Omega Summoner

Chapter 168 - Fruitful Rewards And Upgrade

Chapter 168 - Fruitful Rewards And Upgrade

"I think that is all the things that I want." Adrian stated to which Mariposa was surprised.

"Why not take a few more? Or take the blueprint for the armor set?" Mariposa asked.

"I am not a blacksmith so that is not useful for me plus it looks like the materials for that armor set is scarce. I already took what I want anyways. The rest are yours." Adrian stated.

"I see. If you say so then I will not force you but at least take half of the total dropped money from the raid." Mariposa stated as she gave Adrian a thousand gold coins.

Adrian expressed his gratefulness for Mariposa's generosity. He already got a legendary items from this raid and even several epic items. In Adrian's eyes, this raid was not just a complete success but a festival because of the number of items he received.

Normally, one person getting two or more items would be called favoritism but Adrian deserved it for this one. Adrian said his goodbye's to Mariposa and the others as he would be busy for the succeeding missions. He still had to retrieve two more crown fragments of the undead king.

"Thank you for allowing me to participate in this raid. If you need me then please do not be shy to ask for my help. If I am not in an important mission then I will help you guys regardless. You guys have given me lots of rewards for this raid. Thank you!" Adrian stated as waved each of the remaining raid party members goodbye.

"Take care and call us if you need help again." Mariposa replied.

"Do not hesitate to call this Big Sister. I will always reply." Cersei teasingly said.

Adrian then left the party and was automatically transferred out of the raid. He walked towards the spatial fracture that led towards the Paradox Plane. He wanted to upgrade his current growth type items with the harvest he made from the dungeon. Adrian sealed Kanlaon and Saena because they looked tired and needed rest.

Adrian was about to step inside the spatial fracture when a candle shot out from his inventory. At first Adrian was alarmed because he thought it was an attack but no one was around. Adrian was about to lower his guard but then he remembered what that candle was for.

The Goddess of Night gave Adrian this candle to warn him that her former envoy that betrayed her was near. Adrian suddenly looked around but no one was there. Sweat suddenly trickled from Adrian's face as he knows that the enemy was near.

Adrian was about to look behind him but claws made of shadows suddenly pierced his body. He did not even have time to react as the attack happened so fast. Luckily, the lifesaving talisman activated and Adrian was left with one health from the attack.

Adrian decided to jump towards the spatial fracture instead of seeing the form of his aggressor. Another attack would trigger his revive but most importantly, his Glamour wore off and he was now in his full demon form. If the Evergreen members or any other player were to see him now then his hiding will be all for naught.

Adrian grabbed the candle and jumped inside the spatial fracture. He did try to turn to look at the former envoy of the goddess of night but all he saw was a porcelain mask. More specifically, the body was made of shadows and the porcelain mask was the only feature of the body that could be distinguished.

Adrian took a mental note on where he encountered the former envoy as he will challenge it when he is strong enough. The former envoy was strong as it immediately brought Adrian to one health. It might have been a skill but nevertheless, one must not be careless a second time to avoid danger. He was lucky this time that the talisman saved him.

Adrian put his middle finger up before he completely vanished from the view of the former envoy. The former envoy of the goddess of night tried to strike at Adrian once more but he already vanished.


Adrian appeared in the Paradox Planes and looked at this body if he was damaged once again. He sighed with relief when he saw that his body was intact and his health regenerating. He was now level 100 so his new stats have been adjusted. He wanted to check it out but his new skills and upgrading his items took priority.

Adrian observed from his previous dungeon raid that his rare rated growth items cannot catch up anymore to high leveled dungeons. Plus dungeons in the range of above a hundred normally drop 1 or two epic tier items. Adrian opened the two epic treasure chests that he received.

The items that he got were both epic rated which was an epic rated sword and an epic rated heavy armor. He cannot use both but he can feed it to his growth items so that it evolves to next rank. Adrian also combine the Gem of Earth with the Gem of Water giving a big boost to his armor. His demi-gauntlets are now much more domineering weapon than before. His weapon could compete in damage with level 150 weapons.

Item: Twilight Demi-Gauntlets (Growth Type) (Character Bound)

Tier: Epic (Upgradable) (can be upgraded by assimilating better weapons)

Type: Summoner Weapon


A Soul Glove destined to be worn by the Champion of the Twin Gods. It was forged by the God Arts and Craft, Haephaesto, at the request of the Twin Gods.


- Intelligence +50

- Strength+40

- Dexterity+40

- Agility+40

- Soulbounds summoned get 10% damage buff

- 2% of the damage dealt by Soulbounds will heal the summoner

- Damage Modifier: 750


1. Rune of Explosive Force

2. Transforming Rune

3. Empty

4. Empty

5. Empty

Item: Asmodian Battle Uniform (Growth Type) (Character Bound)

Tier: Epic

Type: Light Armor (Upgradeable) (can be upgraded by assimilating better weapons)

Effect: Physical Damage Reduction- 25%

Magical Damage Reduction-25%


HP Regen+100%

Water Damage Resistance + 10%

Earth Damage Resistance + 10%

Slots: 1. Gem of Water and Earth

2. Empty

3. Empty

Adrian now looked cooler than before. His demi-gauntlets are now releasing specs of dark light whenever he moves them. It looked like black pixie dust while his armor changed greatly. The asmodian battle suit now has white and golden lines that made it more regal looking. Adrian looked like a demon prince due to his armor's new look.

"The only thing missing is a cloak and a headpiece then I am all good in terms of items." Adrian murmured and then faced the sad reality.

Adrian was ecstatic with the power he was given from the upgrades but drop down on the ground due to the upgrade requirements for his weapon and armor. The upgrade requirements for his weapon and armor was ten legendary rated weapons and armor. He was basically crying while looking defeated. The other daemos are already used to this scene so they do not bother asking Adrian what was wrong.

"My future wallet. I should have gotten more from the loot pile if I knew it would double. This game Is unfair. You cash grab game company!" Adrian cursed to the wind. He then returned to being happy again a few minutes later.

Adrian was very happy with the new stats that he received. Players level 100 and above gain five stat points per level. Adrian gains ten due to his double stat point passive that every Daemos has. The stats gained per numerical stat value also increased. One point in Vitality now gives 100 health while one point in Intelligence gives 50 mana. This rise in stat gain is the reason why there is a big barrier for high leveled players and low leveled players.

Name: Equinox

Race: Daemos(Half Asmodian)

Species: Netheros (Greater Demon)

Title: Champion of the Twin Gods, Undead Killer(Expand)

Job: Soul Summoner

Sub Job: Scribe (Beginner)

LVL: 100

Exp: 15.7%/100%

HP: 22,500 / 22,500

MP: 15,750 / 15,750

VIT: 220+5

STR: 220+85

INT: 265+50

AGI: 210+40

DEX: 215+45

END: 209 + 20

Available Stat points: 0

Hidden Stat: Luck +10 Wisdom +30 Persistence +1

Adrian could also not wait for all his soulbounds to reach level 100 because they would be more powerful than before. He then remembered to check the item that Kanlaon took from the bottom of the lava pool. It was a red orb that was pulsating heat and just by touching it, Adrian could feel the warmth it brings.

Item: Orb of True Fire

Tier: Legendary

Type: Weapon / Material

Effect: All fire type abilities or skills will be boosted by 30%.

Description: Not much is known about this orb or how they are made. It is rarely seen in the outside world because fire type monsters eat this treasure to evolve and gain stronger fire type abilities. Some theorized that it was naturally made by the world or that it is the goddess of fire's tears that she shed during the War of the Gods.

"I cannot use this." Adrian said with a pout.


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