Omega Summoner

Chapter 1686 Start of the Hell Gate Defense

Chapter 1686 Start of the Hell Gate Defense

Chapter 1686 Start of the Hell Gate Defense

A large floating castle could be seen coming from the north as it was now spotted getting near the area where the Hell Gate was located. This floating castle was moving using the light element. It has been a hot topic as it was first seen at the northern part of the central continent.

The floating castle could me be seen created sing a pure white marble as it reflects the light coming from the sun. It was not just the floating castle that could be seen but also a huge number of angels. The angels that are flying could be seen wearing armor as if they are going to war.

News of the movement of the floating castle has already reached those that were at the Hell Gate. It was not just the angels that were moving as players also moved as well. If there were players on the side of the devils, then there were also those that are on the side of the angels.

A part of the Church of Light also moved as an army of paladins and priests could be seen marching along the floating castle. The angels were regarded as powerful beings that were created by the Goddess of Light Luminaria which is why they were revered. All the people that were praying to the Goddess of Light Luminaria could also be seen praying when the floating castle passes by their area.

"Which side do you think will win?" One of the players that were marching with the Church of Light asked.

"Is it not obvious that we will because we are the good guys!" The player next to him stated.

The players that are on the side of the Church of Light are those that have either want to get great contribution or those that do not care for the lore. A lot of the players only participated because the reward was a whopping ten thousand contribution points to the Church of Light. With that large amount of contribution points, players could gain a one-time entry into the Treasury of the Church of Light and get an item of their choice.

"In any type of story, the angels always win against the devils. We will surely win because we even have an entire legion of angels with us. There is even one of the Seven Lights commanding that angelic legion which means we will win." Another player added.

"Weren't those stories incredibly bias because you know what. This is Pandemonium and not the real world. Maybe I should have thought this more thoroughly." The player that initially asked stated as he is starting to have doubts.

"The objective is to destroy the Hell Gate which means we will win as long as we destroy that. We do not have to wipe out the enemy team in order to win." Another player assured.

"We also have top guilds that are participating so this could be a chance for you to get scouted if you do well." One of the players stated as they could see banners of powerful guilds raised as they marched.

Ordinary players that do not have the means of gathering information did not know that they would also be against other top guilds that were actively training in Hell. The top guilds on the side of the angels knew of this which is why they were a bit hesitant at first but then they saw that the other side did not have someone powerful.

All the people on the devil's side were those that are most players and little to no devil nobility. It seems that there was some sort of restriction as to why devil nobility cannot get out of Hell. This made the top guilds on the angel's side to believe that destroying the Hell Gate was much easier to accomplish. josei

The top guilds on the angel's side agreed that they should work together to destroy the Hell Gate. All of them researched on ways to destroy a magically constructed gate. This was the core of their tactic as they would win as long as they destroy the Hell Gate. They did not care if they cannot kill famous players from the devil side as they only care about completing the mission.

The angels also did not care much of their human army as they were only gathered to show off that the angels are fighting for humanity. They were merely a tool for propaganda and also pawns that can be disposed. They would have some use as there seems to be humans on the side of the devils as well.

"Great Beauty Jophiel, we are almost there at the destination. Should I notify the humans below us to do some reconnaissance? They are very good at doing tasks fit for bugs after all." One of the angels attending the six-winged angel Jophiel stated.

"Do that as I do not want to waste my beauty on commanding them what to do. It is better for those lower beings to command themselves or else it might tarnish my great beauty." Jophiel stated as they suddenly turned into the image of a beautiful woman with golden hair.

"As your great beauty wishes!" The angel attendant stated as she flew away from the floating castle to deliver the orders to the humans below.


"They are almost here. It would only take a day before the floating castle is upon us." Solstice stated as she was gathering the guild on Adrian's command.

Even though Levin Cloud was the vice guild leader of the Pantheon Guild. Solstice was more the second in command when it comes to situations such as warfare. Some of the guild members even thought that she was actually a real soldier that plays Pandemonium on her free time. In fact, the Pantheon guild does have a member that was an active soldier in real life, and he is terrorized by Solstice since she reminds him of his superiors.

"All the guild members are here and accounted for. Only the guild leader is nowhere to be found though." Solstice muttered.

"Sorry! I am late because it took quite some time for Kimat to absorb the item he needed for evolution." Adrian stated as he suddenly materialized from Solstice' shadow which she also almost screamed in shock.

"Why not hover towards us next time and not through the shadows. You almost scared the living daylights out of me." Levin Cloud stated as he was beside Solstice when that happened.

"I had to do that because the other side is extremely packed and had a long line. The only way to get out was to sneak out via the Shadow Realm." Adrian stated as he greeted all of the guild members.

"We would need to move to a more secure location in order to talk about the next details. There are too many eyes here that can spy on us." Solstice stated as she has already sensed the gazes that the other guilds were giving them from earlier.

Some of the gazes were of awe, some were of relief, some were hostile while some were neutral. It was not just Solstice that felt the gazes as all members of the Pantheon guild could feel it. The guild emblem that they have is also the most unique as they were the only ones to have the Tree of Life and Death as their emblem.

"Why didn't you guys go and enter the guild house then?" Adrian asked as he was puzzled on why his guild members were waiting for him outside of the Hell Gate.

"We are not in Avalon. We cannot enter the guild house." Levin Cloud stated.

"Did you guys not read the instructions that I sent about the guild house?" Adrian asked and all of them looked away since it was a ten-page instruction booklet.

"We read the summary." Creepysoo stated with a smile and the other nodded as well.

"Seriously… you guys… I will do it then." Adrian stated as he took out something from his inventory.

Adrian took out a pedestal from his own inventory which his other guild members could distinguish since those were present when you enter the guild house. When a guild is about to go to war or defend against a siege, they would be given a special area where they can set as a save zone. These save zones are areas where they respawn should they die in battle.

This save zone is also a place where they could recover much more quickly. Adrian placed the pedestal in the save zone designated for their guild and raised his guild house emblem. The emblem glowed as the pedestal suddenly created a portal on top of that pedestal which shocked not only the guild members but the others that were observing as well.

[You have created a connection to your guild house via the save zone.]

[You can only use this feature when your save zone is not under attack, or the start of the defense has yet to be called.]

"Let us go to the guild house." Adrian stated as he was sucked inside of the portal.

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