Omega Summoner

Chapter 133 - The Truth Of Undeath

Chapter 133 - The Truth Of Undeath

Adrian looked at the Undead King before responding.

"Thank you for the warm welcome." Adrian replied with a smile.

"You are most welcome here in our humble abode." Caesar cheerily said as he laughed.

Adrian did not expect that the Undead King was this cheerful. He expected a more serious or gloomy attitude. You really should not judge a book by its cover.

"Come closer please champion and please introduce yourself to us." Caesar said.

"Well, I am Equinox. I am the current Champion of the Twin Gods. One of the Daemos. That is pretty much it with my introduction." Adrian answered.

"Allow me to introduce my family. The Doom Knight clad in obsidian armor is Cruz and is the leader of the undead knights. The twins Noire and Blanche who are my secretary of sorts. The Ghoul Asura Valar who is the strongest of my warriors. The Astral Wraith Du'an who is my most trusted wizard. And last but not least, the prince of the undead that you have already met. The son I am most proud of, Creepysoo." Caesar cheerfully stated.

When Adrian heard the last sentence, he was greatly shocked. He did not expect a sudden bombshell of an announcement. Adrian looked at Creepysoo and he was embarrassed with his title that he was cutely protesting at the announcement of his title. Adrian though recovered from his shock and gave a thumbs up to the kid.

Now that Adrian has a closer look, Creepysoo and the Undead King Caesar are alike. They probably have the same undead species but the Undead King must have a higher persona than Creepysoo. If Creepysoo were to raise his persona then he would probably have the same intensity in aura as the Undead King Caesar.

"I am very grateful that you seem to have befriended my son. He rarely goes out in the world as Undead are still persecuted much like your kind. I hope that you will take care of my son when the need arises." Caesar said as he laughed heartily.

"Well that is enough for the playful banter. We need to proceed to the topic at hand and no longer waste the Champion's time." Caesar said as his face became serious.

"Champion Equinox, let me ask if you know the true reason how we undead have been made?" Caesar asked.

"I am sorry as I have not been fully informed. The twin gods are busy themselves of monitoring the world and searching for the dark gods. Although according to history books, a dark god with twisted life magic created the undead." Adrian answered.

"And do you believe that claim?" Caesar asked as a follow up.

"I believe that it is plausible but our universe have separate gods for life and death. Even if they came from another universe, the same principle should apply to them as life and death are too potent to be carried by one god. The creation of undead uses life magic but also tampers the death cycle which would be impossible for just a dark god of life." Adrian said his hypothesis.

When the Undead King and his attendants heard this, they were shocked. It seems the Champion chosen was not to be underestimated despite his youth. He managed to piece incomplete information and turn it into a very plausible conclusion. His conclusion in fact was close to the truth except of once fact.

"It was not a dark god that transformed us into undead. The one who was responsible was the previous Envoy of the Twin Gods." Caesar stated the truth.

Adrian's mind was once again blown and almost stopped functioning. Envoy of the Twin Gods was the job class that his best friend would get if he successfully cleared all his missions. It would make sense that the envoy would be able to twist life and death because he would be able to use both energies. Unlike the envoy, Adrian was the Champion of the Twin Gods and acts more like an enforcer rather than a prophet.

Since the new Envoy has yet to be chosen, Adrian is chosen to be the bridge for this occasion.

"And where is the former Envoy then?" Adrian asked as even he was curious. Adrian looked around and saw that the group before him did not have immense energy of life and death.

"He has just risen from his seal." The Undead King Caesar said in a grave tone.

"Don't tell me its!?" Adrian suddenly thought of someone while he said those words.

"It is as you feared. He is the Arch Lich Malus." The Undead King Caesar stated but he was not too happy saying that name.

"Why did the previous envoy betray the Twin Gods anyway? They are the two most powerful gods in the universe. Only an idiot would do that." Adrian straight up stated to which the undead king laughed.

"You are right only an idiot would do such a thing. We of the first undead were warriors of the twin gods. I was even the Champion of the God of Death. Although shabbier than your title, it is an esteemed title nonetheless." The Undead King Caesar said to which greatly intrigued Adrian as he always liked reading lore.

"My younger sister was even the Champion of the Goddess of Life. Anyways, back to my story. During the invasion of the dark gods, we were getting desperate to win and even lay our life to protect the world. Since champions should always communicate with the envoy, we have a good relationship. Nevertheless, it seems years of friendship was not enough to wash away the greed of man." The Undead King Caesar said as he sighed.

"Malus was just a newly appointed envoy because his predecessor died during the first coming. He was still trained nonetheless so he knows how to wield his powers. I do not know if it was greed or he was tempted but when we fell down in battle, he used his powers to revive us from death which was possible as long as your body was intact." The Undead King Caesar stated while his attendants looked like they were welling with anger as they remembered what happened.

"Let me guess. He did revive all of you but the twist was he already sided with the dark gods like some of the envoys." Adrian stated.

"You are right, Champion Equinox. We were not expecting the desertion and betrayal of the other envoys. Malus used his new found twisted powers to corrupt the revival. Instead of reviving us normally, we were revived as undead. We still have our clear mind though and the first thing I did was rally the undead thereby gaining the title of Undead King." The Undead King Caesar told Adrian which the latter was listening attentively.

"So what happened after your undeath revival?" Adrian asked.

"The first thing I did was slash that despicable Malus to shreds but it proved futile as he already became an Arch Lich. He just revived to where his phylactery was hidden. After his revival, he took control of every Undead that was near him as if he branded our souls with his vile magic. We pointed our blades to our comrades and the war became much more difficult. I even killed my own sister with my hands to which I would never forgive myself." The Undead King Caesar said in a depressed tone.

"If Malus was the real leader, why did he not become the undead king?" Adrian asked as he was wondering how Caesar became the Undead King instead of Malus.

"Well, I do not mean to brag but I was a king already and a champion at the same time. You could say that although great in terms of individual power, some people are just not destined to lead. Malus was such a case as he does not have a shred of leadership in him. The only ones that truly followed him were his fanatics that would even commit suicide for him. Those fanatics are probably liches by now." The Undead King Caesar stated.

"I see. Since there could only be one Undead King, he took control of your mind to do his bidding instead of leading by himself. If that was the case then how did he became an envoy anyways?" Adrian declared.

"He was the last living disciple of his master that was the Envoy before the first coming. I think he might have had a hand in how that happened too but we were short-handed at the time. We used all the necessary personnel we could get as long as they were willing to lay their lives." The Undead King Caesar stated.josei

"Okay then. Now that I got the gist of what happened, according to your narrative. What do you want to warrant my presence anyway?" Adrian said as he cut to the chase.

"It is simple, Champion Equinox. We want to be once again acknowledge by the Twin Gods as warriors that would fight for them. We want to be under their grace once more!" The Undead King Caesar stated as he stood up and showed his kingly majesty.

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