Omega Summoner

Chapter 1665 Seven Original Sins

Chapter 1665 Seven Original Sins

Chapter 1665 Seven Original Sins

[The rewards have been distributed to all of the participants in the raid.]

[You have received the Devil Dark Stone due to being the highest contributor in the raid.] josei

[You have gained two levels due to your contribution in the raid.]

[Your soulbound, Sirius, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Kanlaon, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Saena, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Charon, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Dodu, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Kimat, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Wisteria, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Kenos, has leveled up.]

Adrian did not only get the highest reward but also got levels. It was not only him that leveled up but also his soulbounds. He would have celebrated there but the devil, Beelzebub, has still not left the area as he looked at Ark with interest.

[The devil, Beelzebub, has gained increased interest in you.]

Adrian thought that it was only Ark that gained the increased interest from the Beelzebub, but he was mistaken. Beelzebub could be seen looking at Adrian with increasing interest because the latter was able to summon him in Hell. Adrian did not think much about summoning the devil that he was able to summon before, but he is now partially regretting it.

Adrian summoned Beelzebub earlier before when the Great Duke of Hell Aym appeared. He got a prompt that told him that he was able to successfully summon Beelzebub, but the latter was only shown for a brief second before vanishing. Adrian thought that he was ignored as devils could ignore summoning's if they wish to.

What Adrian did not know is that Beelzebub became an observer which even he did not notice. Beelzebub did not interfere and observe what the Great Duke of Hell Aym would do. When Beelzebub found out what the Great Duke of Hell Aym had done, he immediately vanished from his observer location.


A while after the Great Duke of Hell Aym regained his consciousness to his real body, Beelzebub looked at the duke of hell with great contempt. Beelzebub did not look like he was angry, but his entire demeanor shifted. The Great Duke of Hell Aym started to prostate towards the Beelzebub as he was caught in the act of the strictest devil in Hell.

There are seven devils that one should never cross in Hell as they were the original ones that are called the Seven Original Sins. Each of the seven devils were once part of the highest order of angels but they willingly fell from the grace of the Goddess of Light Luminaria.

The Seven Original Sins did not have territory in Hell because they were the ones that created Hell in the first place. All seven of them created Hell using their own powers when they rose to divinity. They are also special beings in Hell because they do not need to create a body double to act independently.

The Seven Original Sins reside in parts of Hell that even devils do not dare to go. The Seven Original Sins are just minding their own business as Hell itself is their divine realm and they rather not be bothered by the Gods of Light that are under the Goddess Luminaria. They are also incredibly powerful devil gods that even the other seventy-two devil gods fear.

Each of the Seven Original Sins have different attitudes when it comes to Hell. The first of the Original Sins, Lucifer, was a being that just liked to not bother too much on his surroundings, but he will blow anyone away if they bother him. He is also the de facto leader of the group since their real leader has already died.

The second of the Seven Original Sins, Mammon, is a being that cares only for everything in his territory. He will claim anything or even any being that comes to his territory which is why even devils never go to his area. He is also an incredibly petty devil god that will not let you go if he likes something that you have.

The third of the Seven Original Sins, Asmodeus, is a bit different as one does not know if they are a man or a woman which is why the devils refer to the third devil god as They. This is often not used because those that have interacted with Asmodeus would often hear the devil god refer to they as him or her depending on their current form.

The fourth of the Seven Original Sins, Leviathan, is a monstrous individual that actually resides in a part of Hell that seems to be water. It is usually referred to as a monster instead of a humanoid being as the devils that saw it could only describe it as such. Leviathan is discontented with everything around it which is why it is often in an aggressive state.

The fifth of the Seven Original Sins, Beelzebub, is a strict individual that actually oversees the stability of Hell since Lucifer cannot be bothered to do it. He is the most mysterious of the Seven Original Sins as he is often seen only when devils would attempt to break the stability of Hell. What the devils do not know is that Beelzebub likes to wander the main world via summoning magic as it lets him feed on mana.

The sixth of the Seven Original Sins, Satan, is actually quite the deceiver as she often appears as a humanoid man rather than her real form. She is said to have been the half sister of the Goddess Tiamat as she looked like a devil dragon hybrid. She is also quick to anger which is why anyone that sees her would walk on eggshells so that they do not get disintegrated.

The seventh of the Seven Original Sins, Belphegor, is the vainest of all of them as she regards herself as beautiful even without exerting much effort. She takes on the form of a beautiful woman that could even make goddesses be jealous of her. Her real form is actually quite different as she is really an incredibly fat devil goddess.

The Great Duke of Hell Aym could only pray that Beelzebub does not punish him. He never thought that he would get caught as he has also fooled his devil god counterpart. Beelzebub could only look at contempt towards the Great Duke of Hell Aym as the Seven Original Sins have a pact that they should not extinguish direct counterparts of Devil Gods.

"Seeing as you already know of your betrayal, I shall let you experience the sensation of what the Dragon of Apocalypse is experiencing as well." Beelzebub stated as he snapped his fingers.

When Beelzebub snapped his fingers, a large mouth suddenly opened beneath the Great Duke of Hell Aym. The Great Duke of Hell Aym tried to claw his way out and even use his ability to fly but gravity was against him. He could not stop what is about to come as he has already been sentenced by Beelzebub.

"Please! Spare me!" The Great Duke of Hell Aym stated.

"Do not worry because you will not get killed. Reflect on your wrong doings for two years and come talk to me again." Beelzebub stated as he snapped his fingers to make the mouth close up and swallowing the Great Duke of Hell Aym.

"Now onto the ugly bug that has been awakened." Beelzebub stated as he left the Great Duke of Hell Aym's territory.

Upon Beelzebub leaving, the throne that the Great Duke of Hell Aym was sitting on started to freeze in ice. In just a few seconds, the throne was now encased in such a thick ice that fire could not even melt it. The ice soon spread throughout the 19th Devil Kingdom became frozen.

[The 19th Kingdom of Hell has frozen over.]

[No Devil Nobility can claim the throne while it is in this state.]

[Hell Frost will only thaw after two years.]

All the devils in the territory are shocked upon seeing their own kingdom that was hot become a frozen utopia. All of the devils immediately knew that their ruler, the Great Duke of Hell Aym, has incurred the wrath of one of the Seven Original Devils. This meant that no devil nobility will be produced in the territory for two years as punishment.

The only good side to the 19th Devil Kingdome freezing over is that they will not be attacked by other devil kingdoms. A devil kingdom without its ruler is usually a big target for other devil nobility. Still, this meant that every devil in the 19th Devil Kingdom must fend for themselves as they have no ruler for two years.

Beelzebub did not care that numerous devils would be in trouble for what he did. He could care less as he was the ultimate ruler or rather one of the ultimate rulers of Hell. He is one of the Seven Original Sins or rather also called the Seven Selfish Ones.

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