Omega Summoner

Chapter 1207 Find A Sun III

Chapter 1207 Find A Sun III

Adrian with Vitae and Mortem were escorted to the entrance of the Great Gorge. The High Priestess Estet wanted to come with them, but she cannot leave the temple without notifying the other elders. She would have wanted to see prophets in action as it is said that they are people that could bend the respective energy to their will.

"The Burning Sun Sand Dunes should be at the northwest as the High Priestess Estet stated." Adrian stated but he noticed that the two were rather hot in their clothes.

The clothes of the two might have been woven with special silk that was from gold silkworms which is raised by the wood elves, but it is very hot in the western continent. If Adrian was not a demon, then even he will feel its effects. Seeing that the two are feeling the scorch of the sun, he decided to use Kanlaon even though he would be rather eye-catching.

"Let us fly there instead of walking. It would be easier to do so than walking on the scorching desert sands." Adrian stated as he summoned Kanlaon.

The two are already familiar with Adrian's soulbounds as they often play with them since all of them can roam Adrian's territory. In fact, Adrian also wants to win the guild war as he could finally increase the land area of Avalon with the resources that he will win.

When Vitae and Mortem rode on Kanlaon's back, they could feel a refreshing temperature that cooled the heat from their bodies. They even laid down on his back to feel such refreshing coolness to which Kanlaon smiled. Kanlaon even used the Ice Dragon Ball to create small snowflakes to drop down on their faces.

"To the northeast of the Great Gorge, Kanlaon!" Adrian stated and Kanlaon soared through the desert sky.

In terms of danger, the desert sky would be the least dangerous area of the danger zone known as the Ceaseless Desert. There are not many monsters that can thrive in the harsh skies of the Ceaseless Desert. The monsters of the Ceaseless Desert often use the sands as their way to catch prey which is why no flying monster perfectly adapted to this danger zone.

Another reason why no flying monster adapted to this danger zone is the appearance of sandstorms. The sandstorms in the Ceaseless Desert make it impossible for monsters that have wings to take flight as the harsh winds of the sandstorms carry sharp sand. The only possible way for flying monsters to take flight in these harsh desert lands is when they can control the sands themselves.

The High Priestess Estet described the Burning Sun Sand Dunes as mounds of sand that turned orange due to the heat of the sun. Even other desert monsters stay away from these sand dunes because of the intense heat emanating from them as they can actually store heat for long periods of time. Only the Desert Sun Beetles love this area which is why they can be found here when periods of heat are present.

Seeing that no monster dared to attack them or could attack them, the group reached the Burning Sun Sand Dunes with ease. The only thing that Adrian did not like upon their arrival is the empty sand dunes. He could not see even one Desert Sun Beetle in the area.

"Where are they?" Adrian muttered which also made the twins curious.

"I can actually sense their life force although it is very vague." Vitae stated which made Adrian glad that he brought them.

The Prophet of Life can detect any forms of life as long as they have the breath of life. She is like the perfect detector for hidden beings. It also makes her difficult to assassinate as she could feel the life force of any living being near or far from her.

"This place also reeks of the stench of death. I can smell their burning corpses from here which is not a pleasant smell." Mortem stated as he started fanning his nose.

The Prophet of Death can detect any source of death via his senses. He would even feel if a being's death were coming as he has this secret sense that tells if another's life is in danger. He is also a person that is not easy to capture as he could detect a place' malice or if any being died with resentment in the area.

"Where can you detect the life forces?" Adrian asked as even he can detect life energy, but it seems he is not as well versed as Vitae.

"They are burrowed in the sands. I can accurately tell you the location, but it would be easier to wake them up. It seems they are hibernating which made them very difficult to locate even for me. Brother, let us take them out. It would be very cool for Big Brother Equinox to see what we have learned." Vitae stated as she suddenly became excited.

"I am with you, my sister." Mortem stated in a rather pumped voice despite his face not being very excited.

The two then prepared to take out the weapons that they were blessed with by the Twin Gods. Vitae pulled her right sleeve and showed the special wristband in her hands. It was made using vines and different flowers. Mortem, on the other hand, pulled up his left sleeve which revealed a bracelet made of bones and a small skull.

"La Vida!" Vitae stated.

"La Morte!" Mortem stated.

When the two said the activation words, the bracelets on their respective hands started to accumulate powerful torrents of energy. Vitae's bracelet bloomed as the flowers and vines started to entwine with one another as a shield made of fauna and flora is created. Adrian remembers this shield as this is Gaea's weapon. Mortem's bracelet glowed in an eerie pale gray light that sucked the coldness of the area. It then transformed into a claymore that pulsated with the energy of death.


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