the main world. The main world plus the vast number of small worlds makes exploring the game of Pandemonium very exciting as there are always new things to discover. This is why a vast number of players tend to just explore the world instead of fight in silly wars or fight against other players.

When the survey of players fighting for glory on the main world was done, they found out that only 55% of the players participate in the events of the main world. About 25% just do what they want like crafting and such. The last 20% of the majority players are those that explore the hidden worlds and mini worlds that Pandemonium has to offer.

In fact, exploring other worlds are more dangerous and deadly than just fighting in the main world. If these 20% of players were to actually just fight in the main world then they would definitely enter the high rankings. The only reason that they do not enter the rankings is due to the fact that they repeatedly die trying to explore.

"The sun is that way but is it really that easy to reach?" Adrian muttered to himself as he cannot believe that he will easily reach the sun.

Adrian used his powerful wings to push towards the direction of the sun. he is currently in his Aetheros form as he knows that a much more powerful body would be better to traverse the unknown universe than his Netheros Form that might have greater attack power but lower defense.

Adrian flew past a few dozen smaller planets in order to reach the gigantic burning star that is located far away from the main world. It too him two hours flying at full speed to reach about a quarter of the distance which led him to believe that it will take a day at most to reach the sun without break.

When Adrian is about to reach a third of the distance from his perception, a beam of energy suddenly targeted him that made him dodge using Enhanced Blink. The beam of energy is so large in area that it destroyed a huge chunk of a small planet. Adrian looked at the source of the beam of light and is horrified upon seeing the thing that greeted him.

The being looked lie a golem made of white stone that is the shape of an eyeball. This giant eyeball is surrounded by halos made of light that seem to act as lenses when it launches beams of light. It is the size of a small planet, and it easily dwarfs Adrian's true form size. He might have mistaken it for a planet at first when he passed through it.


Name: First Guardian of the Sun

Tier: Mythical

Level: 400

Health: 100% / 100%

Mana: Infinite

Status: Blessing of the Sun Guardian

Description: A guardian made by an unknown group of gods to watch over the sun. It was made to make sure that no intelligent being will go towards the sun without enough power. Why was it made? Nobody knows but its prime directive is o destroy every being that attempts to reach the sun.


Buff: Blessing of the Sun Guardian


- When shone by the rays of the sun, this being will have infinite mana.

- When shone by the rays of the sun, this being will get increased health regeneration by 500%.

- When shone by the rays of the sun, this being will have 100% increased defenses.

​ - When shone by the rays of the sun, this being will have 100% increased attack power.

- When shone by the rays of the sun, this being will have 100% increased magical attack power.

- When shone by the rays of the sun, this being will have 100% increased stats.


"What the freak!" Adrian stated before he suddenly got evaporated by another beam of light that came out of the First Guardian of the Sun.

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