Omega Summoner

Chapter 1480 Charon’s Evolution III

Chapter 1480 Charon’s Evolution III

"My blessing? You want me to bless your soulbound?" The God Charon asked as he was also stunned.

Adrian then explained to the God Charon that his soulbound needs the blessing of a greater god in order to evolve. The God Charon understood that part, but he did not expect such a thing from Adrian. One would actually think that there would be better gods to choose from.

"Such an honor is bestowed upon me even if he could get the approval of Upper Gods." The God Charon thought but Adrian has different ideas.

"I am actually quite glad that he seems to be onboard. I would not have to labor like a slave to get the blessing." Adrian thought as he knew that asking other gods would cost him an arm and a leg.

Adrian thought of getting the blessing of Upper Gods in the underworld but getting to them is a challenge in it of itself. Having them bless Charon would also mean getting a test from them if he was worthy. What Adrian hates more is extra work when there is a much easier way to get what he wants.

"The Upper God level gods in the underworld are also extremely busy with some having eccentric personalities. Better get what I need when it is being handed to me in a platter. I thank my careless mouth by saying my Charon's name out loud." Adrian thought as he thanked the lucky circumstance.

"Do you really want me to bless, Charon?" The God Charon asked one more time as even he cannot believe it.

"Yes. Is there a problem? Can you not bless him?" Adrian replied as he would have to think of another plan if the God Charon cannot bless Charon.

"No! I would be honored to bless your soulbound. I shall do it right away." The God Charon stated as he started to gather energy from his boat.

The whole death realm suddenly froze as a powerful energy surged towards Charon. The power of the Ferryman of the Death, the God Charon, flowed towards Adrian's soulbound in such a powerful force. Adrian could feel the energy rush towards Charon as they are connected via their soul.

The powerful energy actually immediately completed the energy siphoning that Charon is doing to the river. It seems that the God Charon also gave Charon a boost since they should have finished after a day or two. Now that the God Charon assisted them in getting the energy of fear and dread, Charon could evolve at an earlier timeline than what Adrian forecasted.

[Your soulbound Charon has completed one of the requirements for evolving into the Dread Overlord. Soulbound must absorb the energy from an area that is filled with fear and dread. (100% - Complete).]

[Your soulbound, Charon, has been blessed by the Ferryman of the Dead, Charon.]

[Your soulbound Charon has completed one of the requirements for evolving into the Dread Overlord. Soulbound must have the blessing of a Greater God of Death or someone equivalent. (Complete).]

Charon floated towards Adrian and the latter could see some visible changes that happened to his soulbound. Charon is now more dignified than before and the cloak that he is wearing also gleamed even in the underworld. The small chains that dangled on Charon also had the insignia of the God Charon on them which is a small boat with a ferryman.

"I have done what you have asked me." The God Charon stated.

"Thank you very much. You have given me such a wonderful gift." Adrian stated as he appreciated that the God Charon did not want anything in return.

"I have given you the blessing, but it seems that there is something in your mind as well that bothers you." The God Charon stated as he could pick up on the uncertainty that Adrian feels as the former is somewhat connected to the latter's soulbound.

"You see…" Adrian stated as he shared his worries.

"If that is what worries you then you do not seem to know the power inside of you. I have already helped you too much that the other gods might scold me but the solution to your problem is within you this whole time." The God Charon stated as he was looking at Adrian with the gaze of someone looking beyond the physical appearance.

"Can you elaborate?" Adrian asked.

"As I have said. You have the answer within you this whole time." The God Charon stated as his figure started to become blurry and vanish. He needed to attend to his duties once more and he has already spent too much time with Adrian.

"Why are the gods always so cryptic? Anyways, the God Charon definitely radiates big brother energy. I actually opened up to him more than my own sister." Adrian stated as he went back to the mortal realm.


Adrian returned to the Undead Citadel and saw Levin Cloud and Creepysoo looking so down. It is not that they are looking down, but it looks like they are incredibly tired. They are looking like they are seasick or something along those lines.

"What is up with both of you?" Adrian asked.

"Let us cancel that beach trip that we were going to have this weekend. I do not think that I can look at water for a month." Levin Cloud stated.

"I agree. I think I will not even take a bath for a week." Creepysoo stated.

"They had too much fun at the place that they went to. What about you?" Peridot stated as she chuckled.

"Charon has finished the two requirements that he needs as I was able to get the blessing of a god. The only thing left not is for Charon to fully assimilate the Dreadful Heart. Is everything ready for that end?" Adrian asked Peridot as he tasked her to facilitate the preparations for that before he left.josei

"Almost everything is ready. You got back to early as you said that it would take like a day or two." Peridot replied.

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