Omega Summoner

Chapter 1457 The Dread Mansion I

Chapter 1457 The Dread Mansion I


"You know the areas of mythical tier undead?" Adrian asked in shock.

"Of course, we do. The God of Death has tasked us to be the ones to monitor the undead that are popping out in the mortal realm since we do not have the ability to summon the Gods of Death in the mortal realm like you. In fact, the God of Death Abaddon is telling us to tell you that you should train that summoning skill of yours." Du'an stated.

"No, thank you. I already have a lot on my plate. So… where is the location of the two mythical undead?" Adrian stated as he did not want to do something troublesome of maxing a powerful skill just to make sure that he summons gods of death. 

The last time he did that made him weaker for a week which is why he does not want it. He already finds it troublesome as some powerful existences are already paying attention to him. If he can just casually summon gods of death to the mortal realm on a whim, then he would have the attention of all the gods.

"A mortal that could summon gods casually is never a good thing. I might do it when I become a Noblesse but an Arch Demon doing that would just be inviting trouble." Adrian thought to himself.

"I guess you are already swamped with many responsibilities as you do clean up the missing souls when you have the time. The other undead in our army did say that they have seen you making sure that the souls of the perished reaches the afterlife." The Undead King Arthur stated.

Just like what the Undead King Arthur stated, Adrian barely has enough time to do things as he would get missions of aiding lost souls to the underworld. He does it every time the emergency quest pops as he feels sorry for the souls and the rewards are 5% experience points which is great for him at this level in the game.

"We have the general area of the two mythical tier undead, but we are not entirely sure if they are really there. We also do not know the strength of the two mythical undead as we are only basing the sightings in the rumors and supposed stories of survivors." Du'an stated.

"Any information would be great at this point." Adrian stated.

"The Dread Mansion is supposedly located at a place in the northwest part of the central continent near the Dregville Village. The residents there have stated sightings of a mysterious house that lures unsuspecting travelers inside it. Even the locals in that area have made children unable to go outside the city in fear that they will be eaten by this monster house." Du'an stated.

"What about the Soul Sucking Lich?" Levin Cloud asked.

"The Soul Sucking Lich is said to have shown itself in the eastern part of the continent where there was a battle between the Blackthorn Kingdom and the Emerald Kingdom. Reports of an undead that appears and vanishes in a mist that saps the energy of anyone inside have been given. That is usually the first sign of a Soul Sucking Lich, but we do not have solid evidence that is the undead you need." Du'an stated.

"Thank you. That information would be enough for me to follow." Adrian stated.

"Also, if you happen to see different mythical undead then please report it to us. With the increase in the actual level that the world can handle, lots of powerful undead that has never been seen could be wreaking havoc." Du'an stated.

"I also thank the champion in advance as you are also doing our part of the job for the God of Death Abaddon. The recent actions of the angels have limited our movement as they seem to see our undead comrades as target practice. If I could only move away from the Undead Citadel, then I would have made their castle in the sky crash down." The Undead King Arthur stated.

The Undead King Arthur cannot move away from the Undead Citadel for a large period of time because he is also the heart of the place. The undead can respawn thanks to the Undead King Arthur as he is a Death Overlord. He is the reason why the undead race NPCs are not permanently dead compared to other important NPCs.

This special boon also has restrictions though as the Undead King Arthur will have difficulty in getting other powerful undead NPCs to be under his banner. Of all his powerful subordinates, only one new undead has been added and that is the Undead Angel Tron. The core power of the undead are the players which are still growing but at a slow pace.

"Should we spit up?" Adrian asked as they were now outside of the Undead Citadel.

"Do you honestly think that we can handle a Mythical Tier undead with just two of us? They are almost at the level of a demigod, and we are not at that level yet." Levin Cloud stated.

"True!" Peridot stated as she gave a thumbs up.

"Which one do you want to do first then? Haunted house or haunted mist?" Adrian asked.

"I vote for the Dread Mansion first. It has more solid information compared to the Soul Sucking Lich that has no accounts of witness." Creepysoo stated but he actually just wanted to see a haunted mansion first.

"I also think that we should go with that as we have a place in question already. We can just ask the locals about the events." Peridot stated.

"Whatever you guys want." Levin Cloud stated.

"Let us change our forms first. We are not sure if the villagers there are even welcoming us if we are not humans." Adrian stated as all of them used polymorph.

Since Adrian does not have the coordinates of Dregville Village, they had to go there the old-fashioned way. All four of them teleported to the skies but not one of them is screaming because of the height. Creepysoo thinks it is fun while Levin Cloud has already grown numb to it after a certain point. Adrian could remember the images of his friends screaming in terror as they were about to plummet to their dooms.

"Good times." Adrian muttered.

"Dude, what are you spacing out for? We are almost there." Levin Cloud stated via the party channel.

"Sorry. I was just reminiscing of the past." Adrian stated as he controlled gravity and all of them gently descended to the ground.

Adrian noticed that his control of the forces of Arcane Magic has become much smoother ever since the return of Paradox. He asked Paradox about this feeling, and it told him that his mastery of understanding increased because the latter increased as well. Paradox is connected to his soul which means any increase in power from Paradox is also an increase in power for Adrian.

"How should we proceed with the search?" Creepysoo asked.

"Levin Cloud and I would be searching the nearby forest while you two will go to the village and ask the people." Adrian suggested.

"Sure. I have no problem with that as I cannot see the souls of the dead anyway. I would be better asking the living." Peridot agreed as she knew that Adrian and Levin Cloud have special senses for souls.

"I also want to search with you, but Sis Peridot needs someone with her so that she does not pummel anyone there." Creepysoo stated as he got a fist to his head.

"Report to us on what you guys will get in the village via the party chat. We will also call you guys if we see the Dread Mansion or any other mythical tier undead." Adrian stated as Levin Cloud nodded.

Creepysoo and Peridot walked towards the village slowly as they could feel that the atmosphere here is quite heavy. They did not want to just suddenly barge inside a village located in deep woods. Levin Cloud became leaves as his whole body integrated to the soil.

Adrian summoned Sirius, Charon and Wisteria as they were the ones more suited for searching a forest. Sirius did not even waste any time as he integrated in the shadows and searched at the farthest reaches of the forest. Charon became invisible and searched the middle part of the forest where Sirius will not be able to handle.

Adrian summoned Wisteria by his side in order to alter him of the changes inside the forest. Du'an has warned them that Mythical Tier monsters will have some abilities to alter their surroundings to fit their needs. Wisteria is needed beside him in order to tell Adrian whether things surrounding him are actual trees and living fauna.

Adrian even listened to the Undead King Arthur's story about his whole knight squad being sucked inside a Dread Mansion where they were trapped for a week. They did not even know that they were already trapped until they realized that death was all around them.

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