Omega Summoner

Chapter 1544 Equinox Vs Lebou II

Chapter 1544 Equinox Vs Lebou II

"It seems that he is serious in killing all of us here." Adrian stated as Lebou suddenly charged towards him like a red streak.

"Kimat!" Adrian muttered as he immediately summoned a soulbound.

Kimat roared as he released his armor and filled his body with lightning. Lebou did not even try to dodge as he clashed with Kimat but that is what Adrian wanted. Lebou crashed onto Kimat's armor, and it exploded into sparks and shrapnel.

The Avatar of Shesmu did not think that armor would have the ability to explode. Lebou was not sent flying, but some shrapnel did dig into his body as some of the divine energy of the God Shesmu is still being used to heal his body. He might have changed to a more golden lion armor, but the God Shesmu has yet to fully incorporate his divine energy into his avatar.

Sparks could be seen traveling through the body of the Avatar of Shesmu as he directly caught all the sparks that Kimat emitted in that short moment of collision. Adrian observed this but he is actually more focused on the other players and if the Shadow of Apophis might suddenly appear before him.

Lebou noticed this and his pride as a warrior is hurt because the enemy that he acknowledged was not even focusing all his attention on him. Lebou might think that way, but Adrian does not trust the Shadow of Apophis to play fair as he also did not do so. The Shadow of Apophis might have gotten its third fragment if Adrian did not connect the Temple of the Sun to the Temple of Bastet via portal.

Lebou did not mind the injuries as his god is also a ruler of blood. He grows stronger as he gets more injured which is why even the Avatar of Horus could not deal with him. Adrian also felt that Lebou's aura increased a bit as he was injured. 

"I see. He is like a berserker class of fighter. The most annoying but most satisfying one to deal with." Adrian stated as he suddenly smiled in a way that might look creepy if his face was not good looking.

Lebou suddenly felt a chill on his spine, but he did not know why he felt that. He just assumed that it was a side effect of being healed with divine energy. He brandished his two scimitars once again and charged towards Adrian with more resolve.

"Paradox summon the Primordial Armament: Spear!" Adrian stated as a spear suddenly materialized onto his hands.

Adrian charged as well as he was also boosted by his wings to make him faster. Kimat charged with him at his side, but Adrian actually mounted Kimat when they reached the same speed. Adrian charged with Kimat and his spear armament in hand.

Lebou saw this and still continued on his attack, but he felt something inside of him to slow down. It was instincts screaming at him that he must not go into a head on collision with the two beings in front of him. Lebou trusted his instincts and even created a small barrier on his body to decrease the damage should he be directly hit.

Lebou's two scimitars are not enough when it comes to reach as Adrian's spear is greater in reach. Adrian would hit Lebou before the latter is able to hit him with a powerful attack. Adrian's spear did exactly that as the tip of his spear would pierce Lebou's stomach if the other party does not evade. 

Knowing that the spear would hit him earlier, Lebou used his right scimitar to parry the tip of Adrian's spear. He believed that it would be enough to block an attack from a summoner as they are not of great strength compared warriors like him. Lebou thought that he would be easily able to parry the spear, but Adrian's attack was heavier than what he expected.

"This demon! I underestimated him as he was a summoner, but he is also a demon." Lebou thought as he was suddenly caught of balance from parrying Adrian's attack.


Lebou knew that he would definitely be able to become unscathed as he was able to redirect the tip of the spear. The only thing that would damage him would be the gigantic white tiger that is Kimat. Lebou immediately summoned his mount as a magic circle hurriedly appeared below his feet.

A black lion suddenly roared as it appeared from a magic circle. The black lion was as big as Kimat on his rideable form, but it could be said to be slightly stronger than the tiger soulbound. Adrian maneuvered his spear in a circular motion to try and hit Lebou as his attack was parried but the sudden summoning of the enemy's mount made him hit air.

The black lion immediately let his master mount it and even did a backflip. Adrian is shocked when he saw that as he did not expect that such a nimble black lion actually exists. Adrian even looked at Kimat and then looked towards the black lion as if asking his soulbound if he could also do that.

"Do not be absurd, master. I am not a circus cat." Kimat stated as he could actually deduce what Adrian was hinting at.I think you should take a look at

"I was just making sure if you even have that kind of ability. I could train you to be able to do that, but you are incredibly heavy as your fur is basically equivalent to metal fur." Adrian muttered.

"Thank you, my partner. I shall reward you with the meat of our enemies after this is over." Lebou stated.

"You are quite cocky for someone that was about to be skewered earlier. Is the boost in confidence due to being hosts of gods?" Adrian stated.

"Your mouth shall be the first thing that I rip off that face, demon." Lebou stated as he infused a red aura into his two scimitars, and it actually became bigger.

The two scimitars that lacked reach is now equivalent in length to Adrian's spear when he holds in in the middle. Adrian smiled when this happened because he thought that his fun would be cut short. Kimat seems to get some of his personality from his master because he was also seen smiling.

"Master, that arrogant kitten just sneered at me. Can I rip it to pieces?" Kimat stated as the black lion mount looked at Kimat with disdain.

"Do you want to fight it alone?" Adrian asked.

"Yes, if master grants it." Kimat stated.

"If that is what you want then I will spoil you a little. Make sure that we get close to them then. Charge!" Adrian stated as Kimat roared and charged towards Lebou.

Lebou and his mount also matched Adrian's charge as they met midway. Lebou aimed for Adrian's neck, but the latter swooped his body down. Adrian used the momentum from below to attack as he swung his spear in a circular motion that goes upward. Lebou had no choice but to defend by bring his two scimitars down to meet the spear.

"Got you! Star Ascends!" Adrian stated as his attack was actually the series of maneuvers used before the powerful attack of the first skill of the spear armament.

Adrian's spear glowed in a starry aura as he sent Lebou flying to the sky without his mount. Before the black lion mount is able to get his master, Kimat immediately pounced onto it. A powerful lightning strike came down from the sky which hit both the cat beasts. Kimat was unharmed but the black lion mount could not be told the same.

Lebou looked at his injured partner, but he cannot worry about it now because Adrian suddenly teleported just below him. Adrian suddenly swung his spear in arcs once more to raise Lebou higher into the air. These series of moves are actually the maneuvers used before the second skill.

Adrian learned that he could actually bypass the maneuvers and only activate the most powerful attack if he does it before activating the skill. This is by no means a cheat because he needed to memorize the moves to bypass them. One could say that his natural talent and mastery over all weapons played a part in easily doing this.

Lebou is knocked farther into the sky as Adrian made sure that he cannot freely use his divine energy to float. Lebou knew that he must counterattack as he actually gained some balance after a few seconds into the air. He tried slashing at Adrian, but he does not have wings like him. All of Lebou's counterattack missed but he was almost able to hit Adrian.

"Star Descends!" Adrian stated as he suddenly appeared above Lebou.

With a circular motion along with his body, Adrian slammed his spear onto Lebou. The Avatar of Shesmu could only use his two scimitars as shields in order to avoid direct damage. Lebou might be able to avoid great damage but he was sent flying to the ground.

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