Omega Summoner

Chapter 1297 Side Story

Chapter 1297 Side Story: Fairy Dragon VII


Item Name: Purest Moon Rock (100, 000 Year Type)

Tier: Semi Transcendent

Type: Special Mineral Ore / Consumable


-  Contains powerful light energy that can be used to cast spells of the light element without using mana or cooldown.

-  Amplifies the effects of skills that call upon the power of the Moon by 50%

-  Recharges when the light of the moon shines upon it.

-  Able to use the spell Moon Caller

Description: A Pure Moon Rock that has bathe in the light given by the sun for a very long time. It would have transformed into a divine rock if it was bathe for a much longer time. It is said to carry a powerful force that could make the moon obey.


They did not unearth a Pure Moon Rock but a Purest Moon Rock. It gave off powerful energy to those around it as it is close to becoming a Transcendent Tier ore. Peridot could not even begin to describe how beautiful it is as it is the most powerful gem that she has seen.

They thought that the stone should only be of the Mythical Tier, but they did not expect that it almost jumped to the highest realm of items. They now know why the attacks that they are doing barely dealth anything. It was to only continuous attacks that they were able to destroy the hard exterior protecting it.

"It has a powerful force of nature inside of it. I can feel that it could influence the very nature itself by just injecting some mana in it." Levin Cloud stated as he could feel the power radiating from the Purest Moon Rock.

Kabrakan cannot feel the immense energy, but his instincts are telling him that the stone that Peridot is holding is very dangerous. The Selvaggians might be unable to detect energy to the most minute details, but their instincts are very sharp when it comes to potential dangers. His instincts are going ballistic to tell him that the stone in front of him is not an ordinary item.

"Now that we have it, can we go now? We only have about ten days left before the guild war." Kabrakan stated as they do not know how long it will take for Peridot to evolve.

The trio agreed that staying there would prove to be a deterrent to their mission as night is coming. The powerful monsters of The Wilde might come to them with the Purest Moon Rock as a beacon of energy. Powerful monsters tend to gather around powerful things that can make them evolve such as special stones and rare herbs.

The only reason why the Purest Moon Rock is not yet taken by any other powerful monster is the fact that it encased itself in a protective shell. Any type of energy radiating from it could not be leaked because of this thick shell. Levin Cloud hurriedly casted Bifrost Flower once more and they were sent all the way to the eastern continent near the mountain where the Ryujin live.

Peridot summoned Moksha to serve as their mount to climb the mountain. Moksha is now bigger than ever before as it seems to be spoiled by Peridot's master. Moksha is now able to easily carry three adult size people on its back without difficulty.

"It seems that Moksha here is getting fed too well. It is getting fat." Levin Cloud stated which made him get shocked by a small bolt of lightning.

"You are just jealous because you do not have a mount yet. My Moksha is very healthy and powerful. Do not listen to him." Peridot stated.

"I will find my mount! Somewhere. I just like to feel the warmth of the soil with my feet that is all." Levin Cloud argued.

"Okay." Peridot stated as they entered the mountain where they were greeted by Nu Wa.

"Greetings, my child and her friends. Has your adventure been fruitful? You know, it is not bad to rest when you are having difficulty in find the items that you need. I would not blame you if you surrendered in your pursuit as you have a very probable path of evolution that I have already laid out." Nu Wa stated as she thought that Peridot was returning because she needed the aid of the Ryujin or wanted to rest.

"Master, I actually gathered all the items that I needed in order to evolve." Peridot stated which made Nu Wa's ear perk up as she could not believe it.josei

"You got them all?" Nu Wa asked to clarify, and Peridot began telling the story on how she achieved it.

As Nu Wa heard the story from Peridot, her eyes started to widen as she could not believe that Elemental Kings were that kind. She even looked at Levin Cloud and he answered with a shrug of 'I do not have an explanation myself'.

When she was shown the Purest Moon Rock, she almost fainted because that is an item that cannot be found just about anywhere. Even Nu Wa herself would want that item for herself as that could increase her divinity. She would not dare steal an item that her own daughter has painstakingly dug with her own hands, but she thanked the heavens for her luck.

The results of the search for the evolutions items might be luck but coincidence and timing also played a part in it. Peridot would have blown off the idea from the first day if she did not have a way to communicate with the Elemental Kings. For the Pure Moon Rock, she would also forget about looking for it because it will never happen if she did not know Kabrakan.

Levin Cloud made it possible for her to obtain the Pure Water Blessed by the Elemental Kings as he gave access to Alfheim. Kabrakan made it possible for her to obtain the Purest Moon Rock as he gave access to The Wilde where the rabbit clan lives. She did not think for a second that she accomplished everything on her own because she has the help of people that she cared for along the way.

"Since you have successfully gathered everything. I shall now commence the creation of the pill. Come with me child. You can also bring your friends with you." Nu Wa stated as she floated towards the center of the mountain where a stadium is present.

The stadium is more like a small pavilion where Nu Wa rests. This small pavilion has four pillars that equate to the four cardinal directions with the statue of the Four Divine Cardinal Beasts resting on top of them. If one focused, then they would be able to see a thin veil surrounding the small pavilion as if it is a sacred space.

"This is my sacred space located in this pavilion. I think it is time that I become completely honest with you, my child. I am not just a Ryujin but I was once the Goddess of Life Nuwa. The creator of the ones the world calls the Eastern Dragons." Nu Wa stated.

The three were shocked to find this out but Peridot had suspicions way before. Peridot thought that her master knew too much of the world before the dark gods arrived as she often told stories that were very vivid. If she was alive back, then they she would have ascended to godhood by now with her power, but she did not.

"It does not change anything, master. Even if you are just a normal Ryujin or a normal lady. You will still be my master because you have taken care of me when others turned a blind eye." Peridot stated which warmed Nu Wa's heart.

"Since you are using the Purest Moon Rock, I do not know how powerful the pill will be, but I know it will help you greatly." Nu Wa stated as she motioned her hands to make the Pure Water and Purest Moon Rock float.

With all her might, Nu Wa directed the Pure Water to come out of the bottle and soak the Purest Moon Rock. The Purest Moon Rock collided with the Pure Water Blessed by the Elemental Kings. A powerful energy erupted from both items as Nu Wa forcefully fused them together to make a spherical pill that took looks like the moon radiating rainbow-colored lights.

"Eat it, my child." Nu Wa stated and Peridot did not even hesitate as she gulped the pill straight away without second thoughts.

The moment Peridot swallowed the pill, her body started to transform into her Ryujin form as she coiled around herself. She coiled herself into a sphere until she formed an outer shell that made it look like it was the moon. Her spherical shell even started to float which made it look like Nu Wa summoned a moon in her courtyard.

The shell cracked a few minutes later which revealed Peridot's new form. The second Fairy Dragon has been born to the world.

[You have successfully evolved into a Fairy Dragon.]

[You have earned the title of Calamity.]

[You have learned the skill Calamity Clouds.]

[You have learned the skill Moon Caller.]

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