Omega Summoner

Chapter 1348 Buy As Much Time I

Chapter 1348 Buy As Much Time I

"You mean the one hidden underground?" Adrian asked.

"Yes! It might not be much, but we still have an active temple. All we need is to have the temple rise back top the surface so that the sun disk could get more sunlight." Cairo stated as what the Sun God Ra needs tight now is sunlight.

"If that is the case then must go but I do not have enough power to separate myself from my vessel as of yet. I can only separate once my weakened spirit fragment will regain some of its power. In order for me to recover quickly, I would need to go to the temple in the western continent with Prince Amun." The Sun God Ra stated which made the parents of the prince worry.

"No! We cannot subject our sun to such danger." The queen stated as she us deeply worried about her son.

"If the Sun God Ra does not get back his power then all of the world might end as we know it. Would like to live with your son until the end came which might be a year from now or take a chance so that you can live with him until your mortal life ends?" Adrian stated the cold hard truth of the matter to the king and queen.

Adrian might seem cold and straightforward, but someone has to be in this occasion. It is not that he dislikes the queen for her irrational behavior because that is what a real mother should do as her child will come to the line of fire. They did describe Apophis as a powerful distorted god that is equivalent to the Sun God Ra who is a primordial god.

"Calm down, my queen. I will go with my son to make sure that I can protect him." King Amon stated as he wants to safeguard his son when they go to the western continent.

"The prince will not be in immediate danger because I will only need to accumulate power while in the temple. It might not go as planned as the serpent might send enemies towards me when it senses my powers increasing but we can teleport the prince back here once I return my powers back." The Sun God Ra stated as he looked towards Adrian.

"We can do that but two guards will not be enough to protect you if a horde of monsters comes our way." Adrian stated.

"We shall be guards of the prince!" The vampires and werewolves stated.

"Uhmm… Are you guys sure about that? Are you not children on darkness? Will you guys be alright if you are inside a Temple of a Sun God?" Cairo stated as he asked all the right questions.

"If that is the case then maybe our guild can protect the Sun God Ra. We shall forfeit our contribution to the world quest as helping the Sun God Ra ascend will be more beneficial to the world." Adrian stated in defeat as he really wanted to defeat the Shadow of Apophis.

"We already got contribution points though. You are actually the first one on the leaderboard." Cairo whispered to Adrian which shocked the latter.

Adrian then checked if what Cairo said is true as he did not expect that something already happened. Just as Cairo said, Adrian is on the lead of the leaderboard with ten thousand plus points and Cairo following behind him. He did not expect it, but it is a welcomed surprise.

"We shall protect the Sun God Ra then. I shall return once I relay my thoughts to my elders. Cairo, you can stay here and protect the Sun God Ra for the moment." Adrian stated as he left the Kingdom of the Sun.


Adrian returned back to Avalon and told all the other guild members to assemble. He first went to the elders to brief them of what happened. He also asked if the Daemos could provide assistance but they cannot mobilize them all to the western continent.

The elders cannot send Daemos to the western continent as the tension between the dragons and angels are fierce to the point that they started petty fights that changed terrain. Due to them fighting, the space in some regions started to warp which means the Daemos had to fix more things. What they can offer in assistance is the teleportation to the western continent.

"Do not forget to charge them one silver per transfer." Adrian stated with a sharp glint in his eyes.

"I already thought ahead of that and made it two silver coins. The Temple of Bastet has already contacted us via the artifact that we have them. They were the first ones to be sent with adventurers. We can also station at least one of the greater demons to supervise teleportation array to the Temple of Seth that you are saying. That is the most manpower that we can spare." Ascalor stated.

"That should be enough. I shall announce it to the public then." Adrian stated as he started to post in the player forums about the teleportation to the western continent.

When the players saw Adrian's post in the forums, they immediately thought that it was a fake account because he does not make threads. They always thought that the player named Equinox likes to remain a mystery but someone is actually posting something in his name.

The players thought that it was a scam until players of the Avalon territory told them that it is real. They saw the greater demons creating a teleportation array to the western continent but it is only limited to one area which is the Temple of Bastet. Players that could not get aerial or sea transportation flocked to Avalon to get a chance at using the teleportation circle.

This did not bode well for those that do business of transportation but they noticed that Avalon only offered to one territory while they could offer direct area to where the World Boss is.

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