Omega Summoner

Chapter 1265 The Time Demon’s Past

Chapter 1265 The Time Demon’s Past

[You have been unliked with the main world.]

[You can no longer be pulled by the one on the other side.]

[Find the exit by yourself if you want to return to the main world.]

"I am doomed." Adrian muttered as the chain broke.

Adrian tried catching the chain, but it suddenly turned into particles of light when he was about to grab it. Thankfully, he did not bump into the River of Time or else he would have more problems in his hands. Adrian's only hope right now would be to look for Koronn as he will be the only one that could send him out.

"Paradox, can you detect a mana signature that is similar to mine?" Adrian asked the Cube of Paradox.

"Negative. Master must spread his aura wide or at least give a burst of energy that can act as some sort of radar for my scanning capabilities to increase." The Cube of Paradox stated.

"If the Time Wraiths kill me then so be it." Adrian muttered to himself as he flew above the River of Time.

Adrian could only use a burst of Temporal Energy in order to create a wave of energy. If he fails in controlling his output, then he might actually damage the River of Time from his outburst. He is willing to risk that as dying would still send him back to Avalon.

"Paradox, begin with the creation of the temporal energy wave." Adrian commanded as the Cube of Paradox flew on top of him while he poured in temporal energy to the ego weapon.

A powerful wave of temporal energy is then sent out by the Cube of Paradox as Adrian held his breath of what will happen. As if the Cube of Paradox calculated the perfect amount, the temporal energy wave did not destroy any part of the River of Time, but some excess energy did touch it.

The simple touch of the temporal energy wave towards the River of Time was the only thing needed to get the attention of the Time Wraiths. The calm and floating wraiths suddenly all eyed Adrian as if they wanted to kill him by tearing him into shreds. They turned into another form that looked like vengeful specters where metallic like claws appeared from their robes.

Adrian did not even flinch at the sight of a hundred or so Time Wraiths charging at him because he already expected this to happen. He is taking a gamble whether he will find Koronn first, or the Time Wraiths will tear him to shreds. Adrian waited for the voice of the Cube of Paradox as it was still processing the information that it gathered.

"Any second would be the most optimal time, Paradox." Adrian stated in a panicky tone.

"Found a similar signature to the master. Do you wish to know the general location?" The Cube of Paradox stated.

"Go and point the way." Adrian commanded as the Cube of Paradox turned back to its solid cube form and turned into a streak of light towards Adrian's left side.

Adrian did not care as he cast Chrono Shift to himself in order to boost his flight speed. He might have been flying at a fast pace, but the Time Wraiths seemed to have no concept of time applied to them as they easily caught up to Adrian. Seeing the hundred or so Time Wraiths trying to shred him apart, he only looked forward.josei

The Cube of Paradox flew at almost blinding speed, but Adrian seemed to catch up to it and a few meters behind him are the horde of Time Wraiths that want to kill him. Adrian knew that they would catch up eventually which is why he tried casting Chrono Lag on the Time Wraiths. About twenty Time Wraiths got applied with the Chrono Lag magic spell but just brushed off the magic circles as if they were mere dust.

Adrian cannot even summon his soulbounds nor use any other magic in the River of Time due to the severe limitation. No wonder the other elders wanted him to go inside because they specialize in other fields of the Arcane despite them also knowing some spells related to Temporal magic.

"Mana Signature is close." The Cube of Paradox reported but Adrian did not see anyone in the distance.

"Where is he?" Adrian asked.

"The mana signature suggests that the person that the master is looking for is down there." The Cube of Paradox stated as it created an arrow made of light pointing towards the River of Time.

"You mean he is inside the actual River of Time?" Adrian asked the question, but he never wanted to hear the answer.

"Affirmative." The Cube of Paradox stated as if it was a fact.

"Diving inside would just make me crash towards the River of Time and destroy a part of it. Any suggestions?" Adrian quickly asked the Cube of Paradox as the Time Wraiths circled him as if waiting for the whole horde to gather before going in for the kill.

"In order for the master to not destroy the time stream, the master must turn or coat himself with temporal energy just like the Time Wraiths. With temporal energy coating the master's body, you will also theoretically be able to pass through the River of Time safely like the Time Wraiths." The Cube of Paradox stated but Adrian is a bit hesitant.

Adrian either has to choose to get killed here and now or trust the Cube of Paradox' decision. Adrian opted for the latter as the Cube of Paradox told him that Koronn is just below here. Adrian covered his whole body with his large wings forming an inverted triangle. He then coated himself with the temporal energy in the surroundings as he suddenly spun like a drill.

He also applied Chrono Shift to himself to make the spinning faster. He then dove exactly at the same time the horde of Time Wraiths descended before him. Adrian's body descended at an extremely fast rate, and he actually thought that he would get some resistance from the time stream but there was none.

Adrian felt as if he dove inside a body of water as he opened his wings to reveal a beautiful scene of sparkling crystals. He looked around to see what these sparkling crystals are, but it was actually the crystallization of events in time. When Adrian touched one of these crystals, he saw a glimpse of the past where a small demon was born from a humble demoness.

The demon had no feet as his lower body looked like smoke with a small horn that has a curved surface on its forehead. The cry of the djinn could be heard by his two parents that were a demoness and a human looking male. Adrian could not point out whether the male was really human because he has this special aura around him that can make others feel that he was above them.

Adrian thought that no one could see him since he was only peering through the crystal, but the baby djinn suddenly looked at him. As if the baby djinn could clearly see him, the baby djinn looked at him straight in the eyes and cutely smiled. Adrian wanted to see more but that was the extent of what he could see with his mastery over temporal energy.

Adrian recovered his normal vision and looked above him to see that the Time Wraiths did not descend to follow him. The Time Wraiths were circling the area above where Adrian descended though as if they were waiting for him to surface. Adrian could only guess that the current form that they have is not good for entering the time stream since they seem to be in attack mode or something.

Adrian then saw another crystal float near him and touched it to see the events held within. As soon as Adrian touched the crystal, he saw the parents of the baby djinn cast a special spell on the crib of the baby. When the two parents cast the spell, the baby djinn is suddenly put in suspended animation and the crib suddenly vanished from the area it was before.

Adrian then saw a horrific monster of epic proportion descend in front of the parents of the small djinn. The horrific monster then proceeded to kill the parents of the baby djinn, but they did put up a fight. Half of the horrific monster's body was destroyed but the demoness died as a result with her husband following after.

The scene then changed to the crib of the baby djinn actually being sent to the River of Time as it flowed towards the area where the future held. Adrian's vision then returned after seeing that scene as he felt a sad of the fate of the baby djinn. Just as he was about to touch another crystal, a hand suddenly touched his back.

"It is quite rude to view the events of others." Koronn stated.

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