Omega Summoner

Chapter 1556 Side Stories

Chapter 1556 Side Stories: Shepherd Of Lost Souls II

Adrian and the old woman chatted until the sun has risen and there has been some changes in the village. There was some sort of situation that happened in the village as the alleged grandson of the old woman has returned. He was greeted by the guard of the village, but it also meant that he heard the bad news.

A young man with a good amount of mana that has clear eyes and facial features could be seen sobbing as he reached the house. The grandson immediately went straight to the burial site of the old woman which is her backyard where all her precious medicinal herbs are located. The young man cried for such a long time until it reached noon.

"Why did you not wait for me, grandma?" The young man stated as he suddenly started to say all the things that he has done in the university that he has studied. 

"My dear grandson. I wanted to wait for you, but time is not something that I can control even with all my knowledge in medicinal plants. I am simply not good enough to create elixir level medicine or else I might have at least extended my life for a few months." The old woman stated but she did not cry but there is a clear melancholic expression on her face.

After a few minutes crying, the young man managed to pick himself up but there is still sadness in his face. The sudden passing of your own beloved family member is not something that one can easily forget. Adrian then remembered that this world has very rare long-range communication as that is only available to royal families and not to the general public.

ƥ Adrian thought that the young man would not have been this grief stricken if he had learned earlier than he would have gone home as fast as he can. The old woman did not blame her grandson though as he would not have graduated if he were to get home earlier. The old woman might be sad, but she is also extremely proud of her grandson for achieving something great.

Adrian thought that it was extremely sad that the old woman was not able to say goodbye to her grandson. He then told the old woman that he would return after a few minutes as he would need to go somewhere. Adrian went straight to the Nether Realm and reached out to the God of Death Abaddon.

"I know why you have come to me my champion. The thing that you want to do is not something that should be done as it is taboo for the living to meet the dead." The God of Death Abaddon stated.

"I know that it might be reaching as I was only told to escort them to the afterlife but is it not easier for the dead to pass through and reincarnate if they have no lingering attachments." Adrian stated.

"You might be able to do it, child. The way of bending the karmic laws as you are the Arbiter of the Dead." The Goddess Nox stated as she was with the God of Death Abaddon.

"Bending the karmic laws is not something that the child should do, my love. He is not a lesser god of death to be able to use it. He might get hurt if he fails to use it." The God of Death Abaddon stated.

"Uhmm… can I know what to do first before you judge me if I cannot do it? Also, just because I might be able to do it does not mean that I will use it with every soul that I encounter." Adrian stated.

"Do not worry child as not every one can be blessed by bending the karmic laws. Can you explain it him, my beloved." The Goddess Nox stated as she looked towards the God of Death Abaddon.

"If my beloved says so then I shall at least tell him how." The God of Death Abaddon replied.

The God of Death Abaddon stated the ways on how Adrian could use some of his abilities as the Arbiter of the Dead. Apparently, there are some perks in doing the job as he could use some of the good karma that the souls have gotten when they were alive to create a small miracle. Not all souls are eligible for this small miracle as not all people have been good when they were alive.

Not only can he use the good karma that they have received to create a miracle, but also use it so that the descendant of their choosing would be blessed with some of the deceased's talent. There are restrictions in place for him to do this though. One of the restrictions is that the soul should have a karma value of at least fifty.

Another restriction is that Adrian must perform the miracle when the deceased is present and the target of their choosing. The deceased should also agree to using up their good karma for Adrian to perform it. There are also other rules, but it is only minor ones that Adrian can easily do.

"Thank you. I will surely use this blessing as you call it to only those that want and deserve it." Adrian stated as he returned back to the mortal realm.

"Kind grim reaper, you have returned. Did you come to get me already?" The old woman asked as she can now agree to leave as she has already seen her grandson.

"Are you willing to listen to me?" Adrian stated as he explained the process of the small miracle that he learned.

"I would love to do so but do I have enough of this good karma that you speak of?" The old woman asked.I think you should take a look at

"You do." Adrian replied as he could see the value of the good karma that the old woman has accumulated.

[The target has a Good Karma value of 523.]

Adrian then explained that the old woman could use about 200 of his good karma to be able to materialize briefly for his grandson and say her goodbyes. Adrian also told her that the remaining would be used for her to safely traverse the afterlife and she will be able to reincarnate to a better life. Adrian did tell her that she would not remember her past life when she reincarnates though.

"Can you give all of it to my grandson then? I want to give him one last gift before I pass through. He is my precious grandson after all." The old woman stated.

"Are you sure?" Adrian asked as he is shocked that she would use all of it for her grandson. 

"I am sure. I am not sure about the next life, but I want to leave this life without regrets." The old woman stated.

"If that is your wish then I shall do what you want." Adrian stated as he touched the old woman's hands and went near the grandson.

Adrian looked at the grandson of the old woman that is sitting on the favorite chair of her grandmother. He then flicked the forehead of the grandson which suddenly separated his soul from his body. The grandson was shocked of what happened as he could suddenly see his own body and he saw Adrian when he turned around.

"Ah!" The grandson screamed as Adrian's form is not something that can be said as friendly to the eyes.

"Did you raise him to be this easily scared?" Adrian asked.

"Nonsense. I raised him to be as tough as a stone herb. It seems that going to the capital has softened him up a little bit." The old woman stated.

"Grandma?!" The grandson stated as he suddenly saw his grandmother with this demonic being.

"Stop crying like a child. We do not have enough time." The grandmother stated as she proceeded to hug her grandson.

The grandmother was not crying before but she was now letting her tears flow. She did not want Adrian to see it, but she missed her grandson dearly. The grandson also started to cry again upon suddenly feeling the warmth of her grandmother. Adrian just waited in the corner as the two poured their hearts out.

"I really missed you grandma! Why did you not wait for me?!" The grandson stated as he cried.

"The important thing is that I am here now my dear. Remember that I will always watch over you even in the afterlife. Which is why you must get your life together. Fall in love with who you want and make sure to always do good things." The grandmother stated as she reminded her grandson.

"It seems that it is time." Adrian stated as the effect of his manipulation of karma is almost about to be released.

"I have already said what I was not able to say. I can now pass through without any problem." The old woman stated.

"Must you go, grandma? Can you not be with me even if you are a ghost?" The grandson asked.action

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