Omega Summoner

Chapter 1612 Search For The Valkyries III

Chapter 1612 Search For The Valkyries III

Frey headed to a location where she regularly gets information from. Just because society is being controlled by the gods does not mean there are no places that can get secret information. She headed to a shed where flowers are being sold and arranged.

The owner of this shed is none other than a Valkyrie as well, but she was not active like the others. She is also quite old looking but she was still beautiful despite a few wrinkles in her face. Frey thought that she would be the only one there but is surprised that a man was there.

Frey stood quietly as she actually found that the man is rather familiar despite this being the first time that she saw him. There was something oddly familiar with his presence as if it was incredibly familiar with her. Frey was not the only one that found the man familiar as the latter also looked at Frey as if he knew her.

"Sister, is that you?" The man stated which shocked Frey.

"I am sorry, but you have the wrong individual. I am not your sister that you are looking for." Frey stated as she thought that her current form might have looked like the sister of the man.

"Frey, Is that you?" The old Valkyrie asked as she felt the same presence as a Valkyrie.

Valkyries can sense the energy of another Valkyrie as long as they are near or have visual sight of them. The old Valkyrie immediately knew that it was Frey despite the disguise. Frey thought that her disguise is compromised and tried to make the man fall asleep but could not move.

"Apologies for the rude behavior of my sister, God Freyr." The old Valkyrie stated.

Frey is shocked upon seeing that the man before him was the God Freyr. The man before him did not even have golden locks of hair but had dark colored hair instead. He also looked incredibly haggard and not the ray of sunshine that the God Freyr always exudes.

"I apologize for not knowing your identity, God Freyr." Frey stated as she was released from her bindings and bowed down to the man before her.

"Did anyone follow you here? How were you able to come here when the Bifrost is heavily guarded?" The God Freyr asked Frey as he already knew her since he has met all of the Valkyries.josei

  "I did not come alone as I asked for the aid of my friend who is a demon. He was the one that activated the Bifrost which is why I was able to come to Asgard." Frey stated.

"Is that true?" The God Freyr asked in shock as he immediately created a soundproof space for them in the house.I think you should take a look at

"Can someone fill me in on what is happening?" Frey asked as she was suddenly confused because the God Freyr was in their secret information hideout.

  The old Valkyrie then told Frey the summary of what is happening right now. Their sisters, the other Valkyries, cannot be contacted while their patron goddess is imprisoned. The old Valkyrie herself is not even going to the city proper in fear that she would be captured which is why she does not know the state of her sisters.

"Where is the Goddess Freyja imprisoned then?" Frey asked as she could not detect the Goddess Freyja in Asgard.

"She was transferred to Niflheim a few days ago without my knowledge. Loki has been parading his power and authority now that Odin is sleeping. I could not even visit her because all the Bifrost paths are told to reject my authority." The God Freyr stated as he tried to save his sister from imprisonment.

The reason why the God Freyr is not being imprisoned and punished just like his sister is that he is connected to the agriculture of Asgard. If he gets weakened, then all of the crops in Asgard will perish. He is the only god of life that is sustaining the life of all food in Asgard which is why he is only banned to leave the world.

"They even seized Gullinbursti to make sure that I will not make a riot and leave Asgard." The God Freyr stated as his trusted mount was taken away from him as well.

Frey and the old Valkyrie is shocked because Gullinbursti is the God Freyr's best friend. They now know why the bright sun is not shining in Asgard these days because the warm sunlight is affected by the God Freyr's mood. The crops being substandard might also been the effect of the God Freyr not being the ball of sunshine that he is.

Frey suddenly received a message from Adrian detailing that the Valkyries are imprisoned somewhere in Asgard. She immediately told this information to the old Valkyrie and the God Freyr. She thought that the Goddess Freyja would be imprisoned in Asgard as her offense might not be major, but she was sent to Niflheim to be imprisoned.

Only the worst criminals in Asgard are imprisoned in Niflheim and they do not even last a month there due to the harsh weather. It is a place where even gods will bite the dust if they get hit by the intense cold. The God Freyr has been looking for a way to save his sister from the torment of the God Loki.

"I can look for the other Valkyries and find out where they are imprisoned but you would need to help me as well. In particular, I need the help of that demon friend of yours to get my sister out of Niflheim." The God Freyr stated.

"I shall inform him of our plans right away. He will gladly aid us in helping the Goddess Freyja and our sisters." Frey stated as she told Adrian that they must meet.

"We shall return to this location after one day. I need that amount of time to look for the location where the other Valkyries are imprisoned. They would definitely be helpful in saving my sister." The God Freyr stated as he vanished from his location.

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