Omega Summoner

Chapter 1445 The Sneaky Shadow

Chapter 1445 The Sneaky Shadow

While the Shadow of Apophis suddenly became smaller, it knew that it will not be able to get its fragment. Even the followers of the dark gods knew that they would become a laughingstock if they do not achieve something. It might not be on the news, but the Shadow of Apophis has started to find its potential champion.

Since the Distorted God Apophis cannot directly descend to the world without it being complete, only the Shadow of Apophis can give the blessing of power to the candidates. One of the candidates managed to slip inside of the Temple of Bastet.

The blessing that was given to him is the blessing of the shadows that enabled him to transform into a shadow snake. The candidate managed to get pass the guards of the temple and arrive at the lower floor where he could feel the energy of the Distorted God Apophis coming from behind the gigantic stone door.

"This is it! Once I have gotten the Spirit of Apophis, I will become the true Avatar of Apophis!" The male candidate stated.

The male candidate transformed his body once more into shadows as he tried to pierce the barrier that the stone door presented. It took quite a while for the male candidate to create a small hole where his shadow body could enter. After an hour of piercing the barrier, he managed to slip inside the other side and is greeted with a cold room.

The male candidate is before the frozen figure of the Goddess Sekhmet that is clutching the Spirit of Apophis. He looked at the fragment of Apophis that will lead him to become the avatar and cheered at his luck. He will be able to get ahead of the others and might be chosen to become the one that will lead the others.

The male candidate then turned his body into shadow form as it managed to phase through the ice. As soon as the shadow fingers of the male candidate reached the Spirit of Apophis, the sleeping Goddess Sekhmet suddenly opened her eyes. The male candidate did not see this as he was still trying to get the fragment.

"Got it!" The male candidate stated as he tried to extract the fragment from the clutches of the Goddess Sekhmet, but he started to see that his sweat is starting to drop.

"Why am I sweating when I am inside a frozen room?" The male candidate stated as he suddenly looked around him as the whole room is no longer frozen.

The mist he was seeing is not frozen air but is actually steam that made the ice in the room evaporate entirely. When the male candidate looked up, he could see the flaming gaze of the Goddess Sekhmet bearing through his soul. The male candidate tried to escape by turning into a shadow, but he suddenly could not move.

"Dirty soul tainted by the vile serpent! Repent in the flames of the great sun." The Goddess Sekhmet stated as the male candidate suddenly ignited into flames.

The male candidate could not even utter a scream as he turned to ashes despite him almost immune to magic damage in his form. The Goddess Sekhmet loved the image of a tainted being burned by her flames. She relished it and released a powerful scream as if to announce to the world that she has been revived.


"Let us return to the Temple of the Sun." Adrian stated as a sudden fire pillar erupted from the Temple of Bastet.

[The Goddess Sekhmet has been released from her seal.]

[She is currently gaining power as she is fully descended into the world.]

[She is currently at the strength of a demigod but will rise greater when her rage is not quelled.]

[Should the Goddess Sekhmet not control her power, then the limit of the world might be broken once more as lesser gods will now be able to descend.]

"What is that?" Frey asked.

"A pain in the behind. New plan! Please help me stall the Goddess Sekhmet that has been released. I will fetch the others that arrived back at the Temple of the Sun." Adrian replied.

"I can do that. Make haste." Frey stated as she saw Adrian teleport away.

"Mortals! Fear my fiery wrath for it is you that has forsaken the Sun God Ra!" The Goddess Sekhmet stated as she suddenly appeared on top of the Temple of Bastet.

The Goddess Sekmet has a female lion's head where her hair is burning flames while her body is clothed in golden ornaments. She did not even have a weapon in hand as she could ignite the body of a person with just the thought. She is the Goddess of the Hot Desert Sun, chaos, plague, chaos, war and healing.

"Goddess Sekhmet! Please quell your anger!" Cheops, the Avatar of Horus, pleaded as he flew towards the goddess.

"Child of Horus! I shall not punish you because you are the chosen one of my own nephew, but the others born into this world are sinners that must be cleansed with fire. The Sun God Ra will definitely revive once I rid this world of the traitorous humans that led to his demise." The Goddess Sekhmet stated.

"Goddess Sekhmet! The Sun God Ra has already revived. You do not need to plunge the world in fire." Frey appeared while riding her Pegasus mount.

"Foreigner! I can smell the scent of a foreign goddess in your energy. You are not part of this, and I will ask you to leave. If you spout nonsense once again then I will burn you as well. How can the Sun God Ra be revived when it has only been a year since his demise!" The Goddess Sekhmet stated.

The Goddess Sekhmet has been sealed for far too long that she thought that she was only sealed for a year. At this pace, they will likely be unable to stop her rampage which will result in a lot of casualties for them. Even now, the priests of Bastet are putting out the fire that is currently enveloping their temple.

"Goddess Bastet! I am Cairo, the current Champion of the Sun God Ra. What my friend here speaks is true. The Sun God Ra has risen once more with my help which is why I am blessed by his power." Cairo stated.

Cairo thought that his sudden appearance would calm the Goddess Sekhmet but her gaze towards him was of bloodlust. Cairo did not know but he feels that he should not have said what he has said. Frey also looked at him and suddenly pushed Cairo away as a pillar of flame suddenly exploded in the area that Cairo was in.

"Champion of the Sun God?! To think that you would possess another's body to extend your pitiful life. I remember burning you to the point where your body melted but it seems that you survived. You are even using the energy of the Sun God Ra when it was you who betrayed him back then. You even used the forbidden magic of the Goddess Eset to get another body!" The Goddess Sekhmet stated.

Cairo is shocked to learn the sudden information that one of the reasons for the death of the Sun God Ra was his own champion. Cairo immediately knew that he will not be able to escape the wrath of the goddess as he is being blamed. He was even thought to be another person which means he might die today.

"I shall start with you while my strength is still returning to my body!" The Goddess Sekhmet stated as she ignited her whole body and charged towards Cairo.

Cairo immediately backed off but the speed that the Goddess Sekhmet defied physics. Cheops knew that Cairo would die if the Goddess Sekhmet would be able to grab him. Cheops immediately enchanted his wings to have almost the same speed as the goddess and appeared in front of Cairo.

"Goddess Sekhmet, please calm your anger." Cheops stated but he was not even able to stop the goddess.

The Goddess Sekhmet just clashed with the wind barrier that Cheops has and easily destroyed it. She then decided to throw Cheops down to the ground and surrounded him with a fiery cage. The flaming hands of the Goddess Sekhmet was about to reach Cairo when Frey slammed her spear on the goddess' hands.

Frey was able to deter the Goddess Sekhmet from grabbing Cairo making the latter escape. Cairo knew that he must retaliate but he is powerless in the air which is why he descended to the ground. Frey, on the other hand, is now the subject of the Goddess Sekhmet's rage.

"I told you that you needed to leave while I was being polite. You should not get in the way of the ways of the west when you are an avatar of a foreign god." The Goddess Sekhmet stated as she suddenly blasted Frey away with a burst of powerful fire and sent her crashing to the ground.josei

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