Omega Summoner

Chapter 1521 Pursuing The Vessel Of Apophis II

Chapter 1521 Pursuing The Vessel Of Apophis II

Eldritch knew that his subordinates will not be able to escape with their opponents being that powerful. He looked at the root of their worries which is the vampire enemy. She was one of the most powerful that he has seen in the game.

Eldritch views her as a problem because she has great battle sense unlike the others that only learned how to fight inside the game. Eldritch could feel the presence of a person that is capable of fighting from her which he only sensed from the paid experts that his family invited to teach him fighting styles.

"She might have great fighting sense, but this is still a game where stats give an edge." Eldritch muttered as he suddenly released a powerful shockwave that knocked Frey back.

"Cry of the Dark Ones!" Eldritch muttered as his staff that has an embryo of an unknown monster suddenly released an eerie scream which afflicted all his enemies with debuffs.

[You have heard the Cry of the Dark Ones.]

[Your Physical Damage has been reduced by 10% for one minute.]

[Your Magical Damage has been reduced by 10% for one minute.]

[Your Physical Defense has been reduced by 15% for one minute.]

[Your Magical Defense has been reduced by 15% for one minute.]

[Your Attack speed has been reduced by 5% for one minute.]

[Your Movement speed has been reduced by 20% for one minute.]

"What the heck!" Lycan muttered as he could feel that his stats were reduced while his ears almost bled from hearing such an ear-piercing cry.

"Caught you!" One of the assassin Followers of the Dark Gods stated as he managed to pierce Lycan's shoulder with his dagger.

[You have been afflicted with an unknown poison.]

[You will lose 1% of your health every minute for ten minutes. This will worsen if not cleansed in under five minutes. The poison will deal double the damage when it is not cleansed within the given time period.]

Lycan could not believe that he was caught off guard by the sudden eerie cry. Despite the fact that the eerie cry not having any damage, the skill actually turned the tides of battle in an instant. The effects might be one minute but that alone would be enough to deal large amounts of damage to people that are low in number.

Kabrakan also felt the effects of the debuff skill on him as the damage that should have been mitigated is now amplified due to him having lower defenses. He is still sturdy enough to tank some damage, but he knows that he will not be able to last if Eldritch has another skill like that.

[You have repelled the effects of Cry of the Dark Ones due to your armor.]

Solstice was the only one fine amongst them as her armor was able to repel a debuff skill every five minutes in its Sun Protection Form. She knew that her team members will not last if she does not move which is why she decided to use one of her upgraded skills that is a major buff for her.

"The New Moon Rises!" Solstice stated as an unknown light suddenly came flying out of her chest and shot straight towards the sky.

A thin barrier membrane is suddenly covering the area around Solstice as darkness descended onto the land. The area was covered in darkness which was due to Solstice skill called the New Moon Rises. She wanted to save this skill if a demigod comes but she must use it now so that she can kill off all of the enemies in front of her.

[You have used the skill "The New Moon Rises".]

[All stats will be doubled for the duration of the skill.]

[All damage will increase by 150% during the duration of the skill.]

[All defenses will increase by 50% during the duration of the skill.]


[All damage dealt to enemies will have a large chance of afflicting them with Bleed.]

[20% of the damage dealt to enemies will heal the user while excess healing will be turned into stacks for the Blood Bank.]

Seam suddenly felt something ominous in front of her which is why she reflexively gave distance. A large amount of darkness suddenly covered Solstice as her golden armor started to melt to become one with the darkness. A black and red shadowy dress suddenly covered Solstice' body which showed her full beauty.

"A hot woman suddenly appeared! This is cheating!" Seam suddenly blurted out as she suddenly felt inferior in terms of looks compared to Solstice.

Seam knew that the so-called Vampire Princess of the Pantheon guild was incredibly beautiful, but she thought that it was only due to editing. Now that she in front of Solstice, even she can admit that she was likely sculpted by the gods themselves. She suddenly felt that the golden armor was giving a chance to others by hiding such a beauty.

"Now… Shall we dance?" Solstice stated as she smiled with such grace and beauty but that did not diminish the fierce look on her face that is accentuated by her fangs.

Solstice suddenly vanished from her location which made Seam panic a little. A few seconds later, a loud cry of a person suddenly snapped Seam out of her state. Seam looked at the direction of the scream and saw one of the assassins that was about to land a critical hit on Lycan lose an arm.

A large spray of blood suddenly came out of the hand of the player, but it did not fall down on the ground. The blood that came out of the players hand floated and gathered behind Solstice as a blood sphere behind her. Solstice did not stop there as she started going around the battlefield and slashing at all the enemies to gather blood.

Kabrakan and Lycan were able to breath a little until the effects of the Cry of the Dark Ones vanished. Eldritch could only click his tongue as he could not believe that a Legendary skill was negated just like that. He knew that he must change priorities as Frey is no longer the one that needs to be taken care of but the one named Solstice.

"I think I am done playing with you as well. Elder Star Spawn Transformation." Eldritch stated as the whole world suddenly froze as the embryo that was present on his staff suddenly opened its five eyes and stared directly into his soul.

The embryo suddenly emitted a screech and exploded which also made the staff that Eldritch held explode. When the staff exploded, all the guts and blood suddenly swallowed Eldritch. All the people there could only watch as a gigantic cocoon made of unknown flesh suddenly appeared.

With a loud screech, Eldritch came out of the cocoon with a new look compared to the one that he used to battle Adrian with. Back then, Eldritch' form was only five meters tall, but his new form multiplied that by ten. He was now fifty meters tall with a log body that has the length of twenty meters.

Eldritch' new form is a combination of an alien, octopus and whale hybrid. He has a monstrous head that has similar shape to that of a dragon but the texture of a whale. He has ten eyes like that on an octopus on the sides while his mouth is full of large, spiked teeth. His mouth is also extended by twenty or mor tentacles with varying length.

He has a humanoid body, but his current form prefers to move on all fours. A good description for his current form is a monster that was born from cosmic horror or a mutant from the depths of the sea that has been left unknown. Not only does Eldritch' form make him very sturdy, but he is also releasing some sort of negative energy that weakens anyone that comes in contact with his body.

Eldritch suddenly emitted a loud roar that sounded like a mix of a whale's song and a dragon's roar. It was so loud that all that heard it was damaged. The loud roar did not distinguish between friend or foe as Eldritch intended because that was a wake-up call to his subordinates. Eldritch looked down upon his subordinates with eyes full of disdain.

"Star Screech!" Eldritch stated with a deep voice that echoed ten times.

A beam of light suddenly gathered in front of his large jaw as he released a sonic attack so powerful that it actually materialized as a beam of light. Kabrakan immediately braced for impact as he needed to tank that attack to protect Lycan and Solstice. Kabrakan was able to hold on at first, but he suddenly felt his shields cracking due to the intense force of the attack.

Solstice could see that Kabrakan will not last long as parts of his armor started to break. She immediately deployed all the blood that has gotten as a barrier for them. In the end, the blood barrier and Kabrakan cannot hold their position and all of them were blown away.

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