Omega Summoner

Chapter 1259 Lilith Awakens

Chapter 1259 Lilith Awakens

A beautiful girl that looks like she is in her teens suddenly stood in front of the group. With a clap of her hands, the raging light and darkness energy became calm as if they never raged at all. This beautiful teenage girl looked familiar to Adrian because he has seen her before.

Adrian then looked at the sealed crystal where Lilith was once sleeping and found out that she was no longer there. Lilith, the First Nephilim, has actually woke up from her seal but that also posed a problem. She and the other Fallen were the ones maintaining this pocket dimension in the first place.

Without her and the Fallen, the special pocket dimension started to crumble. She saw this and immediately waved her hand. The crumbling pocket dimension started to get fixed again but that also made her weaker.

"Lady Lilith!" Pahaliah stated as he turned into a humanoid form and helped the weakened Lilith up. Gomory helped them as well since they need to help their master after all.

"I am fine, Pahaliah. We have more important matters to handle and that should be him." Lilith stated as Ark has yet to fully awaken.

"At once, Lady Lilith. Gomory, call upon the newly awakened Fallen and tell them that we need to stabilize Young Master Ark." Pahaliah stated to which Gomory nodded.

Gomory helped all the newly awakened Fallen and gave them the details of what to do. When the sealed Fallen saw that their Lady Lilith has woke up, they were ecstatic to be at her service once more. Meanwhile, Adrian is impressed with how Lilith fixed the pocket dimension as she did not just use spatial magic but also light and darkness elemental magic.

"The problem is that the pocket dimension is still imperfect. It will collapse into itself if I do not do something. Might as well do something and it might make my reward even better." Adrian muttered to himself as he told Pana and Basil to look after Ark as he needs to do something.

The Fallen all surrounded Ark who is floating in the air with his wings fluttering. The Chosen Nephilim has yet to stabilize the chaotic light and darkness energy in his body. Just because you were born having affinity for both does not mean that you can freely control them immediately.

"Whatever you used for his darkness energy seems to be very stable. It is the light elemental energy that he has which is causing the rampage. The darkness element inside his body is just protecting itself by reflecting it on the outside.

All of you, cast the Light of Salvation. It will be the only thing that can calm down the rampaging elemental energy in his body." Lilith stated as she started the magic circle which the other Fallen also followed up.

Numerous magic circles for the spell Light of Salvation surrounded Ark's body as the Fallen casted simultaneously. A huge pillar of light descended towards Ark as he screamed out loud with his eyes opening. When Ark opened his eyes, a pure golden light could be seen on his right eye while a pitch-black darkness could be seen on the left.

[The Prophesized King of Light and Darkness has fully awakened.]

[Light elemental users will have a boost of 10% to spells and abilities as long as they are in the main world, Nebulon.]

[Darkness elemental users will have a boost of 10% to spells and abilities as long as they are in the main world, Nebulon.]

A world message is once again given to the players of the world, and they thought that a powerful NPC has been unsealed. They looked at the streams of popular streamers, but no one had any idea what was happening. All they knew is that whoever awakened, the world itself became strange because of them.

Seeing that Ark has finally awakened and is in good hands, Adrian asked Paradox on the details of the pocket dimension. The Cube of Paradox analyzed the dimension, and it has a 40% chance of collapsing. It might not look like a big number since it is no more than half, but the percentage should only be below 10% for a stable pocket dimension.

"Suggesting the master to use Aetheros form in stabilizing the dimension as that form is optimal for repairing things within the universe." The Cube of Paradox stated as Adrian changed his form.

With Adrian's cosmic like wings, he spread out Aether Dust to all corners of the pocket dimension. It did not take long because the special pocket dimension is not that big. He then performed what the Daemos do when a rift in space appears and that is mending the broken dimension.

For the Daemos, repairing a broken dimension is basically child's play. Adrian used up about half his mana with intense concentration to make sure that the dimension stabilizes. He could feel his mastery for Arcane Magic steadily rising as he fixed the special pocket dimension.

"Master, you have stabilized the pocket dimension by a great percentage. The possibility of collapsing is now 8.9%. Should we continue?" The Cube of Paradox asked but Adrian already stopped since that is what he could do on his own.

Stabilizing a dimension is usually a group effort but Adrian did great because he was already an Arch Demon. Still, he could no longer decrease the collapse rate as it might hurt the dimension more if he did it in a quick way. The least amount of time to fix a rift usually goes for five days and lesser for pocket dimensions. Although, an hour of fixing is not good as a something quickly fixed could always get easily destroyed.

"That is fine, Paradox. Only the master of this pocket dimension could truly stabilize it. She would need to do it on her own." Adrian stated as he looked at Lilith while the latter also looked at him with interest. Although Lilith only has a speck of Asmodian Blood in her, she could sense the large amounts of it in Adrian.


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