Omega Summoner

Chapter 1524 Bloody Queen Of The Night II

Chapter 1524 Bloody Queen Of The Night II

Numerous blood weapons flew towards Eldritch as Solstice commanded with just a point of a finger. Some of the blood weapons were destroyed by the tentacles that suddenly sprouted from Eldritch' body. The tentacles that hit destroyed a blood weapon would then melt into a pool of blood as it has the effects of the blood that Solstice did earlier.

This effect is none other than the Devour ability which was granted to Solstice when she devoured one of the hearts of the Queens of the Damned. The Queens of the Damned are the former Vampire Queens that rejected hiding in the shadows and decided to terrorize mankind which led to the humans hunting down the Vampire species.

They are coined the Queens of the Damned because even the Gods of Life and the Gods of Death have abandoned them due to the things that they have done. The Queens of the Damned loved to feast on the blood of the pure hearted. Due to the Gods of Death and the Gods of Life abandoning them, the Vampire Queens and those that followed them were given the Curse of Thirst.

The Curse of Thirst basically made all of the Queens of the Damned and their followers to only live by drinking blood of the living. If they were to not drink blood, then they would turn to ash and vanish from the world without a trace. They would not even reincarnate when they die as they were no longer welcomed in the afterlife.

A unique characteristic of the Queens of the Damned is the fact that they could sleep for thousands of years to stave off starvation as they are the ones that need the most blood. One could say that they hibernate in order for the humans to repopulate. Solstice was able to kill one of the Queens of the Damned called Valencia.

Valencia had the special ability of turning organic material into pools of blood. She was awoken by the Followers of the Dark Gods in order to strengthen their powers. All the vampires in Solstice' faction went to her for aid as she was the only one qualified to kill off a Vampire Queen since they would just be compelled to do her bidding.

In the end, Solstice managed to kill the Queen of the Damned Valencia with the help of Lycan and a player with the job class of Vampire Hunter. She then devoured the beating heart of the Queen of the Damned Valencia as she could be revived if proper sacrifice has been made while her heart was still preserved. She gained the Devour ability which made the Queen of the Night skill evolve to the Bloody Queen of the Night.

Eldritch could not believe that another being so broken has been created by the game. He thought that this world was his playpen, but he is now thinking that this is not true. He was against another player capable of going against him in terms of skill. She might not be able to truly defeat him, but his physical body would be in danger if he stops what he is doing right now.

He could also feel the damage piling up from the other people that was hitting him with skills. The blood swords were not stopping while Levin Cloud and the others used damaging skills to chip off the large pool of health that Eldritch possesses. One could say that they are now at a stalemate, but it is a very delicate one at that.

The stalemate just proves how powerful Eldritch is as an individual because he is dealing with six players at the same time. The members of the Pantheon guild could not believe it because they only know one person that could do the same and that is their guild leader. They might have Frey with them but even she is exhausted from fighting earlier as well.

"How can I contribute when I cannot use my Goddess Descent skill?" Frey thought as she looked at the skill icon once more, but it was still grayed out. 

She was praying to the Goddess Freyja when she was at the Temple of the Sun God, but she was not getting any answers. She could feel her connection with her goddess, but it was incredibly weak. Even the Valkyries that trained her were not sending her messages which meant something must have happened to them. She wanted to find out what happened to the other Valkyries, but she was given an oracle with just two words.

"Destroy Snake!" 

The oracle given to her was to defeat the Shadow of Apophis and she must obey. She needed to put the search for the Valkyries on hold, but she now realizes her weakness. Frey realized that she was too used to getting power boosted by her connection to the Goddess Freyja that she ignored the other parts of her kit. Without the Goddess Descent, she could only deal miniscule damage to Eldritch that has transformed.

"Star Screech!" Eldritch stated which made all of them look towards him as he blasted the area in front of him with the skill.

"Block it!" Solstice stated as her beautiful voice commanded the blood pool below her.

A large tide of the blood pool suddenly appeared in front of Eldritch which tanked all of the damage that the Star Screech skill created. A large part of the blood pool disintegrated due to Eldritch' Star Screech and that is when he realized that it also had a separate health bar. The blood pool that was giving him difficulty actually counted like a separate entity as it must be destroyed to make it vanish.

"Tch." Solstice reacted as she could see that Eldritch has found out the secrets of the blood pool.

"Weapons!" Solstice commanded as she used the remaining blood pool to create more weapons that launched towards Eldritch. 

Eldritch did not dare to block the blood weapons with tentacles like he did before as he knew that he would only add more blood to the blood pool. Eldritch released a powerful screech which made all the blood weapons pop in mid-air into drops of blood. He might have been able to destroy the blood weapons since his attack was not powerful enough, but he did learn that he could stop them.

Solstice raised her hands once again as she collected all the blood once again to create a gigantic blood spear. She knew that Eldritch would just repeat that screech once again which will make creating smaller weapons impossible. 

"Everyone, can you incapacitate him?!" Solstice stated as it is taking a while to collect all of the remaining blood.

"No worries. Forest Grasp!" Levin Cloud stated as he plunged his two arms onto the ground.

Levin Cloud's hand transformed into tree barks as numerous trees suddenly started to grow around Eldritch. The trees grew in a frenzied manner as the branches and even the roots stuck to him. Some branches even poked his body, but his skin was tough enough to not get damaged by them. What he could not do is move as the trees coiled around his body.

"Grudge of the Dead!" Creepysoo chanted as numerous tombstones suddenly emerged from the ground.

The numerous tombstones released skeletons that rushed towards Eldritch and clung towards his body. It might not be effective if it was only one, but he was able to create ten skeletons per tombstone and the number he summoned was in the thousands.  josei

"Flaming Cage!" Soleil stated as Regulus transformed into flaming rings that surrounded Eldritch' body. The flaming rings restricted his movement but also dealt some damage as well.

"Stony Grasp!" Peridot stated as she destroyed an earth elemental crystal.

Pillars of spiky stone suddenly emerged from the ground which pierced onto Eldritch' body. The stone pillars made him unable to move his body. Eldritch could see that the people in front of him were different from the ones that just randomly formed a group to kill him. The people aiming to kill him had synergy and they can flawlessly work together despite their differences.

Eldritch might not want to admit it but he was jealous of what they have because he can never have it. Eldritch started to laugh which made Levin Cloud and the others question if something is wrong with him. Eldritch suddenly stopped laughing and stared at them with all of his eerie eyes.

"It is now or never." Solstice stated as she launched the large blood spear towards Eldritch.

The large blood spear headed towards Eldritch, but he did not even struggle to move. The Pantheon guild members did not think that Eldritch accepted his defeat because they know that he was not like that. They learned from Adrian that he was a determined narcissist and would not back down until his opponent is destroyed.

"Call of Kulu!" Eldritch muttered as a loud unknown roar is heard which shook the entire world.

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