Omega Summoner

Chapter 1507 The Power Of Demigods V

Chapter 1507 The Power Of Demigods V

"Took you too long." Creepysoo stated as he stretched his undead body.

"I thought that we would not be able to revive." Peridot stated.

"We are back in action!" Soleil shouted.

"Just be calm as the enemy is still there." Vayu stated.

Grandmaster Lason could not take the rambling of these brats as he tried to use his domain once more, but he has taken too much of his strength to even use it the first time. He was about to use another lesser version of the skill when a scythe is suddenly closing in on his neck.

Adrian tried to at least get a shot at the demigod, but he was evaded. He did learn something though as there was no barrier blocking any attacks for Grandmaster Lason. Adrian was about to attack once more but a powerful pulse of energy suddenly blasted him away from the enemy demigod.

"Alchemy: Flames of the Corrupted!" Grandmaster Lason stated as he clapped his hands once more.

Flames suddenly manifested on Grandmaster Lason's body that made it look like his body is burning. The flames suddenly became alive as if they became possessed by a spirit. Grandmaster Lason suddenly created a flame golem out of nowhere. The fire took in the form of a horned being that has a bulky body.

"Alchemy: Tides of the Damned!" Grandmaster Lason stated as he clapped his hands once more.

Rushes of water covered the demigod's body as it detached itself as well. The water came alive and took the form of a large serpentine carp. It even has detailed scales that are sharp and cut any being with just a brush of their skin.

"Alchemy: Earth of the Scorned!" Grandmaster Lason stated as he clapped his hands once more.

Grandmaster Lason suddenly slapped the ground below as the earth rumbled. The rocks came alive as a being that looked like a cross between a troll and a shark, but its body was made of earth and rocks. It was even bigger than the flame golem that was summoned by the Flames of the Corrupted.

"Alchemy: Wind of Fury!" Grandmaster Lason stated as he clapped his hands once more.

Grandmaster Lason's body is covered with harsh winds that suddenly turned into a bird monster. It was something like an elemental, but it was a golem made of pure wind. The wind bird golem is the biggest of the four that was summoned as its wingspan was enough to cover the earth golem.

"Kill all of them!" Grandmaster Lason commanded as all four elemental golems charged towards Adrian's group.

Vayu and Soleil could feel it when the golems were summoned. They were not ordinary golems that were just summoned out of nowhere but beings that were spawned using the heart of an elemental. These four golems were actually made from elementals, and it seems to have been High Elementals as well.

The blood running inside of Vayu and Soleil jumped as they could feel the anger of their kind burning inside of them. Vayu knew that he needs to take the lead which is why he decided to deal with the eagle shaped elemental golem. Soleil took on the flaming horned golem as she can withstand its flames that even has poison coating it.

The earth elemental is being handled by Creepysoo as he could subdue it with the help of his undead knights. The water elemental is being handled by Peridot as she could manipulate the water on its body although she is having difficulty with that. All of them are being aided by Levin Cloud and his heals would bring them up to health.

Adrian would face Grandmaster Lason but even he is finding difficulty in having to land attacks. If his attack were to land, Grandmaster Lason would dodge if he can. He would then use his barrier for attacks that he cannot even dodge. Adrian could use another armament, but he knew that he must keep the two demigods at bay.

Adrian has full trust that his sister and the others will be able to track down the missing vessel but that would be difficult if the demigods are following the vessel of Apophis. Adrian knew that he needs to keep the two demigods here as they will definitely try and protect the vessel. All they have to do is stall the two demigods with whatever methods that they can muster.

Adrian thought that they would have at least an hour of time bought but his fears are realized when his eyes lingered at the scene below. Rose was being choked by the Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora as all of her elite guild members turned into particles of light.

"How did this happen!?" Rose thought as things happened far too fast for her mind to register.

Rose summoned the Palace of Thorns using her innate Blood Sorcery and it should have been easy to strengthen her guild members, but something changed after a few minutes. The Palace of Thorns that she was proud of suddenly started to wither as it was swallowed by the domain of the Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora.

The Palace of Thorns that she was proud of suddenly became the Palace of Flesh. All the bonuses that her Blood Sorcery has given to her members were instantly erased. The elites of the Briar Rose guild are suddenly incapacitated in an instant. The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora also manifested her true body in the Palace of Flesh as she killed all of the elite members of the Briar Rose guild.

To say that the battle was one sided is not an understatement because that is what truly happened. The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora is not like Grandmaster Lason despite them being the same level as demigods. The Witch if Flesh and Carnage Edora's job class is actually a Battle Magus which is a magic related job class that excels in combat.

Grandmaster Lason, on the other hand, is a Supreme Alchemist. He does not have powerful spells and skills that he can toss but his repertoire of poisons and golems make him unrivaled. Also, Adrian's group is mostly immune to poisons which means his main source of damage has lessened. It is also the reason why Adrian and his friends can keep up with the demigod alchemist.

"I have told you that it is futile. You are ants going against an apex predator. It is in your greatest pleasure to be killed by a demigod." The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora stated as she destroyed Rose' head with just clenching her fist and the latter turned into particles of light.

Adrian saw the scene of Rose dying and he immediately knew that they needed to let some people go against the Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora. Adrian wanted to go against the Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora but she was already starting to move. As he was about to descend, blasts of poison miasma started to bombard Adrian. To make matters worse, he received a message from his sister.

Solstice: We are going against the Followers of Apophis holding the vessel but Eldritch and some of the Followers of the Dark Gods also came. We need reinforcements as Frey and us are not enough against ten of them.

"I shall head to the vessel. Have fun with the younglings!" The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora stated as she collected her domain and started to walk towards the direction where Solstice and the others are.

"Paradox! Seal the space." Adrian commanded as half of his mana suddenly vanished as he sealed the space in the area.

The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora looked at Adrian with an expression full of contempt. She did not like being at the mercy of a being that is not even stronger than herself. She would have been able to forcefully destroy the sealed space if not for her using her domain. She might not show it, but she is also weakened.

"All of you. Go and follow my sister and the others. Eldritch and some followers of the dark gods. If we do not stop them then the vessel will reach the western continent where the Shadow of Apophis itself will definitely be at the shores. I shall hold the two of them down and buy as much time as I can." Adrian stated to which the two demigods laughed.

Adrian did not care for the laughs of the two demigods as he ejected his friends from the sealed space. He made sure to strengthen it even more by using some of his essences. Even the elemental golems that Grandmaster Lason created could not escape the confined space. All of his friends did as they were told as they blitzed towards the location of Solstice and the others.

"It seems that demons are very confident of themselves. We can easily get out of this cage that you created by killing you." The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora stated with an annoyed smile.


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