Omega Summoner

Chapter 1608 The Bifrost

Chapter 1608 The Bifrost

Frey discussed that the Valkyries are using a special pathway in order to go to other worlds. This pathway was being maintained and monitored by one of the Nordic Gods called Heimdall. It is him that gives any permission to use the special pathway that even the other gods use.

"If he monitors it then will he not be able to detect us if I activate it?" Adrian asked.

"He only monitors those that are using the passage at a specific time as there is a time window that his apprentice switches. Even gods need rest in order to make sure that they do not become energy deficient." Frey stated.

"Oh! I did not think it would be that exciting. I also want to know what the mechanism they use in using that special pathway. I am now excited to go to Asgard if I am not mistaken." Adrian stated.

"We will investigate Asgard first as that is the world that will be the most obvious if they want to bring the Goddess Freyja to. Also, it is not like this world that has restrictions as Asgard is a world where even High Gods could easily maneuver. The gods in Asgard are there with the mortals that are worshipping them as they live with them." Frey stated.

"If that is the case then that would mean that it would not only be gods that are against us but also a whole world. If the Goddess Freyja was indeed taken there and is imprisoned, the citizens will not be on our side and just a mere sight of us will alert the gods. Gods are connected to their believers to some extent and could share sight with them.

If a citizen spots us at a right time when a god is checking the state of their followers, then it will be a disaster. Forget about helping the Goddess Freyja as we would also be captured should they are alerted by our presence. I suppose you have something that could help us which is why you are not worrying like me." Adrian stated as he could see that Frey was not as worried as he was.

"I have this. I got it when I defeated a monster called a Huldra. They are famed for shapeshifting into beautiful women." Frey stated as she took out a bark of a tree.josei


Item Name: Huldra Essence

Item Type: Consumable / Material


-  A small piece being ingested will transform the user into a very alluring and seductive female of the world. 

-  The transformation will last for a day even if only a small nibble has been taken.

-  You will also generate a cow's tail once the Huldra Essence is ingested. You must hide the cow's tail as other people seeing it would disable the transformative illusion that you have on.

Description: The essence of a Huldra is a special material that can give the ingester the same abilities as the species for a day. The Huldra can disguise themselves as young women to walk in the world of men. The power of their illusion is only broken if someone sees their tail. They visit communities in order to lure young, unmarried men into the forest where they are kept as slaves, lovers, or sometimes the Huldra will suck the life out of them. If one of their victims is set free or escapes, they will forever live with the temptation to return to their captor.


"The illusion is so powerful that it even worked on the God Thor. Granted that he is a muscle head at times, but he is very resistant to magic. As long as we do not go face to face with any gods then we will be able to move freely in Asgard." Frey stated and Adrian agreed.

The two then moved to the location of the special pathway that Frey has mentioned. The location of the special pathway called the Bifrost is at a cliff where one can see the sun rising in the northern continent. Adrian also felt something strange in the location when he arrived as he felt that the laws of time and space are rather lighter in this location.

Frey casted fire magic and cleared the snow that piled up and revealed a large magic circle. The large magic circle was carved into a stone and metal alloy that is engraved on the cliff itself. Adrian is amazed as the runes that was used in this magic circle are not used in this world.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Interesting. It is so bold yet intricate at the same time. Whoever created this magic circle has subtle knowledge about time and space. You can also see the ways to activate it here. It was not made just for the use of one person but can be used by anyone that could decipher its meaning." Adrian stated.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Frey learned a lot from her time with Adrian about Pandemonium and about him as well. She is amazed that he could deduce things like runes in such a fast way that puts any of the gods that deciphered the magic circle to shame. She was about to tell him how to activate it, but he already found out how.

"No wonder there should be someone that needs to keep an eye on it. Invading Asgard would be very easy if they are able to decipher the magic circle like you did." Frey stated.

"It is not easy even for me as there are things that I cannot read unless I get a full guide on these runes. You said that there are nine worlds connected using this special pathway but there are ten here if I am not mistaken. The tenth one cannot be read though which means someone deliberately made sure that the tenth world will not be accessed." Adrian stated.

"I see but that is not what we are here for. There time for the switch happens at every sunrise. Heimdall will stop monitoring and diffuse his energy that is connected to the Bifrost for five minutes. We have that amount of time to enter and hopefully go to Asgard undetected." Frey stated as it was still dark outside, and they need to wait two more hours till sunrise.

"Noted on that. We still have two hours so make sure we are prepared." Adrian stated but he just went back to deciphering the magic circle as he might be able to make something like this.

Adrian thought that this could be something like an automated portal that could lead to Avalon. It would also decrease the workload of Daemos Corps as they are the ones teleporting the flightless individuals to Avalon. Frey did not bother Adrian much as she could see that he was very engrossed.

She also made sure that they are not being tracked as the God Loki might not only be the god that has descended. Frey also remembered that the Goddess Freyja also had a twin brother called Freyr that dotes on her. She wants to know if the God Freyr knows what state the Goddess Freyja is in.

"Frey?! Are you fine?" Adrian asked as he waved his hands in front of Frey.

"Sorry! I was deep in thought." Frey stated as she snapped out of her thought as the situation started to sink in as the time is almost upon them.

Frey gave Adrian a small chip off the Huldra Essence as they need to transform first before heading to Asgard. Adrian ingested the small chip that looked like tree bark and suddenly became a woman that looked like she lived in Frost Landing. Frey did so as well, and her appearance changed as well but the thing that they noticed was the cow tail that they had.

"She looked better before. What am I thinking?!" Adrian thought as Frey's appearance was vastly different than her real one. She still looked beautiful, but Adrian preferred what she looked like before.

"Hide the tail." Frey warned as they must hide the tail to make sure the transformative illusion does not break.

"Done. Are you ready?" Adrian asked as the sun started to rise since sunlight started to pierce the dark sky.

"I am ready." Frey answered.

"I am starting the Bifrost then. Let us hope that we will not be detected prematurely." Adrian stated as he poured mana into the magic circle.

As soon as Adrian poured mana in the magic circle and directed it to the runes where it says Asgard, lights suddenly poured down from the sky. A rainbow road could be seen made by the lights as this was the Bifrost. The special pathway immediately transferred the two as they vanished from the location.

Frey and Adrian had to hold hands because the pressure that bared on them was immense. The pressure was immense but that did not mean they could not see the pathway that they were using as they were bathe in rainbow colored lights. 

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