Omega Summoner

Chapter 1623 Odin’s Descent III

Chapter 1623 Odin’s Descent III

Chapter 1623 Odin’s Descent III

A few moments before the situation where Adrian vanished…

Adrian already knew that he will not be able to land a killing blow on either of the two enemy gods unless he makes himself easy to target. He knew that the God Loki would want to kill him first as the enmity between them is at its peak. He needed to cerate a chance where he would be vulnerable to any tricks and deceptions.

Since Sirius' domain is still active, Adrian knew that he could still use the effects of the illusion as long as he perfectly timed it. He started by activating the Nether Domain to make it look like he is giving his all. He then summoned Dodu at its smallest possible form and immediately swapped with his scythe weapon.

Adrian then commanded Sirius to make concentrate the illusion of everyone inside of Charon's defensive sphere. This is where the swapped happened instantly as Adrian activated Universal Threat and had Dodu transform into him. He also made it look like they are having a difficult time defending themselves against the attacks while he is at it.

Adrian made sure that even his own allies will not know what he did to make sure that the plan is fool proof. After all, one needs to also fool their allies for such a risky plan to succeed. If his allies knew what he was planning, then they would have acted differently.

Adrian did not expect that the God Loki would immediately take the bait. He thought that he needed to make Dodu look even more vulnerable, but it seems that the blood rushed too much into the God Loki's head. The God Loki stabbed Dodu in the chest where Adrian's core should be located.

[Your soulbound, Dodu, has been dealt with catastrophic damage.]

[Dodu's health has been reduced by 50%.]

[Dodu was not stunned by the drastic loss of health due to its racial characteristics.]

Adrian is a bit stunned because Dodu is immune to physical damage unless its opponents have skills that could negate that. The fact that a large chunk of Dodu's massive health was removed means that blow could kill Adrian should it connect. There were also traces of poison in the short swords which means that if the attack did not kill you then the poison definitely will.

Adrian then told Dodu to act like it was dealt a powerful blow. Dodu took Adrian's memories of 'acting' and pretended to fall down on the ground like a lifeless corpse. The God Loki rejoiced upon seeing Adrian's lifeless body (Dodu) that he made an error in his own surroundings by not making sure that everything is safe.

Adrian's scythe hit the God Loki's body or so he thought because a shield made of ice suddenly manifested in front of the latter. The shield was made of ice, and it shattered upon being hit by Adrian's skill called Universal Threat. The God Loki was shocked upon seeing his Mythical Tier Relic shatter like glass, but he did not stop to find out why.

The God Loki immediately swap places with the ice clone that he created earlier and managed to escape the follow up attack that Adrian did. The God Loki suddenly felt fear in his heart as that scythe was directed at his very soul. The God Loki already knew that Adrian's weapons are soul level weapons that could destroy the souls of even gods when Nether Energy is applied.

"Tch!" Adrian clicked his tongue as he missed his perfect chance.

Adrian's hands feel numb as a layer of frost could be seen covering it. This was the effect of the ice shield that he destroyed earlier. His hands were stunned for five seconds, and his health was reduced by 10%.

Adrian thought that he had the God Loki, but it seems that he also forgot that he was against a Trickster God. They would definitely be unconventional unlike the other gods that are straightforward in thinking. The rebound of the ice shield also destroyed the mana formation of the scythe armament which is the first time something like that happened.

[Your Primordial Armament: Scythe has been disabled for a moment as the mana structure that is maintaining its form has been frozen.]

[You can use your Primordial Armament: Scythe once more again after ten minutes.]

Adrian actually received an attack that could be labeled as a Soul Shock. It is basically the phenomenon where the abilities of a soul weapon were imbued on a relic. An attack that targets the soul is a very rare ability because it could potentially kill the enemy if they did not have a strong soul.

The fact that Adrian, who has a soul stronger than any ordinary being, was damaged to the extent that his hands were stunned, and scythe armament nulled then that attack could kill a demigod. A Soul Shock that could kill a demigod is no laughing matter as that item would be something a lot of beings would want.

"It could also have been degraded because of the world limitation. It might actually be a Transcendent tier relic. I lost my chance because I was not prepared for that defense." Adrian thought as he knows that the Transcendent tier would only be possible if the world would let High Gods appear and walk freely. josei

"Are you alright?" Frey stated as she poured a healing potion on Adrian's hands as she could see that it was covered with frost.

Frey thought that Adrian was also killed earlier but her brain started to process once more when she saw Adrian materialize behind the God Loki. She could see that the Adrian that was hit by the short sword on the back might have been Dodu. If Adrian was really killed earlier, then he would have transformed into particles of light.

"I am fine, but I missed my chance. Dodu, are you fine?" Adrian stated as his hands started to recover.

"I am fine, master!" Dodu stated in its own cute and childlike voice which was vastly different from Adrian's own voice.


"I told you to be careful, brother. You almost died once more. If your physical body were to die here, then recreating it would be difficult as it would be tainted by the wild magic in Niflheim." The God Odin stated as he checked the state of the God Loki's body.

"I actually saw my life flashing before my eyes. That demon actually possessed an attack that can destroy the Frost Shield of Niflheim. He coated his attack with the disturbing energy that is fluctuating around us. I can no longer attack carelessly brother as it would take a month for the Frost Shield of Niflheim to charge a life-saving stack." The God Loki stated as fear has been planted in his brain.

"Seeing as you were serious, I think I should no longer save any of my strength and kill that demon. He poses a threat that could derail everything that we have worked hard for. I do not mind sacrificing Huginn as I could just create another one when my strength returns." The God Odin stated as the energy from his body started rising.

Adrian and the others suddenly felt the spike of the energy that the God Odin contained. It was no longer an energy level that aligned with the world's restriction. Adrian could even see the world's restriction forcefully trying to stop the God Odin from releasing such strength.

"This is the true… Gungnir!" The God Odin stated as he summoned a gigantic spear that was the size of the moon in the sky.

It is not just Adrian and the others that saw such a horrific scene as even the frost giants that were observing from afar could view the giant spear materializing. Adrian knew that he needed to transport everyone out of this world now or else they will die because that spear is pointed directly towards them. The Goddess Freyja and the God Freyr tried to do what the God Odin did, but they were not strong enough to go against the world's restriction.

"Sisters! It has been nice knowing all of you. Frey! Make sure to live and create new sisters to be with you." Brunhild stated as she knew that even they cannot defend against such an attack and accepted their fates.

"Chaos Pierrot Form!" Adrian stated in a tone that could be described as not amused.

Adrian's soulbound suddenly returned back to his soul chambers while both nether energy and aether energy started going wild as it is released from Adrian's body. The nether energy and aether energy then became still and fused within Adrian's body. He revealed his Chaos Pierrot form into the world, and it made the whole world tremble.

[The Chaos Pierrot Form is resonating with the users unmatched frustration and resentment.]

[Your Chaos Pierrot Form has gained an additional perk and has been transformed temporarily.]

[You are currently in Chaos Pierrot Form (Havoc).]

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