Omega Summoner

Chapter 1249 Day Of Infiltration

Chapter 1249 Day Of Infiltration

Adrian and the other three returned back to Avalon when the destine date of the plan is at play. Ark, Basil and Pana could be seen to have improved an even raised their level. The training they underwent is not simple especially for Ark. The poor dude looked like the soul left his body.

Adrian asked his sister, Solstice, and Creepysoo if they would join the attack, but they suddenly got busy. It seems that Adrian is not the only one with the angel problem as the Erebians (both the werewolves and the vampires) found out that it was the angels that manipulated them in fighting. For the undead, angel players have been wreaking havoc near the citadel of the undead which made them hunt down angels.

It seems that the human cities near the undead citadel are not doing anything in fear that the angels will retaliate against them. In the doctrine of the Church of Light, the Goddess of Light Luminaria hates undead the most. Even the ones that the God of Deaths have given their blessing because she has a history of defeat from the undead.

"If that is the case then the angels are spread thin. This will make my job very easy." Adrian thought.

Adrian still has one problem as there seems to be a thin film at the entrance of the Silver City. This thin film is actually a barrier that prevents beings that do not have light energy in their bodies from passing through. Adrian thought a way to prevent that and that would be combining with Saena.

Saena's sun energy is at the same wavelength of light energy. With her and Adrian combined, he will definitely be able to pas through the barrier. If he cannot pass through easily then there is also the option of deleting the barrier using dark elemental magic.

Since it lets low level angels pass through, the spell that maintains the barrier is not strong as the gauge is not high. The only thing needed to pass through would be to have light elemental energy in the body but is not known by how much. Adrian then looked at the three that have determined faces as if they are ready for war.

"You three should relax a bit as being too stiff might lead to mistakes. You should always believe in your abilities. You guys are support for this operation which is why do not make hasty decisions. The dragons will be on the offensive." Adrian stated as a flock of fifty dragons could be seen flying on the horizon.

Ark could be seen more confident with his spells and swordplay. Solstice taught him how to wield magic and the sword more efficiently. She also taught him to not use all six elements even though he has affinity for them. He now focused on light and dark elemental magic which is his greatest elemental affinity.

Solstice asked him why he had affinity for opposite elements but all he could say is that he may have been blessed by the sisters in the starter town. Ark could clearly feel that the two old nuns gave him this elemental bonus when he satisfied them with his cleaning of the church. Nevertheless, he is grateful for that because light and dark elemental magic affinity are difficult to obtain.

Solstice is actually glad that Ark has affinity for the darkness element because vampires are of the darkness element. They are children of the Asmodian that was the incarnation of the God of Darkness Erebus. She made sure that Ark can wield dark elemental magic like the back of his hand.

Pana underwent training with Creepysoo which increased his knowledge on situational crowd control. He also learned from Robin Hoodie, the legendary undead knight archer, and increased his bow skills for midrange and close combat. Since Pana was also with the Prince of the Undead, he learned some death elemental spells and skills that could increase his strength.

Adrian could see that Pana is covered with a thicker death elemental energy than before. He could even use the death energy to momentarily slip out of the mortal plane to the spirit plane. It seems that Creepysoo was not the only one that trained him during his stay at the undead citadel.

Basil did not change much but her soulbounds have greatly change over the course of the training. Pyro has finally transformed into an adult from the harsh training that Kanlaon made it go under. The flightless fire dragon has finally sprouted its wings and could now carry Basil towards the skies.

His flight speed might not be fast but his sturdy scales that looked like hardened lava made him very tanky. Shock, on the other hand, has turned into a juvenile lightning dragon. He was only the size of a chicken at first, but he is now the size of a lion.

Shock is not as big as Pyro, but he made up for speed and his powerful blasts of lightning energy. He also has a horn that can act as a lightning rod to redirect lightning towards him. All of Basil's soulbounds actually got the rare ability where they can devour their element to restore themselves.


The horde of dragons are all of the darkness element that is led by Drakness Tenebrosus. The Dark Dragon King complied with Adrian's request to summon all of their dragon horde. Adrian saw the horde and even the dark dragon king, but he could feel that Drakness was reluctant.

"It seems that he told them of what is going to happen. This is why I never tell my plans to people unless I have their trust. Something will happen later when we arrive near the gates to the Silver City." Adrian thought as he greeted the dragons as courtesy.

The dark dragons did not seem very reluctant to follow Adrian, but he does not care. All he needs is a distraction and they will be sufficient for that. The angels seem to be spread out at the moment because of their haughtiness but Adrian will make full use of that.

"As explained to your king, we are going to confront the angels for their crimes for releasing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. No questions shall be heard from you because this is a command not a request. Prepare for battle as the angels will not admit their faults due to their narcissistic natures." Adrian stated as he opened a gigantic gate where the dragons could freely pass through.

Adrian commanded the dark dragons to go in first as he would be last to arrive by closing the gate. Basil then looked at Adrian and nodded as if they have agreed upon something. Ark and Pana are already briefed with the plan and all they need to do is to protect Basil. Drakness tried to make Basil stay but Adrian showed him who is in charge and the dark dragon king could only agree.

"Perfect Assimilation: Saena" Adrian stated as he fused with Saena in his Aetheros form.

"I have not used this spell for quite some time, but I missed it. Spirit Form Manifestation!" Adrian added as his body turned invisible as he passed through the gate.

When Adrian passed through the gate, a sizeable horde of angels seemed to greet them, but he is not seen by Drakness. The Dark Dragon King could be seen to be in a panic as he told the angels that the Champion of the Twin Gods will demand to pay for their sins against the world.

"Where is the champion?" Drakness asked Ark.

"He will not be with us as he entrusted this task to me. Your commands are still valid and that is to make sure that the angels pay for their crime. The only thing that changed will be the one demanding the punishment and that would be me." Basil stated but she is already trembling inside from anxiousness.

"Keep it up and just go by the script that we practiced. It took me quite a great deal of strength to get the props that we need." Adrian stated via a whisper to Basil. Basil took a deep breath and suddenly exploded with the dignity of the Mother of Dragons.

"Angels! Do you confess for your crimes of releasing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and releasing the Dragon of Apocalypse!?"  Basil shouted as her aura shone.

"I, Gabriel of the Seven Supreme Angels, say that is just a baseless accusation against us." Gabriel stated as he spread out his three pairs of white wings. He wanted to at least equalize the dignity shown by Basil. He made sure that he did not overshadow her as the dragons will not take that lightly.

Gabriel knew of the Mother of Dragons and need to be careful with her as she is the pride of the dragons. He thought that he would face Equinox, the Champion of the Twin Gods, which is why he prepared to outshine him, but he did not think of this happening.josei

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