Omega Summoner

Chapter 1333 The Thorny Pit I

Chapter 1333 The Thorny Pit I

The Temple of Bastet wanted to believe that the words that Adrian spewed but they do not have any record of a fragment of Apophis sealed within the depths of the Thorny Pit. Adrian already knew that this would happen because the Sun God Ra had told them that there were no records to make sure that no one tampers with the Thorny Pit.

The Thorny Pit was meant to be a secret sealing site to make sure that the fragment of Apophis does not get released by human hands. It is a good security implementation but a double-edged sword if something like the situation they are in now is happening. Since the two knew that they would not be believed by mere words, Cairo took out the token that the Sun God Ra has given him.

The moment Cairo took out the token from his inventory, the Goddess Bastet immediately descended upon Estet. She took the token that Cairo took out and suddenly wept as she found it very familiar. She could not believe that she would feel this warm energy once again that is reminiscent of the energy that the Sun God Ra gives off.

"Where did you get this relic?" The Goddess Bastet stated as all the other priests bowed towards her.

"We should only say this to you and the elders because we trust that no one here will betray the Sun God Ra. He has awakened from his slumber, but he is not yet fully resurrected." Cairo stated as he needed to keep some of the information under wraps and give them only what they need.

"That token was given to us by the Sun God Ra himself. He is currently recuperating in one of the hidden temples of the Sun God. We were tasked to investigate the Thorny Pit because the Sun God Ra feels that the seal to the fragment of Apophis is getting loose.

It might be due to the leaking energy of a distorted god that the western continent is suddenly experiencing weird phenomenon like misplaced weather. It will not hurt to check as all we need is to drop down to the Thorny Pit to investigate." Adrian stated as he deliberately gave them partially correct information.

Adrian messaged Cairo to back up his claims as they do not know who an enemy among them could be. It is not farfetched to become very cautious as the Sun God Ra is at his most vulnerable state as of now. Prince Amun might be the perfect vessel, but he is still a young boy that cannot use all of the powers of the Sun God Ra.josei

"Yes! I also told Equinox about the weird things happening in the western continent which is why he wanted to come. It seems that the strange phenomenon also reached the ears of the Daemos Elders which is why they sent their best." Cairo stated with a smile while Adrian gave him a small thumbs up.

"If it is just the Thorny Pit then you are free to investigate it as the Temple of Ammit that has claimed jurisdiction of that area does not really actively manage that site. It is not unfair to say that the area that the Temple of Ammit reigns is a lawless zone because they do not actively help those in the territory where they founded their temple." The High Priestess Estet stated as the Goddess Bastet no longer possessed her.

"I know that it is too much to ask but we need your aid in investigating. We do not know if the fragment has already been unsealed as no one checked up on it ever since. If the fragment that was sealed there really awakened, then we would need the strength of the Temple of Bastet to deal with the situation. We shall also go to the Temple of the Storm to get the aid of the vessel of the God Seth." Adrian stated as he believes that they would actively help them.

"Do not worry as the Goddess Bastet has commanded all of us to mobilize to make sure that the will of the Sun God Ra be done. The Goddess Bastet is pleased that the Sun God Ra has managed to finally get resurrected and wants to hasten that process by dispelling his worries." The High Priestess Estet stated.

"I think it is best that the Temple of Bastet moved first towards the Thorny Pit while we fetch the Temple of the Storm's followers for back-up." Adrian stated as they need to secure the place as soon as possible.

Adrian still has the Trinket of the Desert Jackal that was given to him by the God Seth. He will use the command should he be forced as he still has three chances to use it. The High Priestess Estet has clearly told Adrian that the worshippers of the Temple of the Storms are different compared to the other worshippers as they are battle born.

The people that live near the Temple of the Storms that worships the God Seth are all hardened warriors that treat the desert as their playground. They do not fear anything that walks in the harsh sands of the Western Continent as they were trained since birth to be able to handle it. They are also followers that fight for survival and would hunt even the most vicious of beasts so that they can eat.

"If you are going to the Temple of the Storms then this time of year would be the best. The sandstorms lingering in their area is not that strong at this time. Do you wish for some of us to escort you there?" The High Priestess Estet asked.

"No need as we will be able to navigate to the location by ourselves since the place is not that difficult to reach. I will just teleport us to the rough location and Cairo will be the one that will be my guide. It is best for all of you to mobilize and see the initial state of the Thorny Pit as soon as possible." Adrian stated as mobilizing the warriors of the Temple of Bastet will take quite some time.

"If that is the case then I wish the two of you your safe travels. We will start our preparation immediately so that we can depart as soon as possible. We can even reach the Thorny Pit in a day should we be quick in our preparation." The High Priestess Estet stated as Adrian and Cairo left the Temple of Bastet.

"Do you know where the Temple of the Storm is located?" Cairo asked.

"Not really as I have never been there before. I wanted to go and see the city that is built by the Temple of the Storm, but I got quite busy. I do have special command over the people of that temple because of a certain quest that I did in the western continent. We must make haste point to me where we will need to teleport." Adrian stated as he brought out a map so that Cairo can point to the location.

"The Temple of the Storm is located here in an area called Endless Sandstorm Desert. It is actually a place where sandstorms always happen, but the intensity varies. The city is called Seth in honor of the God Seth and a large barrier is covering the entire city to make sure that the sand does not enter. It is quite grand and beautiful but the people there are very tough." Cairo stated as he remembered his previous experience.

"Ok then. How do you feel about flying?" Adrian asked as he wanted to know if Cairo gets dizzy.

"I am quite good with heights. Will we ride Kanlaon to get there?" Cairo asked but he remembered that they would teleport there.

"No but I just wanted to ask if you are great with heights as you might need to prepare for the next thing that will happen." Adrian stated as he grabbed Cairo by the neck again.

Cairo suddenly wanted to yell stop, but he could not mutter anything as they vanished from the location. The next thing that Cairo knew is that he is free falling out of the sky. He could feel the clouds touching his cheek as he screamed his lungs out.

He suddenly knew why the core guild members looked at him with great pity when Adrian told him to go on a quest with him. They even asked if they would go into uncharted territory, and he replied with yes. The encouragement that he got was 'make sure to always be prepared mentally'.

He thought that the core guild members were just messing with him, but their warning is actually very heartfelt. Cairo told himself to always listen to the core guild members from now on when they talk about their guild master. He now knows why the nickname of The Demon is perfect for their guild master.

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