Omega Summoner

Chapter 1602  Before the Pangea Patch

Chapter 1602  Before the Pangea Patch

Amelia started to explain what Pangea meant as it was a very new term to almost all of the players as they usually do not use libraries or study on the history of Pandemonium. Very few players are bookworms as having time to read a book would usually mean lesser time in leveling up. Players like Adrian that are lore crazy and still powerful are rare, but they are also one of the most dangerous bunches.

"As I have said before, Pangea is basically the real main world which has been fractured due to the heavy restrictions placed upon this world. This fractured world is called Nebulon and was intended to be like this for a few millennia more, but I do not know what happened. This is the reason why I am inviting a special guest in our stream." Amelia stated and her chat suddenly went crazy.


IloveAmelia123: Is it a boy or a girl? If it is a boy, then I would be heartbroken!

Explorer Freak: Where are the police? I would like to report the person on top of my chat!

Amelia Fan Girl: If it is a boy, would it be her boyfriend? Ah! I am so excited for this!

Unknown User: It is probably someone that could add more details on what she just said. Afterall, the things she just said is not yet verified which means she could be lying to us. She might just be speculating which is why she needs a credible source to tell us if what she said is true.

IloveAmelia143: Whoever reported my earlier account shall be hunted by me in game! Also, Amelia would not lie because she makes sure that everything that she puts out is quality and true. She is not like those other explorer type channels that speculate a lot yet do not even have one sliver of evidence.

== josei

"It seems that everyone is getting heated, but I can assure you that the database in Eden is very real. There are even some data on races that have yet to appear in Nebulon but my Data Clearance Level is not yet high enough for that. I can only go on with the articles that I have already access to. Anyways, my guest is none other than Equinox himself!" Amelia shouted with energy.

Amelia thought that her chat becoming quiet might have been a bug, but the chat suddenly exploded a few seconds later when it all sunk in. The chat suddenly started to go ballistic to the point that a lot of people are being timed out due to them spamming. Amelia suddenly saw that her viewer counts of fifty thousand jumps to three times the number upon her announcement.


Demon Lover: Where is he? Where is my future husband?!

Explorer Freak: Calm your hormones down. Chill! I am pretty sure that the avatar he is using is all glammed up which is why his character looks attractive.

Equinox' Future Wife: Someone is salty!

Demon Fan Girl: Drink some sweet milk maybe that will erase the saltiness in your words.

Excited For New Content: Can we go and discuss the Pangea Patch now? I only came to this stream because of this.

Amelia's chat suddenly went into a different topic as there were lots of players that were his fans. This was also Adrian's first live guesting which is why a lot of people are joining in. Even if they only came to the stream to learn about the potential changes, all of them are still curious of what the player called the Demon looks like.

A lot of famous players were already known by their real life looks because they do get sponsorships and advertisements. Some did not look exactly as their game characters, but they were decent looking enough. There were some that could be said that they really did put much effort in enhancing their game character.

"Hi everyone! Equinox here!" Adrian suddenly announced as he opened the video call function but suddenly turned it off.

This was Adrian's first time being on stream that is not inside the game. He accidentally accepted the video call invite without setting it up which is why his bare face was shown. He did not even get any sort of makeup but there was a soft filter that is applied in the video as a base. Still, one can see that he was still in his house clothes since he was just wearing a comfortable tee.

"I am a bit shy since this is my first time in a stream like this which is why I would like to turn off my camera. I did set up my Chibi virtual avatar so that will do my movement for me. Thanks!" Adrian stated but he was actually very nervous.

The chat once again burst into a frenzy because they have seen Adrian's real face for a split second. Some were not fast enough to screenshot what he looked like, but some were actually recording this livestream. They were able to rewind the video to screenshot what Adrian looks like.


Demon Lover: Damn! He fine!

Equinox' Future Wife: As expected of my future husband.

Demon Fan Girl: I am dead. Call me when the stream is over. He looked too fine.

Demon Hater: Why is the world so unfair!

Equinox Fan Boy: LOL! Since when did the world become fair? But still, that is his real face? Even I was suddenly smitten because of the visual attack.

Explorer Freak: He looks better than those that are in advertisements, and they were all dolled up while he just has the bare minimum.

Creepysoo Fan Girl: No wonder Kyungsoo always bragged about how Equinox looks when people asked what he looked like in real life. I still love you more, Creepysoo!


Amelia did not expect for her chat to explode once more, and the hundred fifty thousand people suddenly ballooned to half a million. It seems that people joined her livestream when Adrian's presence was clearly known. Still, Amelia was still a bit taken aback by what Adrian looked like that her face could be seen frozen.


IloveAmelia222: My previous account was muted but are you fine my dear? Did your internet connection suddenly freeze?

Explorer Freak: LOL! Her internet is fine because the chat is moving. She was not expecting the visual attack like the rest of the people here.

Demon Lover: I am still recovering from the attack myself.

Demon Fan Girl: Girl! Same!

Equinox' Future Wife: He is mine though! Everyone should look away!


"Uhmm… Are you still there, Amelia?" Adrian asked.

"Yes! Sorry about that. I was suddenly lost in thought for a moment. Anyways, can you tell us about Pangea?" Amelia asked.

"Sure, I would be happy to. You already covered the basic fact such as Pangea is the original name of the world. There are records of this in the archives that the Daemos keep but there should also be other records from old civilizations. Nebulon is the broken world that the world message that was described in the world message.

Nebulon is basically getting back to its original form as it is now pulling the separated 'worlds' if I were to describe it. If some of you have already been to a different world, then you might know that the biome is different and everything inside of that world cannot be found in the main world. This is possible because that 'world' is actually a part of Pangea that was separated due to the barrier that protects the world." Adrian stated.

Adrian then started to disseminate the information that he and his sister decided he can give. This whole interview was something that Mina herself devised. It was a way to show that the Pantheon guild has informational advantages and telling the world to be on their toes.

This interview is also something that is done because the Pantheon guild or rather Mina (Solstice) wants to recruit Amelia as she has been deemed as essential for the guild. Adrian is not someone to dismiss a claim that his sister gives because she has very refined intuition for such things. Adrian also saw some of the streams where Amelia fights and he could see how her tactical prowess is shining.

When Amelia was asked by Solstice in joining the guild, the former easily accepted but she wanted to do a discussion with Equinox about a topic that she picks. Fortunately for her, the next patch suddenly started, and she was familiar with the hints. She picked this discussion for Equinox to guest in her show and she was not disappointed.

She thought that she would need to brief Equinox about Pangea but is shocked that he was more informed than her. Her explorer spirit is suddenly fired up as there was actually someone that knows more about Pandemonium than her. She was offered by other guilds before, but she rejected them because they do not share a bare minimum interest in her passion. Pantheon guild was the first one that caught her attention.

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