Omega Summoner

Chapter 1488 Rest In The Real World

Chapter 1488 Rest In The Real World


The Undead King Arthur had to stop Adrian because he was going to get another being that was just observing. It might be rude to stare but any sign of aggression from them might mean that they want a fight. Adrian is currently fighting the three mythical monsters at the behest of the Undead King. Any act that he does will reflect on the undead king himself.

"I got to carried away. My apologies." Adrian stated as he told Charon to stop everything.

Charon agreed to the commands of his master and only stopped when Adrian told it to. Even the presence of the undead king did not make Charon stop. This means that Charon would have continued and killed the three mythical monsters if Adrian was not satisfied.

"Even though you three did not last for three minutes. You are free to go because I managed to test my soulbound's skills against all of you. You three have been very helpful in my research." Adrian stated with a smile, but it was all insult to the three mythical tier monsters.

"Do not think that we let you live because we are afraid of you. I am only letting the three of you leave because your only offense was breaking into our territory. Remember that I stopped the Champion of the Twin Gods from killing all of you. If you know to be grateful, then leave." The Undead King Arthur stated as the three mythical monsters scurried away as fast as they can.

Even the ones that were observing the fight have retreated because they did not want to get the attention of the undead king. Some of them were actually scared when the demon locked eyes on them as they felt that space itself was bending to his will. They definitely sensed that they would have been fighting with the strange undead if the undead king did not stop them.

"Too bad! I wanted to see more. Charon looked really cool!" Creepysoo stated.

"I also wanted to do more but I was stopped. Anyways, thanks to all of you for accompanying me." Adrian stated.

"We did not have anything better to do which is why we came with you. Still, any fight that you participate in is very exhilarating, tiring but rewarding at the same time." Peridot stated as some of her masteries improved.

"What she said." Levin Cloud stated.

As all three of them no longer needed to get the other undead, they needed to part ways for now. Adrian had something to do in the real world while the others are also going to do something. All of them logged out as they need to meet each other tomorrow.


Adrian came out of the gamepod and knocked on his sister's door. Mina opened the door to her room and told Adrian to quickly come inside. Tomorrow would be the day for their mother's birthday, and it also doubled as a late Mother's Day celebration.

Adrian already greeted his mother in the morning and was forced to give hugs and kisses as his mother likes that. Even though he does not like it that much, it was his mother's way of showing affection. He actually avoided it one time and he was scolded big time by his father.

"Mom and Dad are going on their date night which means we have all the afternoon and night to ourselves. It is now time for us to prepare a feast!" Mina stated.

"By we you actually mean me. You are a disaster in the kitchen." Adrian stated with a sigh.

"Hey! I help you with cooking. Like that one time where…" Mina stated but then she could not finish her sentence.

"The only thing that you cooked perfectly are instant noodles and you sometimes mess that up by making the noodles soggy. Just help me with the ingredients for the cake that we are going to bake." Adrian stated as he already had someone fetch some of the ingredients that they needed.

A few minutes later, a knock on their door could be heard as Marlon and Jade came to their house with ingredients for the cake. Adrian's mom's birthday is not lavish as one might expect as she just wants a day to herself and family. They would often go on trips on that day, but Adrian is not yet fully recovered which is why they decided to celebrate at their home instead.

"I was getting bored of going out anyway as we have already gone through the places in our city. I am actually quite happy that we do not need to go hiking that early in the morning. I will get the door while you handle all the things we need in the kitchen." Mina stated as she went to go get Marlon and Jade.

"We are here!" Marlon stated as he brought the mangoes that are going to be the inside the cake.

"I also came." Jade stated as she brought some snacks for them which are rice cakes that she made with her mother earlier in the day.

All of them went to the kitchen and started to prepare the cake. Adrian was the one in charge of the actual cooking while the others gave a hand in pouring or mixing. In the end, they managed to create a three-layered cake with cream and mangoes in the middle of each layer. Adrian topped it off with mango jam puree to create a glossy top finish.

Just as they were cleaning the pots and pans, a knock on the door is suddenly heard. Adrian looked at Mina to see if she was the one that had guests because Marlon and Jade were already here. She also shrugged it off as she did not have a guest and her boyfriend is on the other side of the world.

"Coming!" Mina stated as she heard the knocking several times more. There are guards at the bottom of the hill they live in which means it must be at least one of them.

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