Omega Summoner

Chapter 1282 The Pantheon VS Fallen Knights VI

Chapter 1282 The Pantheon VS Fallen Knights VI

If you ask any of the top guilds or players that follow them about the strength of each, then they will have a general answer for each top guild. For the Fallen Knights Guild, the players will say that they are an esteemed guild of knights that are great in warfare against players. They are also good at synergistic movement when it comes to knight skills because that is what they practice.

They were able to almost kill Kabrakan earlier with their Chivalrous Charge of then knights. Granted that they could actually kill a boss monster of their level with a powerful attack like that, it is actually a miracle that Kabrakan survived. If he did not have a skill that can prevent him from getting instantly killed, then he would have died.

Kabrakan managed to decrease the strength of the Chivalrous Charge, but he was not able to stop it from getting cast. Creepysoo became the next target for the skill because he was the closest and a player that did not have the ability to fly. Others of the Pantheon guild could fly which is why they decided to target him immediately.

Creepysoo noticed this and did not look amused as they saw him as an easy target. He made sure that they will not look down on him as someone easy because he has obtained the Necronomicon and it bound itself to his soul. The floating book that is chained to Creepysoo suddenly opened and a powerful mana burst out of it.

"Wall of Bones!" Creepysoo stated as numerous bones suddenly started to surface on the arena.

The Wall of Bones that he created stretched to a length of more than twenty meters. Each bone was thick as a log and the Chivalrous Charge hit this without stopping. The Fallen Knight's guild officials could see their health decreasing per inch of length they are traversing. The bones were not only sturdy but also sharp to the point that small shrapnel made of bones are bursting in front of them.

The Chivalrous Charge skill might make them immune against crowd control but that does not mean that they are immune to damage. Adrian and his friends were not able to damage the charging enemies at them because they are being aimed at by the remaining forty guild members. The quantity of their enemies really does have great advantage when it comes to this.

"Can you hang on?" Vayu asked Creepysoo as he kept the assassin enemy players from reaching Soleil, Peridot or Levin Cloud.

"I can. I guess it should be me who needs to show off first." Creepysoo stated as he suddenly gripped the Necronomicon.

"My Undead Knights! Come out and serve your prince. Protect me at all costs!" Creepysoo shouted as he finally summoned all five of his undead knights.action

Creepysoo's undead knights also underwent drastic changes to their overall appearance. Don Quixote is now wearing black armor with gold linings and the aura that he is bursting out is pure death energy that no longer has the properties of miasma. He also has a two-sided javelin instead of just one while the undead horse looked like it came from the abyss.

The horse that Don Quixote is riding could be described as a King Night Stallion. A powerful horse undead that is said to come from the depths of the abyss. It is said that it has the ability to shroud itself in shadows to make itself invisible when it is dark. It also has the ability to gallop in the air as if it is ground.

The next of Creepysoo's undead knights is Robin Hoodie. The archer undead that he contracted is now almost mist like in appearance. The only thing that one can see would be his cloak that is now made of smoke. The arrows that Robin Hoodie releases are now coated with pure death energy which can suck the life force out of anyone hit.

After Robin Hoodie is Voodoo Marie who is now looking like a real human. She wore beautiful clothes that outlined her female body perfectly well. The clothes would have been more beautiful if it was vibrant colors, but the colors were dark and mute. She also wore a headdress that is made of cloth which also covered her eyes.

She might not have eyes that could see because her headdress is blocking it, but she could definitely see anything. She could even peer deep into the soul of another as long as she concentrates enough. She is also holding needles and a voodoo doll that is not fashioned into anyone. She exuded a charming motherly aura, but it also has a chilling dangerous air to it as well.

The next undead knight is Mummie and his change is not that drastic. Mummie is still the same height as a ten-year-old boy, but he is now fashioned with a golden headdress that pharaohs wore. He is also wearing some gold jewelry that screams lavish and monarch to anyone that sees him. He is still wrapped in bandages from head to toe.

The latest edition to Creepysoo's undead knight is a Patchwork Zombie that he named Frankie. It is a zombie that was made out of human and monster parts which made it grotesque looking. Creepysoo did get it a suit to ear so that it looks refined despite looking like an abomination created in a lab.

Creepysoo's new patchwork zombie is the biggest of his undead knights as long as Mummie does not transform into his other form. When the undead knight's were summoned, they already knew what they needed to do and that is to buy time for their master. Creepysoo is currently chanting a powerful spell which needs time to activate.

Seeing the ten knight players charging at them, Don Quixote did the same as if accepting the challenge of the enemy knights. Don Quixote was the only one charging at first which made the viewers anxious as it will clearly be killed but nine other spectral undead suddenly appeared from below the arena. The ten spectral undead are now charging at full speed against the enemy cavalry.

Robin Hoodie fired a flurry of arrows towards the charging knight enemies in an attempt to stop them but was blocked by defensive spells cast by the enemy team. Seeing that he cannot affect the charging knights, Robin Hoodie focused on the enemy team on the other side instead. Due to this action, Peridot and Soleil got a lot of breathing room when it comes to blocking projectile.

Mummie is in charge of protecting Creepysoo from attacks from spells if they manage to get past the first line of defense which is Frankie that is standing near him. Frankie's role is basically a meat shield for Creepysoo as he has great defenses and regeneration. A part of Frankie's body could be seen made out of a troll which explains the great vitality.

Voodoo Marie stands near Creepysoo to protect him should assassins come to kill him. She also uses her abilities to punish anyone that lands a hit against Creepysoo. A stray arrow hit him once and the voodoo doll that she was holding on suddenly transformed into the enemy as she stabbed it with great force.

The enemy player immediately lost 25% of her health with that attack but Voodoo Marie also lost 5% of her health which will not regenerate as a sacrifice. She will not be able to heal that health for this battle as that curse, she applies has used her health as payment. The enemy she inflicted will also be applied a curse that will decrease the regeneration of health.

​ The gods that viewed themselves as clean and pure looked repulsed by the undead. The death gods that came, on the other hand, are ecstatic to see a battle between the living and the dead. The death gods are paying attention to the clash between the living cavalry and the undead cavalry.

When both forces clashed against one another, a powerful force resulted in each of them clashing but the Fallen Knight's order won in the end. Don Quixote suddenly turned to smoke while the undead he summoned turned to dust. Don Quixote was not killed but he reconstituted his body near Creepysoo.

One might think that the Fallen Knights guild now have an advantage because of their numerical superiority but they forgot someone while fighting against the undead knights. Creepysoo, who was diligently chanting his spell, has closed his Necronomicon as he finished the spell.

"Arise from the darkness of the earth and kill my enemies! Summon Undead Dragon!" Creepysoo shouted as a large magic circle suddenly appeared behind him where an undead dragon made entirely of bones came out. He lost all his mana in the process, but he summoned a powerful undead that is said to rival a real dragon.

"Miasma Breath!" Creepysoo commanded as the undead dragon started to release purple smoke from its mouth and blasted it towards the opponents.

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